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    TVBS Focus 結果共1,182筆

  • 總統大選剛結束 美代表團隨即抵台 支持台灣民主選舉結果

    2024/01/16 14:43
  • 陸管制放寬 批准石墨出口給韓電池大廠

    2024/01/16 14:18
  • 淄博燒烤退燒 跟風開店業者負債累累

    大陸近年來有很多爆紅的美食小吃,但熱度卻無法持續,像去年很流行的山東淄博燒烤,現在已經退燒了,當時跟風開店的業者,現在也背負著龐大債務,TVBS北京特派林閔榛今(15日)於《FOCUS國際話題》中,接受主持人葉佳蓉線上訪問說明,「去年上半年山東淄博燒烤爆紅,不少人甚至為此借錢跟風開店,然而熱潮不到一年就退燒,如今已被打回原形,有當時跟風開店的店主是背負一身債務轉賣便當來還債,根據搜狐新聞報導,一名去年四月跟風開燒烤店的小鄭,是當地少數還撐著不願意認賠結束營業的店主,他因為燒烤店的 生意實在是太差了,決定賣便當多少增加一些收入,但他一次出門跑了周邊近百家汽車修理廠賣便當,只賣出十一盒,收入是不到60塊人民幣。」
    2024/01/15 14:36
  • 太空競賽白熱化!美中皆展開登月計畫

    2024/01/12 14:14
  • 再停飛?波音737 MAX艙門飛脫事件 大陸急商討

    波音737 MAX去年底才全數在中國大陸復飛,今年1月5日卻發生阿拉斯加航空一架波音737 MAX 9客機發生內嵌式艙門飛脫意外,再次打擊外界對該款飛機的信心。TVBS北京特派林閔榛今(11日)於《FOCUS世界新聞》中,接受主持人吳安琪線上訪問說明,「根據彭博報導,兩名知情人士透漏,大陸航空監管機構正進行一次緊急會議,考慮對此事件做出回應,包括在大陸停飛波音Max系列的所有飛機,而波音737 MAX是波音最受歡迎和最大收入來源的機種,從2017年5月投入服務以來,已經賣出約1300架,但其安全紀錄近年備受關注,在2018年10月、2019年3月接連發生兩起空難後,大陸民航局在2019年3月11日下令境內同型飛機全數停飛,直到2023年1月13日中國南方航空一班廣州飛往鄭州的班機由波音737 MAX客機執飛,波音737 MAX才終於在大陸恢復運營。」
    2024/01/11 15:08
  • 富士康河南新成立公司 進軍電動車產業

    富士康持續在電動車產業布局,在河南註冊成立富士康新能源汽車產業發展(河南)有限公司,註冊資本額人民幣5億(約合新台幣21.32億),TVBS北京特派林閔榛今(10日)於《FOCUS世界新聞》中,接受主持人葉佳蓉線上訪問說明,「陸媒報導,富士康最近在河南註冊成立富士康新能源汽車產業發展有限公司,法定代表人是黃英士,註冊資本額為5億元,也就是台幣大約21.3億台幣,這間公司由富士康新事業發展集 團有限公司全資持股,顯示富士康持續在電動車產業布局,根據大陸企業及系統天眼查APP顯示,這間公司經營的範圍包括了汽車零件配件的製造、新材料技術研發、新能源汽車整車銷售、企業總部管理以及道路機動車輛生產等。」
    2024/01/10 15:59
  • 全球最大政治風險 美總統大選牽動國際

    2024/01/10 14:25
  • TVBS《FOCUS世界新聞》x《天下雜誌》探討保單變革

    2024/01/10 14:24
  • DPP candidates focus on democracy ahead of Taiwan elections

    Explore the implications of Taiwan’s upcoming election on Jan. 13, as DPP candidates Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim outline their vision for democracy, relations with China, and the island’s role in global politics.
    2024/01/09 21:18
  • 受國際局勢影響 大陸黃金儲備創新高

    2024/01/09 13:43
  • 美國重啟月球計畫 太空競賽將「民營化」

    2024/01/09 13:42
  • 大陸零食包裝「高學歷」  遭揭穿為「造假」

    2024/01/08 15:12
  • Taiwan’s election frenzy: Final weekend rallies in Kaohsiung

    The final weekend of the 2024 election race in Taiwan sees presidential candidates from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), and the Kuomintang (KMT) rallying in Kaohsiung. Lai Ching-te, the DPP’s candidate, and his running mate, Hsiao Bi-khim, focus on the Fengshan District for their ’Golden Week Eve’ rally, with notable attendees such as President Tsai Ing-wen and Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai. The KMT and TPP both choose the popular Ruifeng Night Market for their night rallies, with candidates Hou Yu-ih and Ko Wen-je staggering their appearances by an hour. The KMT hosts a unity victory rally at Dream Mall, while the TPP candidate and his wife make appearances in Kaohsiung, boosting support and holding a rally at Aozidi Forest Park. Crowd control and traffic management become important considerations for the rallies at Ruifeng Night Market. As the race intensifies in the final week of campaigning, the candidates are leaving no stone unturned.
    2024/01/07 14:36
  • TPP’s Ko Wen-je rallies for change in Taichung

