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    Note 結果共201筆

  • Taiwan experiences unusual surge in aftershocks

    Taiwan experienced a series of earthquakes on April 23, with magnitudes up to 6.3, linked to an earlier quake on April 3. Experts note an unusual increase in aftershocks, all originating from the same fault system in Hualien County. The public is urged to be prepared as Taiwan enters a period of frequent seismic activity.
    2024/04/23 10:55
  • Taiwan mourns the loss of inspirational lawyer Chen Chun-han

    Renowned human rights lawyer Chen Chun-han, a legislator-at-large from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), passed away at the age of 40 due to complications from a cold. Despite living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), Chen earned law doctorates from National Taiwan University, Harvard University, and the University of Michigan. DPP caucus whip Ker Chien-ming and his office are assisting with the funeral arrangements to ensure Chen’s life ends on a fulfilling note. Chen’s passing has left many in shock and mourning, not only for his political role but also for his exceptional contributions as a champion of life in the face of adversity.
    2024/02/16 16:37
  • Taiwan reminds youth correct use of ’Culture Points’

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Culture has launched the "Culture Points" program, which allows Taiwanese youth aged 16 to 22 to receive at least 1,200 points, with each point equivalent to one New Taiwan dollar. These points can be used for various cultural and artistic experiences and consumption, such as museum tickets, community cultural center activities, music exhibitions, and art performances. However, there have been controversies as some vendors have violated the regulations by presenting beauty and nail care products as artistic and cultural items. Investigations have been launched, and the disqualified vendors have had their funds withdrawn. It is important to note that the Culture Points cannot be resold, bought, or cashed, and violators will be legally prosecuted. The points are valid until December 31, 2024, and recipients are required to scan the QR code at relevant venues or present the QR code for scanning. Receipts or invoices equivalent to the original value must be issued by stores during purchases made with Culture Points, and violating shops may be reported to the National Taxation Bureau.
    2024/01/25 16:37
  • Taiwan warns against misleading heated tobacco claims

    The Taiwan Health Promotion Administration warns the public that heated tobacco products have the same nicotine content and addictiveness as traditional tobacco, according to a study by the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO’s report revealed that marketing strategies used by heated tobacco businesses may mislead consumers into thinking these products are less harmful. Rats exposed to aerosols from a single heated tobacco stick had nicotine concentration in their blood 4.5 times higher than those exposed to traditional tobacco smoke. Nicotine not only leads to addiction but also causes harm to attention, learning, mood control, impulse control, pregnant women, and developing embryos. Heated tobacco emissions contain harmful and carcinogenic substances, putting the body at risk. Data does not support the idea that substituting traditional tobacco with heated tobacco reduces health risks. Tobacco companies use misleading marketing tactics to lure consumers, claiming lower health risks and reduced secondhand smoke and odor. It is important to note that no heated tobacco products are currently approved for sale in Taiwan, and their manufacturing, importation, selling, supplying, display, advertising, and usage are prohibited under the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act.
    2024/01/05 18:01
  • Taipei Songshan Airport taxis bring back NT$50 parking fee

    Starting Jan. 1, 2024, taxis from the Taipei Songshan Airport will charge a $50 stay service fee, aligning with fees at Taoyuan and Kaohsiung airports. This decision, made following evaluations by the taxi fare review committees of Taipei and New Taipei cities, aims to address rigorous competition and rising operational costs in the industry. Passengers traveling through the airport, also known as Taipei International Airport, should take note of the new transportation cost changes, especially during peak travel periods such as New Year’s Day, the Lunar New Year, and the 228 holidays. The airport authorities have urged scheduled taxi operators to provide quality service and inform passengers about the fee change through verbal explanations and in-vehicle signs. Additionally, the airport offers free parking for the first 30 minutes, providing some relief for those being dropped off by family members.
    2023/12/25 19:11
  • TCX initiates first global carbon credit trades

    The Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange (TCX) has launched its first international carbon credit transactions, offering credits sourced from various regions in Asia, Africa, and South America. Notable companies such as TSMC, Foxconn, China Steel Corporation, and Taiwan Financial Holding have expressed interest in participating in the inaugural trade event. The initial batch of credits available on the Taiwan Carbon Exchange is estimated to range from 50,000 to 100,000 tons and has been certified by the Gold Standard. Once procured, these credits cannot be resold on the carbon exchange platform, and their use will be determined by each company’s individual needs. It is important to note that these credits have international "voluntary" carbon rights and do not fall under "mandatory" carbon pricing, meaning they cannot be used to offset Europe’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).
    2023/12/22 16:49
  • Ex-KMT legislator Tsai defends classical Chinese in schools

    Former Kuomintang (KMT) legislator Alex Tsai advocates for the inclusion of classical Chinese literature in education, suggesting that it should be part of university entrance exams. Tsai cites the University of Tokyo as an example, where classical Chinese content is included in the national language exams. He argues that studying these classics can enhance language skills and cultural refinement. Tsai criticizes the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and pro-independence forces for neglecting the value of classical Chinese and accuses them of attempting to "de-sinicize" Taiwan’s education system. Critics argue that education should prioritize critical thinking and note that the DPP has retained a significant portion of classical Chinese content in the curriculum. They emphasize the need for a comprehensive understanding of the curriculum’s core principles and content to advance Taiwan’s educational progress.
    2023/12/12 17:44
  • China takes note of Blue-White coalition: TAO spokesperson

