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    Rapid 結果共46筆

  • Escalator injuries in Taipei MRT hit 5-year high in 2022

    Last year, Taipei’s Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) stations witnessed a five-year high in injuries on escalators, with 65 incidents recorded, according to Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation (TRTC). Out of these, 61 were caused by walking, while 4 were the result of running. As of September 2023, there have already been 41 walking-related injuries and 3 running-related injuries. The stations with the highest number of injuries in 2022 were Taipei Main Station, Ximen Station, Minquan West Road Station, and Xinpu Station. In response to the high injury numbers, a Taipei City Councilor requested a comprehensive review by the TRTC. The company has been actively promoting safety on its escalators, urging passengers to hold on to handrails and stand firmly on steps. Passengers are also encouraged not to run and to respect other commuters for the sake of order, safety, and courtesy. TRTC emphasized that regular inspections and maintenance of escalator components have shown that the practice of standing on the right and walking on the left does not affect the machinery’s lifespan. The company conducts monthly maintenance checks as required by law, and an inspection agency carries out an annual safety inspection to ensure smooth equipment operation.
    2023/11/06 19:51
  • Ko Wen-je: From ER doctor to Taiwan’s political game changer

    Ko Wen-je, founder of Taiwan People’s Party and former ER doctor, has swiftly become a significant force in Taiwan’s politics. Known for his straightforwardness and rapid adaptation, Ko’s political journey resonates with the youth but faces challenges with older generations. As Taiwan approaches election day, voters must decide if Ko’s vision aligns with their aspirations for the nation.
    2023/11/03 18:00
  • New Taipei to expand travel card usage for elderly

    New Taipei Deputy Mayor Liu Ho-jan confirmed that senior cards for the elderly and persons with disabilities will be expanded next year. Starting in January, the cards will cover usage in the Airport MRT, and by July, they will also grant access to other public transportation options like YouBike and cabs. The decision to expand the cards came after receiving feedback from various individuals, including KMT Secretary-General Liao Xianxiang and KMT Councilor Chen Weijie, who expressed concerns about limited card use.
    2023/11/01 10:27
  • Stimson Center predicts result of US-China war over Taiwan

    A potential war between the United States and Beijing over Taiwan could result in crippling losses for both sides, warns the Stimson Center. The article, titled "Is a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan the Most Likely Scenario?" highlights that a unilateral declaration of independence by Taiwan might trigger ground and aerial assaults from Beijing. A military simulation by the Center for Strategic and International Studies showed that a joint defense effort from the U.S., Japan, and Taiwan could repel a Chinese invasion but at devastating costs, including the loss of ships, aircraft, and troops. The war would also impact the U.S.’s global standing, hurt Taiwan’s economy, and potentially destabilize the Chinese Communist Party’s rule. China’s aerial superiority, with a ratio of 1900 to Taiwan’s 300, could result in airstrikes, missile and cyber attacks aimed at decimating Taiwan’s defenses and critical infrastructure. Simulations predict a rapid escalation of war, including potential bombing of U.S. military bases and a reciprocal U.S. attack on Chinese bases and navy. Any concrete steps taken towards official independence by Taiwan could serve as a catalyst prompting Beijing’s decision for forceful unification.
    2023/10/28 18:23
  • Kaohsiung completes final track of Circular light rail

    The Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation (KRTC) has announced a significant milestone in the construction of the Circular light rail, as the final track of its rail line has been successfully welded. KRTC director Wu Yei-long has assured that all road traffic controls causing public inconvenience will be lifted by the end of the month, prioritizing the well-being of local residents.
    2023/10/27 14:34
  • Taiwan braces for impact as Typhoon Koinu gains strength

    Typhoon Koinu is expected to gain strength and bring maritime and land warnings to Taiwan. The typhoon is anticipated to impact Taiwan on Oct. 4-5, potentially passing directly through the island.
    2023/10/02 11:13
  • Vandalized Taichung MRT prompts tighter security measures

    Taichung Mass Rapid Transit Corporation (TMRT) train cars were vandalized with extensive graffiti in the late evening of Thursday (Aug. 24) by two unidentified individuals who breached security and trespassed into the area. 
    2023/08/25 22:48
  • Taiwan’s TPASS garners over 14.8M rides in 2 weeks

    The Directorate General of Highways announced today that the monthly commuting passes for public transportation in Taiwan’s three major metropolitan areas have seen significant usage since their launch on the 1st of the month. According to statistics released by the ministry, approximately 14.869 million rides have been made on various forms of public transport.
    2023/07/18 10:49
  • 蘇丹驚見「至少87人亂葬崗」!聯合國:當地準軍事組織暴行

