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    POSE 結果共228筆

  • Gecko in soy sauce dish causes uproar in Taiwan

    Discover how geckos can pose a health risk due to Salmonella, as Taiwan’s CDC warns following an incident at a sushi restaurant. Learn about the global impact and safety precautions.
    2024/06/26 09:34
  • 缺工太嚴重!加油站「整排假人模特」 擺Pose招呼顧客

    2024/06/14 19:18
  • 沒戴安全帽!妙齡女「騎車狂飆嗨自拍」 下秒慘撞樹雙雙送命

    2024/06/05 16:45
  • NSB: China’s military drills near Taiwan to become routine

    Discover how China’s military exercises around Taiwan, as reported by the National Security Bureau, signal a new norm and pose multifaceted threats to the island’s security and international relations.
    2024/05/29 15:26
  • 9歲天才攝影師出手!幫張智霖、袁詠儀拍照 成品超驚人

    2024/04/30 23:36
  • GOLDEN WAVE/ZB1站一排輪番撩粉 舒華出場:站在這超驕傲

    號稱是2024年最強的韓流拼盤演唱會「GOLDEN WAVE in TAIWAN」今(13)晚在高雄登場,開場由都在去(2023)年出道的新生代男團BOYNEXTDOOR、ZEROBASEONE帶來演出,也都是首度來到台灣。BOYNEXTDOOR真唱實力驚人,而ZEROBASEONE則請現場粉絲用尖叫聲決定他們表演的Ending Pose,兩團表演的精采度可說是各有千秋。台灣女孩舒華也在中間特別現身,直呼能跟成員站在這邊非常令自己驕傲!
    2024/04/13 19:41
  • 大谷穿「七龍珠風T恤」登場 道奇球星上壘這Pose致敬鳥山明

    美國大聯盟道奇隊球星大谷翔平,台灣時間30日對聖路易紅雀前,在媒體面前練習投接球。他身上穿的T恤也受到媒體受到矚目,上方以類似知名漫畫《七龍珠》的字體,大大寫著「LOS ANGELEZ」。道奇隊球星近日敲安上壘時,會做的上壘動作,也被認為是來自於《七龍珠》。
    2024/03/30 11:34
  • 柳俊烈首現身拒比愛心!再爆「漂綠」爭議 韓網酸爆:丟臉

    韓國男星柳俊烈日前認愛女星韓韶禧,即使雙方強調沒有劈腿,但無縫接軌疑雲讓兩人遭炎上,他返韓後昨(19)日下午出席時尚品牌活動,這是風波後首度現身公開場合,全程無表情,且未回應記者比愛心POSE請求。而如今他又陷入「漂綠(Green washing)」爭議,遭網友酸爆。
    2024/03/20 08:57
  • Taiwan’s inflation rate projected to drop to 2%

    Central Bank Governor Yang Chin-long predicts Taiwan’s inflation rate to drop to around 2% in 2024 due to expected international oil price decreases and modest service price increases. The Central Bank’s upcoming board meeting is anticipated to maintain the re-discount rate at 1.875%. Yang cites declining inflation rates and negative output gaps as key factors influencing the decision. Geopolitical conflicts and weather conditions pose uncertainties to Taiwan’s inflation trends.
    2024/03/14 14:33
  • 臉頰愛心長這樣?馬東石「比到太陽穴」 木村拓哉POSE被嫌過時

    2024/03/12 15:03
  • 馬英九初四賞花逛中社花市 擺拍網美照

    2024/02/13 14:38
  • NBA/Kobe首座雕像揭幕 手指天Pose還原「81分之夜」

    美國職籃(NBA)退役球星「黑曼巴」布萊恩(Kobe Bryant)2020年因直升機意外去世,讓球迷相當心痛。洛杉磯湖人隊8日公開他的第1座紀念雕像。雕像手指向天,還原經典的「81分之夜」場景。他的遺孀在揭幕前表示,雕像的姿勢是由布萊恩本人欽點,如果有人對此有意見,那也沒辦法。
    2024/02/09 17:54
  • 阿里山直播實況!遊客「扔菸蒂」全都錄 最高罰6千

    2024/01/01 20:11
  • C.C. Wei to maintain course after Liu’s 2024 exit: analyst

    TSMC chairman Mark Liu’s upcoming retirement in 2024 has led investment experts to suggest that the semiconductor giant should slow down the progress of its new manufacturing facility in the United States. Industry analyst Jonah Cheng believes that TSMC’s policy direction will remain unchanged under the leadership of chief executive C.C. Wei, who is expected to succeed Liu as chairman. Cheng also proposes maintaining a dual leadership structure to cultivate successors from various backgrounds. Speculation suggests that Liu’s retirement may be linked to potential investment challenges in the company’s U.S. expansion. In response to these challenges, Cheng recommends a deceleration in the construction of TSMC’s second U.S. plant. He also highlights the need to assess the current downturn in the car market and economic outlook before proceeding with the German plant focused on automotive applications. Cheng suggests that the Japanese facility could be an optimal choice due to labor and power shortages in Taiwan, as well as cultural similarities and strong government support from Japan. TSMC’s primary obstacle, according to Cheng, is maintaining its leadership position in the semiconductor industry, especially after surpassing Intel. Additionally, the cyclical nature of the industry and the potential opportunities presented by the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) applications pose further challenges for the company.
    2023/12/20 18:45
  • U.S. elections, not Taiwan’s, may shift policy: Academic

