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    Sharp 結果共57筆

  • 沒錢不玩了!夏普:9月底退出大面板市場

    2024/05/15 19:48
  • 郭董的痛?LCD面板虧損鴻海得止血 日經:夏普堺工廠9月擬停產

    2024/05/14 15:12
  • Taiwan braces for downpour and temperature drop this week

    Discover how a frontal system triggers widespread heavy rain across Taiwan, with the Central Weather Administration’s Liu Yu-chi warning of significant downpours in Yilan, Hualien, and more. Learn about the sudden weather changes, including a sharp temperature drop in northern Taiwan.
    2024/04/30 15:28
  • 科技大廠「驚爆關廠」!虧損230億 鴻海也有投資

    2024/04/28 09:22
  • Taiwan’s rising rents: pandemic, war, and interest rates

    the year-over-year (YoY) rate in the rent index has been around 2% for the past two years, a relatively high level. The YoY growth rate in March was 2.24%, the highest increase in the past year. Over the past decade, the average annual increase in the rent index was 1.1%. However, since July 2022, the growth has exceeded 2% and has remained at this level. DGBAS officials pointed out three main factors that contributed to the rise in rent. First, the cost of maintaining houses has increased. In recent years, the increase in residential maintenance costs has been significant, with a sharp rise of 5.8% in 2022 and increases of over 3% in 2023 and 2024. 
    2024/04/12 18:00
  • Sharp temperature drop hits Taiwan

    Stay informed about the latest weather updates in Taiwan as the Central Weather Administration issues warnings of significant temperature drops and cold surges across various regions. Expect sharp decreases below 10 degrees Celsius, scattered showers in certain areas, and strong northeast winds in coastal regions.
    2024/03/13 14:50
  • Taiwan’s CWA reports sharp temperature drop island-wide

    Taiwan experiences a significant temperature drop as reported by the Central Weather Administration (CWA) on December 12th. Northern Taiwan sees a sharp decline in daytime highs, reaching around 18 to 19 degrees Celsius, with a damp and chilly atmosphere worsening at night. The cooler temperatures are attributed to the passing of a cold front and a strengthening northeastern monsoon. Central and southern Taiwan witness pronounced day-to-night temperature variations, with highs ranging from 26 to 29 degrees Celsius and lows falling between 20 and 22 degrees. Eastern Taiwan also experiences a cold snap, with top temperatures around 24 degrees Celsius. Sporadic, short-lived rainfall is expected in certain areas, while others will see mostly clear to cloudy skies. Gusty winds are predicted in open coastal areas, and the air quality may be affected by pollutants carried by northeastern winds. The air quality index rates different regions of Taiwan, with Yilan, Hualien-Taitung, and Penghu having "good" levels, while other areas are rated "moderate" or may experience "orange alert" levels.
    2023/12/12 09:59
  • CWA predicts record low temperatures as monsoon intensifies

    The Central Weather Administration (CWA) announced a sharp drop in temperatures across Taiwan due to the peak intensity of the northeastern monsoon. The coldest region recorded was 15.3 degrees Celsius in Yangmei District, Taoyuan. Professor Wu Der-Romg from National Central University warned that the next monsoon surge could bring even colder temperatures, potentially reaching a record low of 11 degrees Celsius this year. The CWA also reported torrential rain in Yilan and Taipei, raising concerns about severe flooding and potential landslides. Clear skies are expected for the next three days due to the arrival of continental highs, but there may be sharp temperature variations in certain areas. The CWA predicts the presence of a mild typhoon, locally called "Jelawat," passing by Taiwan tomorrow morning, although its projected path remains uncertain.
    2023/11/13 15:37
  • Taiwan expects stable weather with isolated heavy rains