    「聯合國人權辦公室」(UNHCR)13日表示在東非蘇丹發現一個亂葬崗,且恐怕有包含「馬薩利特族」(Masalits)在內的至少87人被埋在此處,並提到目前掌握的可靠消息指出當地準軍事組織「快速支援部隊」(Rapid Support Forces)是始作俑者。
    2023/07/13 17:40
  • New Taipei Sanying Line construction reaches 70% completion

    The construction of the Sanying Line, a metro line connecting Sanxia and Yingge in New Taipei City, is progressing smoothly, with an overall completion rate of 70%. 
    2023/07/05 19:38
  • 蘇丹內戰!知名女歌手戰火中喪命 生前自曝受困25天 

    北非國家蘇丹政府軍自4月15日開始,與準軍事組織「快速支援部隊」(Rapid Support Forces,RSF)爆發武力衝突,至今將滿一個月,目前仍沒有停戰的跡象。最新消息指出,當地知名女歌手葛杜德(Shaden Gardood)12日清晨在戰火中逝世,終年37歲。她離世的前一天,政府軍和RSF才達成協議,承諾要避免傷害平民。
    2023/05/14 15:18
  • Multiple injuries, 1 dead in Taichung MRT Train accident

    A fatal accident occurred at the Taichung Mass Rapid Transit (TMRT) when a crane fell from a nearby construction site and struck a passing carriage, resulting in eight injuries and one reported death. 
    2023/05/11 15:55
  • 關係大改善!日本從蘇丹撤僑 南韓軍方幫了大忙

    蘇丹政府軍與武裝團體「快速支援部隊(Rapid Support Forces,RSF)」自本月15日起引爆激烈衝突,造成平民死傷慘重,各國爭相撤僑;日本外務省官員透露,在日本公民撤離當地時,眼前是內戰雙方在交火,南韓軍方協助用車輛運送日本人避難,「日韓近期關係改善,也帶來了積極的影響」,日本首相岸田文雄也公開向南韓表示感謝。
    2023/04/27 12:06
  • 停火攏係假!蘇丹街頭再傳槍響 兩軍相互指責破壞協議

    北非國家蘇丹爆發內戰,兩大軍頭在聯合國介入下,達成停火72小時的協議。然而,當地時間26日,蘇丹政府軍與準軍事組織「快速支援部隊」(Rapid Support Forces,RSF),於首都喀土穆郊區再次爆發衝突,雙方也相互指責違反協議。
    2023/04/27 10:06
  • 蘇丹內戰波及美國外交使團 國務卿證實:車隊遭開火

    蘇丹15日起爆發政變,蘇丹政府軍與準軍事團體「快速支援部隊」(Rapid Support Forces)激戰來到第3天,衝突已造成近200人死亡、1800人受傷,美國國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)也證實,美國外交使團17日在蘇丹遇襲,車隊遭到開火。
    2023/04/18 16:33
  • 蘇丹內亂第3天 聯合國:造成近200死1800傷

    蘇丹政府軍與準軍事團體「快速支援部隊」(Rapid Support Forces)之間的激戰在今天進入第3天後,聯合國官員指出,雙方戰鬥迄今已造成大約200人喪命、1800人受傷。
    2023/04/18 06:58
  • Taiwan relaxes restrictions amid improved health situation

    Taiwan further relaxed its epidemic-prevention measures on Nov. 7, including removing infrared cameras from some MRT stations.
    2022/11/08 17:29
  • Classes no longer suspended in case of student infection

    Taiwanese schools implemented health authorities’ new pandemic regulations on Monday, right after the long Mid-Autumn Festival weekend. Starting Sept. 12, classes will no longer be fully suspended if one student is infected with COVID-19. Students will have to take a rapid test, and only the infected students will have to be quarantined.  
    2022/09/23 14:11
  • 德國6「颱風戰機」赴印太聯合軍演!日媒:意在牽制中國

    德國空軍今(15)日展開「疾速太平洋2022」(Rapid Pacific 2022)行動,與日本、澳洲、韓國和新加坡等印太國家進行聯合軍演,首次派出空軍現役主力戰機「歐洲颱風戰機」共6架,這是德國在二戰後首度向印太地區部署作戰飛機,據日媒指出,此次任務為的就是要牽制霸權主義的中國大陸。
    2022/08/15 10:23
  • 房車版本Scala? Slavia瞄準入門房車市場預告年底前發表

    2021/10/12 19:35
  • Scala敞篷跑車化 Slavia預告月底前現身

    開價89.9萬元至103.9萬元,搭配全車系9氣囊、ACC、Front Assist、Side Assist以及車道維持與車道偏移警示輔助,Škoda旗下瞄準中型掀背市場的Scala一上市就吸引目光。現在Škoda將以Scala作為基礎,打造一款名為Slavia的敞篷跑車,預計這個月稍晚曝光亮相。不過,這將會是僅此一輛的實驗性作品。
    2020/07/11 00:00
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