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    Taiwan AI 結果共128筆

  • Terry Gou warns Taiwan risks missing next ’golden 30 years’

    Independent presidential candidate Terry Gou faces internal and external challenges, including petition issues, joint actions by the Kuomintang and Taiwan People’s Party, and poor poll ratings. The future of his campaign is uncertain as his company, Hon Hai’s subsidiary Foxconn, is under investigation by the Chinese Communist Party’s tax department.
    2023/10/27 15:04
  • China’s headhunting of Taiwanese tech talent raises concerns

    Taiwan’s Minister of Economic Affairs emphasizes the importance of key tech industries to the country’s economy and the need to protect them from corporate espionage. The high-tech sector in Taiwan has attracted attention from mainland China, resulting in the headhunting of Taiwanese tech talent. In response, Taiwan amended its National Security Act to impose stricter penalties for theft of business secrets. Additionally, Taiwan’s industrial production index has declined for 16 months, but there are signs of increased demand in the AI industry chain. Despite uncertainties in consumer behavior and global economic recovery, industry feedback suggests potential growth in future quarters.
    2023/10/24 13:55
  • AI shifts but doesn’t rule media landscape: Bruyas

    During a panel discussion at CTeC Asia, Dimitri Bruyas, the head of TVBS World Taiwan, spoke about the pros and cons of using artificial intelligence in journalism. While AI can help streamline tasks like video editing, it can’t replace the nuanced work of human journalists, especially in areas like fact-checking and ethical reporting.
    2023/10/22 17:32
  • AI to revolutionize education, says TPP Ko Wen-je

    Taiwan’s political landscape heats up as Chairman Ko Wen-je emphasizes AI in education during his U.S. visit. Other candidates also rally for AI’s role in Taiwan’s growth. Get the latest updates on their plans and priorities.
    2023/10/09 15:07
  • Taiwan anticipates AI boom after ’AI Godfather’ visit

    Taiwan is abuzz with excitement as "AI Godfather" Jensen Huang’s return is anticipated, sparking a surge in interest in artificial intelligence (AI) and electric vehicle technology. Huang, NVIDIA’s CEO, has refrained from confirming rumors of his return in mid-October for Hon Hai Tech Day 2023.
    2023/10/06 14:17
  • Embrace AI revolution, says Quanta CEO Barry Lam

    Barry Lam, founder and CEO of Quanta, highlighted the importance of embracing AI during a recent address at the Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association’s AI Technology and Application Outlook Forum.
    2023/09/27 20:11
  • AI is Taiwan’s next window of opportunity, says Lai Ching-te

    Vice President Lai Ching-te emphasizes Taiwan’s pivotal role in the global supply chain through AI technology at the 2023 Taiwan AI Academy Annual Conference. Learn more about his insights on AI’s significance and its impact on Taiwan’s future.
    2023/09/15 19:45
  • Taipei utilizes parks, AI systems for flood prevention

    Taiwan’s annual monsoon and typhoon seasons often bring about heavy rain, making flood management a matter of great importance.
    2023/09/05 17:54
  • 就在台灣!年度半導體盛事來了 台積電劉德音等大咖開講

    SEMICON TAIWAN 2023國際半導體展將於明(6)日起一連3天在南港展覽館登場,該次展會吸引10國產業、950家企業,展出3000個展覽攤位,規模再創新高,展現半導體產業持續發展強大動能。此外,台積電董事長劉德音、日月光半導體執行長吳田玉等人,都將在展會期間開講,聚焦產業創新趨勢,也成為半導體產業風向球。
    2023/09/05 17:42
  • Taiwan businesses embrace AI for staff performance reviews

    In addition to guiding employers on matters like salary increases and adjusting team roles, AI can also offer diverse ways to enhance employee engagement in their tasks. 
    2023/08/30 16:22
  • Magistrate urges swift military aid for typhoon-hit Nantou

    Typhoon Khanun leaves a trail of destruction in Nantou County, Taiwan. Magistrate Hsu Shu-hua appeals for urgent military assistance to aid survivors. Learn about the aftermath and relief efforts.
    2023/08/09 16:23
  • Taiwan utilizes AI to cut 5G base station energy consumption

    Taiwan’s 5th-generation network coverage has steadily grown in recent years, driven by the prevalent use of streaming platforms and social media. 
    2023/07/31 20:21
  • Taiwan to bar use of AI in official government documents

    The surge of Generative AI has taken the world by storm, with CHATGPT proving to be a helpful tool for problem-solving and efficiency improvement.
    2023/07/25 17:13
  • HTC Chairwoman confident in future of MR ecosystem