    The George Washington University Professor Robert Sutter argues that Taiwan’s elections have little impact on U.S. policy towards the island, but the upcoming U.S. presidential election in 2024 could be significant. Both political parties in the U.S. and Congress have prioritized defending American interests and countering China’s actions, with Taiwan playing an increasingly important role. Taiwan’s strategic position, high-tech development, democratic politics, and free market economy have influenced the international order and led to stronger U.S. support. Sutter predicts that if Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party presidential candidate, wins the election, U.S.-Taiwan cooperation will further deepen. However, Sutter also suggests that the 2024 U.S. election, particularly if a candidate with an "America First" stance like Donald Trump prevails, could bring a shift in U.S. policy consistency towards Taiwan and pose challenges in countering China’s provocations.
    2023/12/12 13:54
  • Taiwan captures 400 iguanas overnight, sparks online buzz

    A story about the capture of a record number of 400 green iguanas in southern Taiwan has sparked online discussion. One photo, in particular, shows a green iguana kneeling before a Mazu temple in Neipu, Pintung, leading to humorous comments suggesting the iguana was "applying to be a divine steed." Experts clarified that while green iguanas pose no threat to humans, they do cause problems for farmers by nibbling on crops. To protect local agriculture, the government has intensified measures to remove these non-native creatures and maintain ecological balance.
    2023/12/11 21:20
  • Taiwan cuts 2023 GDP growth to 1.42%, lowest in 14 years

    Taiwan’s 2023 GDP growth forecast has been lowered to 1.42%, the lowest in 14 years, due to weaker exports and private investment. Year-end bonuses for Taiwanese workers have also been affected, with the average amount shrinking to 1.08 months’ worth of salary, hitting a 10-year low. The financial industry leads in bonus payouts with an average of 1.83 months’ salary, followed by the semiconductor industry at 1.38 months. The healthcare services industry averages just 0.97 months of salary, while the accommodations and food services sector lags further behind at only 0.59 months. Despite the downward revision, the DGBAS remains optimistic for 2024, forecasting a GDP growth rate rebound to 3.35%. However, challenges such as the Ukraine-Russia war, the Israel-Palestine conflict, and ongoing inflation may pose risks to the global economy. Looking ahead to 2024, local job banks predict pay increases in 47.5% of companies, with an average salary hike of 3.2%, slightly lower than in 2023. Experts caution that Taiwan’s economic recovery may not be as swift as hoped.
    2023/11/29 16:04
  • BCC Chairman urges Terry Gou to reassess presidential bid

    The Chairman of the Broadcasting Corporation of China, Chao Shao-kang, has urged Terry Gou, independent presidential candidate and founder of Foxconn, to reconsider his election bid in light of the recent consensus reached between the Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP). Chao emphasized that Gou has already surpassed the nomination threshold and should step back, as he initially aimed to boost the KMT-TPP coalition. Although TPP candidate Ko Wen-je had considered an alliance with Gou, the formation of the coalition renders any significant change unlikely. Chao cautioned against excluding Gou and suggested integrating his influence into the coalition. He warned that failing to do so could pose problems if Gou continues his presidential run. Chao expressed confidence that Gou would not win the election and advised him to withdraw logically, rather than emotionally.
    2023/11/16 17:09
  • 2知名女星出外景鬧不合 「發生嚴重口角」她爆氣直喊:不錄了

    2023/11/04 12:39
  • 金鐘58/庹宗華父子驚喜同框!感性喊「很重要的回憶」 4歲兒萌翻

    2023/10/21 19:08
  • 大久保麻梨子展孝心攜母遊台劇景點 見郭富城海報伸手擺經典POSE

    2023/10/19 08:35
  • 華人日本奇葩行為再+1! 竟租百萬名車開進海擺Pose

    2023/10/06 15:28
  • 13公尺高「月亮」 嫦娥奔月.太空人漫步吸睛

    中秋節即將到來,宜蘭冬山火車站,設置了許多裝置藝術,除了有13公尺高的月亮,還有火箭、太空人漫步等等,營造出浩瀚宇宙的感覺,而新北大漢溪左岸的「新月廣場」,也有400顆七彩的燈籠組成步道,跟兔子造型裝置,讓民眾有不同的中秋氛圍。 好大一顆月亮掉落下來,仔細一看不是在太空,它就在地面,散發出光芒,夜晚瞬間被點亮。 原來這只是裝置藝術,月亮還好高掛在天空,只是這非常逼真,連坑洞陰影,都栩栩如生。 人站過去,雖然背光,但卻成了最大的特色,每個人都化身嫦娥,在月亮前擺POSE,有如拿著望遠鏡觀看的一樣。 從下往上拍,就像是巨大月亮佇立在後頭。 遊客:「昨天晚上就有先來看過了,有跟我朋友來這邊,拍過照片,白天看起來就是也很漂亮,跟晚上不太一樣的感覺。」 宜蘭冬山火車站前,除了有13公尺高的月亮,還有火箭、太空人漫步等等,營造出浩瀚宇宙的感覺,充滿創意,讓遊客們能夠身歷其境,漫步月球。 冬山鄉長林峻輔:「6點就開始會點燈,彷彿巨大的月球降落在冬山,到晚上11點我們才會熄燈。」 另外在新北大漢溪左岸的「新月廣場」,則有400顆七彩的燈籠,組成的步道,以及兔子造型裝置,讓民眾有不同的中秋氛圍。
    2023/09/27 12:41
  • Brain-eating amoeba claims second victim in Taiwan

    Taiwan reports a second case of Naegleria fowleri infection, a deadly brain-eating amoeba, with a fatality rate over 99%. Warm freshwater environments pose a risk, causing severe infection known as primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM). Learn about symptoms, prevention, and risks.
    2023/08/10 20:56
  • 侯友宜脫了!同框館長秀健美「蟹型姿勢」

    2023/05/27 18:24
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