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je held a rally in Taichung, urging supporters to transcend traditional Blue and Green politics. The event drew a large crowd, demonstrating strong support for Ko. During his speech, Ko expressed gratitude and reassured the audience that victory is close. He emphasized the need for better transportation systems and highlighted the potential of local industries. Ko questioned whether the Kuomintang (KMT) can effectively address day-to-day problems. He appealed to voters to set aside traditional political divides and focus on the electorate’s concerns.
    2024/01/07 10:41
  • Natixis: Taiwan’s economy set for growth amid 2024 election

    The upcoming Taiwan presidential election is expected to have a significant impact on the country’s economic growth, according to a research report by France’s Natixis Corporate and Investment Banking company. The report suggests that regardless of the election outcome, Taiwan is poised for economic growth, with the consumer and tech industries leading the way. The research predicts that economic growth could increase from 1.2% in 2023 to 2.9% in 2024. While candidates share similar social and labor policies, the report highlights the major differences in their positions on industrial and energy areas, as well as Taiwan’s economic relationship with China. The report also mentions the potential role of Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidate Ko Wen-je in triggering legislative instability. The incumbent Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), leading in polls, is expected to continue pushing for diversified trade and investment policies, shifting focus from China to the U.S. and other Asian regions. However, achieving these targets may be challenging as Taiwan has missed out on regional trade and economic agreements such as RCEP, CPTTP, and the U.S.-led IPEF. If the Kuomintang (KMT) wins the election, they might seek closer trade and investment links with China by expanding the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), according to Natixis.
    2024/01/06 17:16
  • Hou Yu-ih unveils plan to combat school violence

    Kuomintang (KMT) Presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih presents a four-point plan to address school violence, criticizing the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration’s social safety net. The plan includes stricter regulations, preventive education, enhanced security checks, and tougher punishments for gang intrusions. Hou’s response comes after a high school student in New Taipei City was slashed in the neck, putting campus security under scrutiny. He questions the effectiveness of the government’s Social Safety Net 2.0 plan and calls for revisions to regulations. Tung Yao-tsung, president of the New Taipei City Parents’ Association, supports Hou’s stance and urges the Ministry of Education to focus on an intermediary education system to improve school security. Retired teacher Wang Chiung-yuan emphasizes the need for a balanced approach that considers the rights of all students.
    2024/01/04 18:20
  • 中泰3月起永久簽證 泰國旅遊搜索熱度漲158%

    2024/01/04 16:37
  • 新年第一槍!荷蘭取消ASML部分出口大陸的許可證

    2024/01/04 16:36
  • Cynthia Wu sheds ’Princess’ label, eyes Taiwan’s work reform

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice-presidential candidate Cynthia Wu aims to tackle societal issues and improve Taiwan’s working environment. In an interview with Deutsche Welle, Wu characterizes the cooperation between Kuomintang (KMT) and China as too close, while the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is overly confrontational. She believes the "1992 consensus" needs updating and suggests that China propose a new treaty to foster dialogue. Wu acknowledges her privileged background and welcomes the nickname "Princess" given by the media. She emphasizes her attention to economically vulnerable populations, drawing on her work experience in London and business travels in Asia, Brazil, India, and Kenya. Wu was chosen as the primary election partner by party chairperson Ko Wen-je for her business background and international investment experience.
    2024/01/04 14:57
  • 陸航空祭出春節大選優惠 華航長榮不跟進

    2024/01/03 15:15
  • 美中建交45周年 習近平喊話擴大兩國交流

    2024/01/03 14:37
  • 馬雲退位 支付寶「無實際控制人」

    大陸央行公告,同意 科技巨頭螞蟻集團旗下支付寶(中國)網絡技術有限公司,變更為「無實際控制人」,這意味著支付寶已經完成創辦人馬雲,放棄集團控制權的相關程序。TVBS北京特派林閔榛今(2日)於《FOCUS國際話題》中,接受主持人楊慈茵線上訪問說明,「支付寶在大陸的業務涵蓋支付、理財、保險、信貸等多個領域,用戶數量超過10億人,而這次的變動是否會對支付寶相關業務營運和用戶權益產生影響,引起極大關注。」
    2024/01/02 14:41
  • KMT candidate challenges Tsai’s stance on "One China" policy

    Kuomintang (KMT) vice presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong criticizes President Tsai Ing-wen’s acceptance of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s statements, arguing that the "One China" concept in the 1992 Consensus refers to the Republic of China and not the People’s Republic of China. Jaw emphasizes that "One China" is the Republic of China, which predates the People’s Republic of China by 38 years and highlights its status as Asia’s first democratic republic. He rebuts claims that the KMT’s agreement to the 1992 Consensus poses dangers to Taiwan, stating that the consensus is meant to end the argument and focus on individual duties. Jaw also argues that Tsai’s actions depict a pro-independence stance, despite her verbal denial.
    2024/01/02 14:12
  • 大陸電動車席捲全球 出口量已超越日本

    2024/01/01 14:21
  • Emotional Ko reflects on father’s wishes during debate

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je became emotional during a debate when reminiscing about his father’s wishes for him to become a hospital director. During the debate, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te accused Ko of devaluing farmland by converting it into parking lots. Ko admitted that his father had purchased the land for him but emphasized that it was intended for agricultural use, not for building a hospital. Ko expressed regret for not fulfilling his father’s expectations but defended his land purchases, stating that the focus of the debate should be Taiwan’s future rather than his personal real estate affairs.
    2023/12/30 18:40
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