    The Central Weather Administration (CWA) predicts stable weather conditions across Taiwan, with mostly cloudy to clear skies for the first half of Friday (Nov.10). However, a weather front is expected to pass through in the afternoon, bringing isolated heavy rain to the north coast of Keelung and mountainous areas of northern Taiwan. Meteorologist Wu Te-jung estimates that the island will experience sharp temperature drops due to the arrival of its first wave of continental air mass starting next Monday, with the country’s plain areas forecasted to drop below 15 degrees Celsius at their lowest. In the morning hours of Wednesday and Thursday, as northeast winds weaken, there will be a slight improvement in weather and a brief rise in temperature. However, the east of Taiwan can expect brief showers during this time. With continental highs hanging over the island, most regions across Taiwan are forecasted to remain relatively stable next Friday. Wu also foresees slight chills brought on by the effects of Taiwan’s first projected wave of cold air mass, offsetting daytime warmth, as "radiative cooling" (RC) causes bodies to lose heat at night.
    2023/11/10 22:12
  • Internet celebrities apologize, admit to cannabis use

    Prominent YouTuber Joeman, internet celebrity Lyla, and DJ Tang Yu publicly apologized for their involvement in a drug-related scandal. Joeman confessed to consuming and possessing marijuana in Taiwan and abroad throughout 2023, vowing he would never repeat his actions. Lyla, a mother herself, followed suit with an emotionally charged apology, acknowledging her use of marijuana in Taiwan and Thailand. Taiwanese singer Hsieh Ho-hsien, an advocate for marijuana legalization, commented on the matter, suggesting that there’s no need for hysteria. Joeman, Lyla, and Tang Yu were arrested for allegedly using and possessing marijuana, shocking their fans. The New Taipei City Police Department’s Criminal Investigation Corps launched a raid that led to the arrest of ten individuals, including Joeman and Lyla, bringing Taiwan’s drug laws into sharp focus.
    2023/11/08 19:21
  • Stronger monsoon next week brings sharp temperature drop

    The Central Weather Administration (CWA) has announced that a weakening eastern monsoon will bring sporadic showers to the north coast of Keelung, the eastern region, and the southernmost areas bordering the Taiwan Strait on October 31st through the next day. Clear weather is expected to cover major areas throughout Taiwan, with the exception of sporadic showers in the eastern and southernmost areas.
    2023/10/31 17:20
  • 超商推中元福箱!加碼送百萬汽車 霜淇淋免費吃

    中元節將至,超商推出拜中元福箱,全家推出599元便利經濟組合、暑期FUN樂優惠組合及899元豪華澎湃組合等拜拜組合購,消費者可依喜好自由搭配指定品牌零食、飲料、泡麵等商品,另外,全家也與LAIMO聯手推出2款中元福箱,購買就有機會抽中Skoda Scala 1.5 TSI豪華菁英版百萬汽車、SHARP無邊框連網液晶顯示器,還贈送一支免費霜淇淋。
    2023/08/07 11:54
  • 新加坡最紅樂團來台!合體「第四位團員」竟是他 完全沒碰過面

    來自新加坡的團體brb.由Clarence Liew Oliveiro、Marc Lian和Auzaie Zie三個大男孩所組成,近期與KIRE凱爾共同唱作雙語單曲〈sharp knife〉,雙方其實原本僅是臉書朋友,起初是KIRE主動私訊而結識,發現彼此對音樂的觀點相當契合而成為好友,只是疫情以來素未謀面,brb.稱KIRE是「第四位團員」,終於見到面,並笑說:「這是我們最棒的見面禮!」
    2023/06/13 12:27
  • 夏普拖累首季獲利 鴻海股價跌逾2%市值力守1.4兆

    2023/05/12 10:46
  • 鴻海首季認列夏普投資損失173億 要求提改善方案

    2023/05/11 17:54
  • 夏普SHARP祝天下媽媽們母親節快樂 溫馨五月情 送媽媽日本好生活

    您知道嗎?全世界約有190餘個國家,其中就有77國是在五月的第二個星期日,在這個世界上超過一半的領土和人口都在慶祝這個屬於偉大母親的節日。 一年一次的母親節即將到來,台灣夏普要對天下媽媽們說~您辛苦了!
    2023/05/08 13:34
  • 2023年台北家電展 台灣夏普直送日本好生活再放大6000元 全民激省66大順

