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    Office 2019 結果共5筆

  • 微軟宣布「2款Office」終止支援!全面大淘汰 報告、上班全糟了

    微軟(Microsoft)在官網發文提醒用戶,旗下Office 2016、Office 2019系列辦公軟體,將於2025年10月14日終止支援,建議改用Microsoft 365 E3整合式解決方案。
    2024/04/18 20:56
  • TSMC’s potential 1nm factory fuels Chiayi housing boom

    Housing prices in the Science Park in Taibao, Chiai County, have significantly increased due to the possibility of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) establishing a 1-nanometer factory in the area. Although the news is not confirmed, the anticipation has led to a surge in pre-sale housing prices, with pre-sale apartment buildings increasing by 8.8% and townhouses rising by 12.6% between 2019 and 2023. TSMC has expressed its land needs to the Southern Taiwan Science Park Management Office, but the final decision to set up the factory depends on various factors. According to the Ministry of the Interior’s statistics, the price per ping in Chiayi County has soared by 65% from NT$101,500 to NT$167,100 between the first quarter of 2018 and the third quarter of 2023. Analysts believe this trend could continue as Chiayi County actively promotes industrial transformation and has six emerging industrial parks, including the potential site for the TSMC factory, the Chiayi Science Park. With the addition of nearby Tai Sugar Corporation’s land, it may meet TSMC’s requirement for a 100-ping plant. Despite the migration issue in predominantly agricultural Chiayi County, TSMC’s factory has the potential to stimulate the housing market by attracting younger out-of-town individuals and influencing the county’s buying and leasing market.
    2024/01/23 16:17
  • Gingle Wang, Tsao Yu-ning share sweet Christmas photos

    Taiwanese actors Gingle Wang and Tsao Yu-ning share sweet holiday photos on Instagram, wearing matching red sweaters and embracing each other. Wang gained fame in 2019 with her role in the horror film "Detention," while Tsao entered the film scene in 2014 with the baseball movie "KANO." The couple’s post surprised fans and received playful comments, solidifying their status as high-profile favorites in Taiwan’s film industry.
    2023/12/26 15:42
  • 小資快看!GoShare增據點:社區、公司停車場都有

    自2019年8月29日開始上線營運的GoShare共享電動機車,不僅2021年創下全台6大縣市140萬用戶數新高,更前進印尼首府雅加達,成為台灣首家進軍國際的共享機車服務提供商。而在2022年2月24日,GoShare宣布又一新服務上線,發表”GoShare for Home”和”GoShare for Office”兩大方案,將電動機車共享體驗直接在居家或辦公空間設點,讓更多社區民眾或公司行號,能直接有GoShare共享機車提供給住戶或員工使用。
    2022/02/25 12:12
  • 24小時無症狀 川普染疫後首進白宮橢圓辦公室

    白宮發言人表示,感染2019冠狀病毒疾病(COVID-19,武漢肺炎)的美國總統川普日前離開醫院後,於今天首度踏進白宮的橢圓形辦公室(Oval Office)。
    2020/10/08 07:21
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