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    TAIWAN 結果共5,185筆

  • Premier calls for unity at presidential inauguration

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Chen Chien-jen calls for unity among political parties and local leaders to celebrate the presidential inauguration of Lai Ching-te, emphasizing democracy and freedom.
    2024/05/13 14:31
  • Hsinchu expands fertility support with free AMH testing

    Discover how Hsinchu City is leading Taiwan in women’s health with a free AMH ovarian function testing event on May 18, aimed at supporting fertility planning and awareness.
    2024/05/13 14:29
  • Japan’s Kumamoto to woo TSMC for semiconductor hub

    Discover how Kumamoto Prefecture in Japan plans to become a semiconductor hub by courting TSMC for a new chip factory, aiming to replicate Taiwan’s Hsinchu Science Park success.
    2024/05/13 12:40
  • Northern Taiwan braces for chilly nights

    Discover the latest weather update for Taiwan: Brief showers and thunderstorms hit various regions due to a frontal system, with conditions expected to clear up. Northern Taiwan sees a temperature drop, with more stable weather ahead.
    2024/05/13 10:57
  • 日本人也瘋媽祖!新港奉天宮出巡到京都 連10陰筊竟是這原因

    「再一次!再一次!」與擲筊聲在日本京都勸業館一隅此起彼落,TAIWAN PLUS把新港奉天宮媽祖請來日本,吸引民眾挑戰擲出聖筊,甚至有父母來自台灣的日本民眾前來尋根。
    2024/05/12 15:30
  • 女星泡湯香豔照外流! 合體洋男「幹大事」

    段慧琳(Windy)主持《Go Go Taiwan》,日前邀請一樣是運動咖的好友吉雷米擔任節目佳賓,一同造訪台南,探索西拉雅文化。段慧琳僅圍著毛巾的泡湯照流出,令人臉紅心跳。
    2024/05/11 20:22
  • 謗佛者死!電音和尚大馬演出遭轟 「觸佛教底線」要求禁止入境

    韓國諧星尹聖鎬最近以「New Jeans Nim」(New進僧人)的名義活動,結合「莊嚴又嗨咖」的風格,讓他以電音和尚的形象走紅,甚至還受邀參加S2O TAIWAN音樂祭。只是他3日在馬來西亞演出,卻引發當地佛教界不滿,甚至有人抗議他「謗佛」,要求禁止他入境馬來西亞,導致他的演出被取消,現場卻能看到大奶DJ上陣,相當奇特。
    2024/05/11 18:11
  • Golf週年慶!最高「降價30萬元」 GTI、Golf R經典款問世

    從1974年問世至今,Volkswagen最具代表性的中型掀背車款Golf車系已經問世滿50週年,為慶祝Golf走過半百歲月,Volkswagen Taiwan不但舉辦品牌嘉年華活動,更以Golf GTI與Golf R為基礎打造兩款The Golf Edition 50經典紀念款,透過配備升級強化戰力並分別開出145.8萬元與199.8萬元建議售價。相較於標準Golf GTI與Golf R兩款車型分別降價30萬元與14萬元,但各僅有50輛額度,以優惠價格回饋支持Golf的死忠粉絲。
    2024/05/11 11:51
  • Ma backs legislators’ visit to Taiping Island

    Former President Ma Ying-chou supports KMT and TPP legislators’ visit to Taiping Island to assert national sovereignty, highlighting his South China Sea Peace Initiative and the historical significance of the island to the Republic of China.
    2024/05/10 18:16
  • Tsai Ing-wen’s legacy: Popular beyond predecessors

    Explore the legacy of President Tsai Ing-wen as she prepares to leave office with approval ratings surpassing those of predecessors Chen Shui-pian and Ma Ying-chiu according to a TVBS poll. Japanese academic Yoshiyuki Ogasawara analyzes Tsai’s success and the Democratic Progressive Party’s historic third-term win, contrasting it with the fluctuating approval ratings of Ma and Chen. The future of Tsai’s successor, Lai Ching-te, remains a point of interest.
    2024/05/10 18:03
  • Cataracts affect 1.19 million in Taiwan in 2022

    Explore the rising trend of cataract cases in Taiwan, highlighting the impact of digital device usage and aging on eye health, as well as the advancements in treatment options like artificial lens replacement surgery for improved vision recovery.
    2024/05/10 17:57
  • Taiwan parties call for action against TikTok threat