    台灣夏普承襲政府的德政,政府『全民普發6,000元,夏普再加碼送6,000元』,把6000元變大了,家電展現場攤位內,還有更多優惠好康,如『滿額送萬元好禮』註一、『超值秒殺限量專區,通通2折起』,也為慶祝夏普SHARP 111週年生日慶,舉辦111小時不斷電抽獎派對,只要參加台灣夏普官方FB粉絲團的活動,即可有機會抽中11,111購物金,誠意滿滿就是要讓所有用戶覺得買到賺到,讓大家內心喊出『這一次 我要買夏普』。
    2023/04/14 18:00
  • Taiwan sees sharp decline in number of construction workers

    New Taipei City is facing a serious problem with traffic congestion during peak commuting hours like in Tamsui. The issue has led to significant delays and emergency vehicles, including ambulances, getting stuck in traffic. 
    2023/02/18 18:17
  • 夏普SHARP任意門除菌冰箱    「冰進去,鮮出來」獨家科技升級健康力

    夏普SHARP任意門除菌冰箱一直是許多家庭的健康好夥伴,獨家第二代「自動除菌離子」水潤冰鮮室技術,分解冰箱內浮游黴菌的表層蛋白質,及清除附著細菌,經實測數據顯示,具備長時間除菌效果,並依據開關頻率、環境溫度等偵測釋放自動除菌離子,隨時保持冰箱內部清潔,更易保存食材新鮮度,實現「冰進去,鮮出來」 ,讓全家吃得更安心健康。
    2022/10/27 16:25
  • 爽吹冷氣還能省電!日本冷氣業者公布「6大省電撇步」

    2022/06/28 11:32
  • 夏普宣布吳柏勳接任CEO 戴正吳專任董事長

    2022/02/19 22:18
  • 夏普與鴻騰針對康達智訴訟達和解 代價6.68億元

    2021/12/20 11:40
  • 史上最大聲!澳男「嗝」破紀錄 112分貝比電鑽還猛

    來自澳洲北領地達爾文(Darwin)的一名男子夏普(Neville Sharp),經過多年來的訓練後,日前打出超震撼的「112.4分貝」飽嗝,比普通電鑽發出的噪音還要大聲,一舉刷新超過10年來無人能打破的世界紀錄。
    2021/12/05 12:27
  • Nissan購車即贈料理神器水波爐 振興優惠同步加碼實施

    為回饋支持Nissan消費者,Nissan總代理裕隆日產汽車自10月30日起推出「Nissan烹派豪禮」購車專案,只要入主Nissan國產車全車系以及進口車中的Juke就能獲得有「料理神器」之稱,市價約2.8萬元的Sharp Healsio水波爐乙台。同時,振興優惠方案亦同步實施中,能夠以5,000元現金或者等值振興券升級4萬元配件金,在歲末年終之際回饋支持Nissan品牌的忠實買家。
    2021/11/11 18:37
  • 納智捷推「防疫大禮包」 購車享Sharp智慧空氣清淨機等多項好禮

    國內疫情持續攀升,Luxgen因應嚴峻疫情,防疫守護再升級,Luxgen即日起至6/30止,入主全車系可享「疫起防疫大禮包」優惠方案,購車即享Sharp AIoT智慧空氣清淨機,再送2萬元保險抵用金(新車乙式以上車體險) 、1萬元旅遊金、同步再享免費升級「PM2.5健康對策濾網」、終身免費返廠實施臭氧殺菌服務,入主指定車型加碼升級原廠導航等超值回饋。
    2021/06/02 20:11
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