    HTC Chairwoman Cher Wang expressed optimism on Friday (June 16), regarding investment and development in the mixed-reality (MR) ecosystem, and unveiled plans to continue investing in artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), the metaverse, and blockchain.
    2023/06/17 16:24
  • Taiwan’s students aim to learn computer science, engineering

    The increasing integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into our daily lives has sparked a surge of interest in the field of computer science and engineering.
    2023/06/15 18:37
  • Taiwan surprisingly featured in Republicans’ AI-generated ad

    Residents in Taiwan were left surprised on Wednesday (April 26) when an AI-generated video produced by the Republican National Committee (RNC) depicted their country being invaded by China in the event of Joe Biden’s re-election in 2024.
    2023/04/26 14:59
  • TVBS《FOCUS世界新聞》x《天下雜誌》探討台灣AI軍火團

    人工智慧AI熱潮席捲全球,台灣科技廠成為AI伺服器大軍,有其他國家做不到的獨家技術。今(5)日邀請到天下雜誌主編黃亦筠於《FOCUS世界新聞》中,接受主持人李潔線上訪問說明,「在AI伺服器生態系上,台廠掌握的機會有四大塊:系統代工、電源供應器、散熱和載板,舉例來說,今年三月Nvidia年度GTC大會上,Nvidia執行長黃仁勳展示當今速度最快的AI超級電腦,內建是由8顆GPU組成,支援像是ChatGPT這類大型語言模型的運算,而這台超級電腦背後有著『台灣AI軍火團』,是個龐大的AI伺服器生態系,其中伺服器系統代工有鴻海、廣達、英業達、緯穎等工廠,控制AI伺服器電源的高功效電源供應器則是光寶負責,其他關鍵零件像是搭配的載板、散熱模組也都是『Made by Taiwan』。」
    2023/04/05 14:54
  • Taiwan develops AI technology to detect marine waste

    Around 8 million tons of garbage flows into the ocean every year, posing a significant threat to the global environment. To effectively detect marine waste in the sea, National Central University (NCU) has created a drone monitoring technology that can automatically identify the type of waste and track the source of the trash.
    2023/01/30 19:00
  • Taoyuan Metro rolls out multilingual AI anime to man station

    Taiwan’s Taoyuan Metro debuted its first multilingual AI robot to man its station and assist passengers on Monday (Dec. 12).  
    2022/12/13 17:07
  • Demand for used cars soars amid components shortage

    One of Singapore’s largest AI-driven used car platforms recently launched its new service in Taiwan as local demand increases.
    2022/11/17 08:38
  • 威盛雙教育品牌融入AI 獲HolonIQ EdTech 50大教育科技殊榮

    台灣線上教育領導平台「學習吧LearnMode」(以下稱學習吧),疫情期間協助師生遠距教學,提供家長一個完整呈現學習效果、學習歷程的學習平台。學習吧採用威盛研發的AI語音辨識技術,同時也深入教學現場,幫助師生有效運用課程時間,減少教學現場教師一對一聆聽過程,廣受教育界歡迎。今(11)日2022資訊月現場也公布HolonIQ 2022 Taiwan EdTech 50獎項,威盛以兩大教育品牌「學習吧」及結合AI辨識應用與VR人體元宇宙的AI教育品牌「創造栗」獲得評審青睞,入選全台50大科技教育品牌殊榮。
    2022/11/11 16:18
  • Students improve Taiwanese Hokkien skills with AI system

    The most common struggle seen when using a speech recognition system is the machine not being able to identify what is being said. Through continuous optimization, these systems can achieve a higher recognition rate. Such an AI tool can make learning the Chinese, English, and Taiwanese Hokkien languages easier.
    2022/11/04 17:39
  • New Taipei earns US$62K from traffic violation fines

    New Taipei City has earned USD62,230 (NTD2 million) from traffic violations at three different traffic lights in 45 days, thanks to new tech equipment. The same equipment will be installed at 16 more locations across the city in December with the goal of improving the safety of local residents and detecting traffic violations more quickly, according to city authorities.
    2022/11/03 19:14
  • Californian band LANY performs sold out concerts in Taipei

    LANY is the first western band to hold a concert in the country since the start of the pandemic. And it has been five years since the American artists last performed in Taiwan. In an exclusive interview with TVBS, artist Eve Ai made pineapple cakes with LANY, sharing a unique Taiwanese experience with the Californian band.
    2022/11/02 19:49
  • Taiwan schools incorporate AI tools in language teaching

    In this Taiwanese Hokkien class, students learn to read from their textbooks and some new tablets that use AI pronunciation tools to help students learn. After detecting the student’s voices, the AI system can translate and help them improve their Taiwanese Hokkien pronunciation.
    2022/10/28 19:22
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