    Taiwan’s political parties, including the Taiwan Statebuilding Party and the New Power Party, call for action against TikTok, citing national security concerns. They advocate for legislation akin to a Taiwan version of the TikTok Act to combat the platform’s algorithmic suppression of topics sensitive to China and protect cybersecurity.
    2024/05/10 17:55
  • Decades of dedication: Tsai Ming-kai shares his journey

    Explore how MediaTek, under the leadership of Tsai Ming-kai, rivals Nvidia’s influence in the tech world, earning global recognition and making significant technological advances.
    2024/05/10 17:34
  • English-taught degrees expand rapidly across Taiwan

    Explore how Taiwan’s National Taiwan University is setting the stage for global education with its new English-taught International School of Politics and Economics, aiming to attract international students and enhance local talent.
    2024/05/10 16:24
  • Taiwan sees job market surge in Year of the Dragon

    Explore how the Year of the Dragon has influenced job market trends in Taiwan, with a surge in job openings and significant career shifts among workers.
    2024/05/10 16:05
  • Sweden hosts seminar advocating for Taiwan’s WHA inclusion

    Discover insights from an online seminar hosted by the Swedish Institute for Security and Development Policy, advocating for Taiwan’s participation in the World Health Assembly. Learn about the discussions on Taiwan’s role in global health and the establishment of the Stockholm Taiwan Center to promote Taiwan’s international presence.
    2024/05/10 16:03
  • Premier warns political infighting could doom Taiwan

    Premier Chen Chien-jen emphasizes the importance of unity and constructive dialogue in Taiwan’s politics, warning against the dangers of political infighting. He advocates for a collaborative approach to governance, highlighting the need for effective communication and persuasion across party lines to implement policy changes. Chen also discusses the significance of respectful discourse in the legislative process and the focus on practical solutions over controversy.
    2024/05/10 15:59
  • China Airlines to hire 120 pilots, 100+ cabin crew this year

    China Airlines is set to expand its team with over 100 new cabin crew members and 120 pilots as it enhances flight operations across Asia and boosts tourism recovery efforts.
    2024/05/10 15:57
  • Taiwan consider egg freezing subsidies amid birthrate crisis

    KMT legislator Chang Chia-chun advocates for government subsidies for egg freezing to combat Taiwan’s declining birthrate, emphasizing the need for women’s reproductive autonomy and equal rights. Despite a national crisis, only three cities offer such subsidies, and a central government report remains unevaluated after a year. Chang calls for swift action from the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
    2024/05/10 15:56
  • Taiwan’s absence at WHA: A lost chance for global health

    Taiwan’s Premier Chen Chien-jen expresses disappointment over Taiwan’s exclusion from the World Health Assembly, emphasizing the loss to global health cooperation and urging for inclusion based on Taiwan’s healthcare achievements.
    2024/05/10 15:53
  • Weekend warm-up: Taiwan to experience brief heat spike

    Explore the dramatic shift in Taiwan’s weather as temperatures soar to 30°C, only to be followed by thunderstorms. The Central Weather Administration highlights the weakening northeast monsoon’s impact, leading to significant temperature fluctuations and potential air quality concerns. Stay alert for a brief warm spell before the onset of rain and cooler conditions.
    2024/05/10 12:54
  • MOFA head unhappy about KMT criticism of Taiwan-Czechia aid

    Explore the unfolding controversy as Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs addresses criticisms from a KMT legislator regarding the handling of a foreign aid project with the Czech Republic. The story details legal and political challenges faced by the government.
    2024/05/09 18:14
  • "Taiwan in Transition" to premiere globally on May 17

    Discover "Taiwan in Transition," a documentary led by President Tsai Ing-wen, exploring Taiwan’s global evolution amid challenges like COVID-19 and key international visits. Premieres May 17.
    2024/05/09 18:05
  • Taiwan debates the merit of a four-day workweek

    Explore the ongoing debate in Taiwan over the adoption of a four-day workweek, featuring insights from workers, industry spokespersons, and teachers on its potential impacts.
    2024/05/09 17:55
  • Kaohsiung eyes hosting Taylor Swift in two years

    Discover how Kaohsiung’s Mayor Chen Chi-mai plans to bring Taylor Swift to Taiwan for a grand concert at the Kaohsiung National Stadium, emphasizing the venue’s readiness and commitment to safety and sustainability.
    2024/05/09 17:19
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