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    Prime Day 結果共12筆

  • Taipei Dome prevails over critics, declares baseball coach

    Taipei Dome proves its resilience during the Asia Baseball Championship, according to veteran baseball coach and legislative candidate Tsai Ming-tang. Despite heavy rains the day before, the indoor game proceeded smoothly, showcasing the Dome as Taiwan’s only international-grade indoor baseball stadium immune to weather disruptions. Tsai praised the venue’s performance and criticized politicians for hindering infrastructure development. He also highlighted the Dome’s potential as a landmark national structure due to its prime location and accessibility. Additionally, Tsai expressed personal pride as five players from his coached team participated in the opening match. He emphasized the importance of grassroots baseball and advocated for the development of idle school properties into baseball fields to benefit more students.
    2023/12/04 21:30
  • Japanese PM expect to meet with China’s Xi at APEC summit

    Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is considering a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping after the U.S.-China talks at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. Kishida plans to meet with Xi the day after U.S. President Joe Biden’s meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss unresolved issues between Japan and China, including Japan’s request for China to remove import restrictions on Japanese seafood products. Additionally, the dialogue aims to strengthen bilateral cooperation and promote regional stability. Japan’s National Security Secretariat Secretary General Akiba Takeo will travel to China for coordination efforts. The APEC summit, which includes leaders from 21 member countries, will take place in San Francisco from November 15 to 17.
    2023/11/09 12:32
  • 美通膨再降.荷包解放? 亞馬遜大促銷.營收上看120億

    限時兩天,電商龍頭亞馬遜的折扣活動Prime Day登場,根據最新統計,今年Prime Day的線上銷售,比去年大增近6%,又以家電和玩具成長最多;不過消費者也許暫時不用再怕荷包縮水,因為美國通膨數據再降溫,全美六月消費者物價指數CPI年增3%,創下兩年以來最小增幅,從食品、汽油到二手車價格通通下滑,唯獨房價依舊居高不下,根據一份最新分析,通膨對租客的衝擊,比屋主還大!
    2023/07/13 19:51
  • UK unveils NT$3.5M payment for Liz Truss’ visit to Taiwan

    The UK Parliament has revealed that former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss received over NT$3.58 million (US$115,000) for her four-day visit to Taiwan, sparking suspicions and criticism from opposition parties in Taiwan.
    2023/07/05 17:05
  • Former UK Prime Minister kicks off 5-day trip to Taiwan

    Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss was greeted by Foreign Minister Joseph Wu at the airport as she arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday (May 16) evening for a 5-day trip.
    2023/05/17 13:40
  • Julia Gillard wants to boost female workforce participation

    The Milken Institute invited the former prime minister of Australia, Julia Gillard, to share her take on women in leadership on the last day of the Asia Summit. The 27th prime minister, who is currently the chair of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, explained on Thursday (Sept. 30) how leaders need to re-align values with strategies in these changing times.
    2022/10/02 21:07
  • 亞馬遜Prime Day特賣! 觸發「電商戰」折扣潮

    美國電商龍頭亞馬遜舉辦年度會員特賣活動「Prime Day」,6月21日到22日兩天,展開48小時的折扣下殺,從2015年開辦以來,每年都是亞馬遜營收的重要之戰,估計今年將帶來118億美金營收,不過品牌紅、是非也多,許多競爭者選擇加入這場戰局,像是沃爾瑪、Target、BestBuy等知名網購平台,都舉辦特賣活動,而且時間比亞馬遜更長、折扣更殺,看準消費者會網上比價,趁這個機會殺出一條血路。
    2021/06/22 19:52
  • 破1兆市值競逐賽! 蘋果追兵:亞馬遜強勢加速

    一直穩坐市值冠軍寶座的蘋果公司,現在有急起直追的強勁對手!電子商務巨擘「亞馬遜」在Prime Day購物節,成功在36小時賣出超過1億件商品,使得公司市值一度觸及9000億美元大關,縮小了和蘋果之間的差距!而且亞馬遜不但在電子商務稱霸,也不斷擴張到其他領域,例如美國職棒大聯盟,就選用了亞馬遜的人工智慧與雲端科技;而亞馬遜執行長「貝佐斯」的太空公司,又一次成功回收火箭推進器,距離實現太空旅遊的夢,越來越近了。
    2018/07/19 19:50
  • 《大老闆故事》什麼都「無人化」 貝佐斯成史上最有錢人

    一年一度亞馬遜PRIME DAY會員購物節周一盛大登場,沒想到一開場就大當機,嚇得亞馬遜趕緊向所有顧客發文道歉,不過所有人可能都未料到,這樣的烏龍,不僅完全不影響顧客強大購買力,甚至還將亞馬遜股價推上新高,持股16%的54歲創辦人貝佐斯(Jeffry Bezos)身價更一度衝上1510億美元(約4•57兆台幣),不僅穩坐全球首富,更成了史上最有錢的人!
    2018/07/18 22:57
  • 亞馬遜購物日當機和罷工 創辦人升全球首富

    2018/07/18 19:50
  • 亞馬遜購物節開跑 營收上看300億台幣

    美國知名電商亞馬遜,年度Prime Day購物節熱鬧開跑,為了提高今年買氣,活動時間延長到30小時,折扣更是一路下殺,專家預估可帶來10億美金,相當於台幣300億的營收。
    2017/07/12 19:05
  • 限量是殘酷的!買雜誌送限量摩托車 但一本要價9百萬

    電商平台《Amazon》連續3年舉辦會員專屬的「Prime day」,會員們將可以用優惠價格買到商品。而日本《Amazon》今年最受關注的商品,竟然是一本摩托車雜誌。
    2017/07/11 16:17
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