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    U.S 結果共494筆

  • 70 percent will fight if China attacks, study shows

    A paper published by the Washington-based think tank Global Taiwanese Institute reveals findings of mainstream public opinion on Taiwanese defense. The paper, titled "Conversations with the Taiwanese about Taiwan’s Defense," shows that 70 percent of Taiwanese are willing to fight in the event of a Chinese invasion, while 20 percent would leave and 10 percent would choose to surrender. The results are based on conversations conducted by Taiwanese-American U.S. Air Force captain Jimmy Chien during his six-week stay in Taiwan, which included discussions with university students and retirees. Chien’s research challenges the perception that increased military strength and pressure from China could lead to military action, as most Taiwanese do not consider this a likely scenario. He argues that Taiwanese people believe China must first address its domestic affairs before resorting to force against Taiwan. Chien also notes that Taiwanese people are aware that the U.S. military is unlikely to deploy troops in the event of a war, and therefore hope to receive non-combat aid, such as supplies and maintenance, from the U.S. as a show of support in battling enemy forces.
    2023/11/06 19:32
  • U.S. destroyer, Canadian frigate sail through Taiwan Strait

    The story reports that the U.S. destroyer USS Rafael Peralta and the Royal Canadian Navy frigate HMCS Ottawa sailed through the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense stated that the country’s armed forces maintained control of the maritime and aerial dynamics during the transit. The ministry also revealed that it detected 13 Chinese aircraft and eight mainland ships conducting activities around Taiwanese waters. Five Chinese aircraft entered the southwest Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), prompting a response from Taiwan’s armed forces using combat air patrol aircraft, navy vessels, and land-based missile systems.
    2023/11/03 21:17
  • Hsiao Bi-khim considered top running mate for DPP’s Lai

    DPP legislator Kuo Kuo-wen suggests that Representative to the U.S. Hsiao Bi-khim’s high societal recognition is a key factor in her being considered as a potential running mate for DPP presidential hopeful Lai Ching-te. Lai himself has mentioned that he has multiple candidates in mind for the vice-presidential position, with six individuals recommended by different sectors. While Lai did not explicitly confirm Hsiao as the top candidate, he did imply it.
    2023/11/02 20:31
  • Taiwan closely monitoring Biden-Xi Meeting in San Francisco

    As President Biden and Xi Jinping gear up for a San Francisco meet in November, Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu highlights the island’s vigilant observation. Additionally, prospects of a Biden-Chang meeting during the APEC summit are in discussion.
    2023/11/02 17:59
  • Scholars weigh in on global semiconductor security

    Explore the complex dynamics surrounding the semiconductor industry as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) expands to the U.S. Scholars Larry Diamond and Orville Schell discuss the implications in their book "Silicon Triangle: The United States, Taiwan, China, and Global Semiconductor Security," examining U.S., Taiwan, and China relations, as well as upcoming Taiwanese elections.
    2023/11/01 19:08
  • Taipei Mayor calls for historical transparency

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an, a descendant of the Chiang family, supports the complete public disclosure of information related to former President Chiang Kai-shek’s era. He has read parts of Chiang’s diary from when he was in the U.S. The Academia Historica recently released a book containing returned Chiang-era documents. Mayor Chiang hopes that the publication of Chiang’s diaries will provide a comprehensive understanding of history.
    2023/10/31 18:17
  • Stimson Center predicts result of US-China war over Taiwan

    A potential war between the United States and Beijing over Taiwan could result in crippling losses for both sides, warns the Stimson Center. The article, titled "Is a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan the Most Likely Scenario?" highlights that a unilateral declaration of independence by Taiwan might trigger ground and aerial assaults from Beijing. A military simulation by the Center for Strategic and International Studies showed that a joint defense effort from the U.S., Japan, and Taiwan could repel a Chinese invasion but at devastating costs, including the loss of ships, aircraft, and troops. The war would also impact the U.S.’s global standing, hurt Taiwan’s economy, and potentially destabilize the Chinese Communist Party’s rule. China’s aerial superiority, with a ratio of 1900 to Taiwan’s 300, could result in airstrikes, missile and cyber attacks aimed at decimating Taiwan’s defenses and critical infrastructure. Simulations predict a rapid escalation of war, including potential bombing of U.S. military bases and a reciprocal U.S. attack on Chinese bases and navy. Any concrete steps taken towards official independence by Taiwan could serve as a catalyst prompting Beijing’s decision for forceful unification.
    2023/10/28 18:23
  • Mutual gains in U.S.-Taiwan bilateral investment: Amb. Tong

    Amidst rising tensions between the U.S., China, and Taiwan, Ambassador Kurt Tong of The Asia Group highlights the overlooked yet significant mutual benefits of U.S.-Taiwan trade and investment. Tong urges policymakers and the public to focus on economic opportunities that can lead to long-term profitable relationships between the U.S. and Taiwan.
    2023/10/22 17:30
  • Taiwanese actress Lai Pei-hsia renounces U.S. citizenship

    Taiwanese actress Lai Pei-hsia announces that she has officially obtained her Certificate of Loss of Nationality of the United States, putting an end to the controversy surrounding her U.S. citizenship. After submitting her application to the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and going through the interview process, Lai finally received the certificate.
    2023/10/21 17:52
  • Chinese embassy urges U.S. to stop misinformation

    The Chinese Embassy in the U.S. has called on the United States to stop spreading misinformation and stated that China’s actions are necessary measures. This comes after the United States Department of Defense released videos and photographs showing People’s Liberation Army aircraft approaching and releasing jamming projectiles near U.S. military aircraft. The spokesperson emphasized that U.S. military aircraft conducted 657 close-reconnaissance missions in the South China Sea in 2022.
    2023/10/21 17:50
  • MOFA criticizes Ma Ying-jeou for controversial remarks

    Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Wu, expresses deep regret over former President Ma Ying-jeou’s suggestion that certain U.S. factions are using Taiwan’s semiconductor industry as a weapon, and condemns Ma for aligning himself with Chinese positions. Wu emphasizes the Taiwanese government’s position and the importance of garnering international support in the face of rising cross-strait tensions.
    2023/10/18 17:06
  • Ma Ying-jeou urges global support for cross-strait dialogue

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou spoke at New York University, urging the US and the global community to encourage cross-strait dialogue instead of making Taiwan "the next Ukraine." He disagreed with the suggestion of arming Taiwanese citizens with AK-47s and emphasized the need for the new president to oppose Taiwan’s independence and accept the 1992 Consensus for cross-strait peace.
    2023/10/17 16:16
  • President Tsai reiterates Taiwan’s commitment to peace

    President Tsai Ing-wen meets with a delegation from the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), emphasizing Taiwan’s commitment to not provoke or act rashly amid tense cross-strait relations, and the importance of strengthening relations with the U.S. and other democracies. She highlights Taiwan’s achievements in self-reliant defense, including the development of advanced jet trainers and submarines.
    2023/10/16 16:47
  • Taiwan tests pork for ractopamine after mislabeled incident

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has discovered a food company in Taoyuan City that dishonestly labeled pork from the U.S. as being from Canada. The company claimed that an oversight in modifying shipping invoices led to the mistaken labeling.
    2023/10/16 10:53
  • Taiwan launches 1st domestically produced sub ’Narwhal’

    Taiwan has launched its first domestically produced submarine, the ’Narwhal,’ marking a significant step in strengthening its naval capabilities. The vessel can be equipped with U.S.-made Mk-48 torpedoes, enhancing Taiwan’s direct threat potential against the Chinese navy.
    2023/10/14 12:12
  • Tokyo, UCLA bands join Taiwan’s National Day

    Tokyo and UCLA marching bands unite for Taiwan’s National Day, showcasing a symbol of Taiwan-Japan-U.S. friendship. Enjoy performances and highlights from the ceremony.
    2023/10/10 16:58
  • AI to revolutionize education, says TPP Ko Wen-je

    Taiwan’s political landscape heats up as Chairman Ko Wen-je emphasizes AI in education during his U.S. visit. Other candidates also rally for AI’s role in Taiwan’s growth. Get the latest updates on their plans and priorities.
    2023/10/09 15:07
  • U.S., Japan marching bands join in National Day celebration

    The Tokyo University of Agriculture Second High School "Emerald Knights" visit Taiwan to perform at the National Day celebration. President Tsai Ing-wen treats them to Taiwanese salted crispy chicken and lemon aiyu jelly. They join other marching bands for a joint exchange at the National Performing Arts Center. The Emerald Knights will perform an anime medley during the National Day Celebration. The UCLA Bruins Marching Band also participates, making it the first time a U.S. performance group performs on Taiwan’s National Day stage.
    2023/10/09 14:44
  • 即將服役滿80年 台灣「最資深」海獅號潛艦登美媒粉專

    我國海軍現役的海獅號潛艦,7日突然因為「年齡」,登上美國《海軍協會》(U.S. Naval Institute)粉專。《海軍協會》介紹這艘原先是美軍帶魚號(USS Cutlass)的二戰柴電潛艦,轉售中華民國海軍後,目前仍是現役軍艦之一,根據海軍規劃,海獅號至少會服役到2026年,這也意謂著在2025年,將能迎接它服役80周年,締造各國海軍歷史上的新紀錄。
    2023/10/07 15:50
  • Taichung restaurants bought 16K kg of mislabeled U.S. pork

    The Health Bureau of Taichung City Government has revealed that over 80 restaurants in Taichung city have consumed approximately 16,000 kilograms of U.S. frozen pork. It is suspected that the majority of the meat has already been used up, as the restaurants’ stock is nearly depleted.
    2023/10/06 16:29
  • Tasty pork belly buns make splash in Taiwan despite typhoon

    Discover how Taipei residents braved Typhoon Koinu to enjoy London’s popular pork belly bun pop-up. Learn about the secret to its success and its limited 19-day offering. Explore the unique fusion of traditional Taiwanese flavors and Western tastes with U.S. steak patties and adorable packaging.
    2023/10/05 21:08
  • Taiwan FDA uncovers U.S. pork mislabeling scandal

    The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration has discovered that Hsin Hsing Frozen Food Co. Ltd. in Taoyuan has been selling hotpot pork slices labeled as Canadian but actually contain U.S. pork.
    2023/10/04 19:50
  • Analysts review footage of Taiwan’s domestically built sub

    Taiwan unveils its "Narwhal" submarine, but concerns arise over sail unevenness. The U.S. weighs a commercial deal for combat systems. Experts discuss implications for anti-submarine warfare in the Taiwan Strait. Cross-strait relations and defense strategies evolve.
    2023/10/03 18:02
  • U.S. commits to One China policy: Oudkirk

    The U.S. reaffirms its commitment to the One-China policy, emphasizing its role in maintaining peace, stability, and prosperity for Taiwan and the wider region. The director of the American Institute in Taiwan highlights the benefits of maintaining the status quo and expresses confidence in Taiwan’s presidential candidates.
    2023/10/02 19:13
  • Professor Nye stresses importance of Taiwan’s soft power

    Harvard’s Joseph Nye emphasizes Taiwan’s soft power significance and doubts China’s capability. Insights into Taiwan-US-China relations and strategies.
    2023/09/27 20:25
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