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokesperson, Zhu Fenglian, has called on the people of Taiwan and China to support the 1992 Consensus and oppose Taiwanese independence in order to restore peaceful development in cross-Strait relations. This statement was made during a regular press conference on Wednesday morning. Zhu also mentioned the potential Blue-White Coalition in the upcoming Taiwanese presidential election, emphasizing that peace, development, and cooperation represent the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan. Zhu further stated that mainland residents will only be able to travel to Taiwan when cross-Strait relations are on the correct track of peaceful development. This communication reflects China’s consistent stance on Taiwan, reaffirming its commitment to the 1992 Consensus and strong opposition to Taiwan’s independence. It is evident that China is closely monitoring Taiwan’s political dynamics in light of the upcoming election.
    2023/11/16 21:06
  • 悚!智慧型手機突自燃起火險傷10歲童 三星電子拒賠償

    南韓三星電子(Samsung)2016年推出的Galaxy Note 7型號智慧型手機發售後,在世界各地接連發生爆炸、起火事故,事後三星經調查承認手機電池內部設計不良,也召回數百萬部Note 7手機,也讓大批消費者對三星產品失去信心。韓媒報導,上個月忠清北道發生一起三星手機自燃起火的事件,差點導致手機的小主人、一名10歲男童受傷,再次引發民眾對三星產品設計缺陷的議論。
    2023/09/13 17:10
  • 又是手機爆炸奪命!8歲女童躺床看卡通慘死 鄰居憶:臉像被肢解

    印度發生手機爆炸奪命意外!當地8歲女童日前用爸爸的紅米Note 5 Pro看影片時,手機突然發生爆炸,她送院後傷重不治。當地傳媒報道,事發時只有女童和祖母在家,鄰居聽到爆炸聲及哀號聲趕到現場,發現女童重傷全身滲血,將女童送院的鄰居指,女童臉和手臂被爆出很深的傷口,臉幾乎被「肢解」,他全程不敢再多看一眼。警方初步調查該手機是3年前從二手商店購入,3個月前又更換了電池,爆炸後房間、床,甚至手機機身都沒有嚴重損毀,初步推斷是電池過熱導致爆炸,但仍待法醫及專家確認。女童父親受訪時強忍淚水,稱當晚是他首次將該手機留在家中,沒料到這天馬上出事。
    2023/04/29 14:24
  • 中階機直上2億畫素!紅米Note 12系列穿戴裝置也更新

    小米日前推出影像旗艦Xiaomi 13 Series,以創新科技與專業影像,今(24)日再推4款Redmi中階新機,以Redmi Note 12 Pro+ 5G領軍,直攻2億像素OIS旗艦相機。另外Redmi品牌穿戴式裝置新品,包含Redmi Watch 3與Redmi Buds 4 Lite。
    2023/03/24 17:49
  • 美超市槍擊案兇嫌「死亡筆記」曝 怨被嘲笑、找不到老婆

    美國維吉尼亞州乞沙比克灣(Chesapeake)的連鎖超市沃爾瑪(Walmart)在22日晚間發生槍擊事件,晚班經理賓恩(Andre Bing)闖進員工休息室朝同事開火,造成7死6傷慘劇;警方在調查後於25日公布嫌犯作案前寫下的「死亡筆記」(Death Note),自曝遭同事嘲笑騷擾,還很後悔沒有找到老婆。
    2022/11/29 10:43
  • 萬聖節到這玩!信義區百貨推變裝抽手機 人氣王送千元禮券

    10月31日就是萬聖節了!今(29)日和明日2天已有不少人準備變裝開趴,百貨也推出多場萬聖活動共襄盛舉;微風信義、南山和松高三館,這2天只要憑消費發票且身穿萬聖節特殊裝扮或妝容,就有機會抽中三星Note 20手機;新光三越台北信義新天地則舉辦變裝遊行,民眾投票變裝人氣王,還能帶回3000元禮券。
    2022/10/29 10:29
  • 注意!小米2款手機內建支付爆漏洞 駭客恐入侵盜刷

    中國品牌小米旗下的紅米(Redmi)手機主打中低階市場,因價格親民、CP值高,在市場上擁有不錯銷量,近期國際資安業者「 Check Point 」發布研究報告,發現紅米先前推出2款搭載搭載聯發科晶片的手機,型號為紅米Note 9T、紅米Note 11,其手機內建支付系統存在漏洞,恐讓駭客入侵竊走個資或遭盜刷。
    2022/08/15 19:40
  • 三星3旗艦發表!自動跟攝、超強夜拍 S22 Ultra加入觸控筆

    三星於今(10)日發表2022年度S系列旗艦,一次推出3款Galaxy S22、S22+、S22 Ultra 3個款式的新機,全系列使用新款4奈米處理器,不過究竟台灣上市會是高通款或三星款仍未公開,除都強調拍照功能更強大,有自動取景跟拍、強大錄影追焦功能和加強版人像、寵物肖像拍攝,S22 Ultra也首度加入Note系列之觸控筆。
    2022/02/10 15:00
  • S22首搭Note專屬Spen! 傳iPhone將產SE3

    2022/02/10 12:57
  • 三星Galaxy S22系列內建S Pen 4大亮點吸睛

    三星昨天推出Galaxy S22系列3款旗艦新機,其中,Ultra機款整合Note系列,內建S Pen觸控筆,也首度搭載4奈米高效處理晶片、升級超明亮夜幕攝影功能,並以海洋廢塑料作為新材料。
    2022/02/10 10:19
  • 三星超美「ZFold Flip 3」 價格曝「iPhone13」玫瑰金來了

    2021/08/25 18:33
  • 三星Z Fold3 & Z Flip3 亮相!超美摺疊機搶先看

    2021/08/12 14:27
  • Tiida J拉皮變臉再戰 舊換新69.5萬起預售開跑

    儘管市場主流已經偏向於小型跨界休旅,隨著新世代Honda Fit即將入臺,國產中小型掀背市場也將再起波濤。為了迎戰預計於9月份在臺灣上市的大改Fit,Nissan總代理也針對以「魔術大空間」聞名的Tiida進行更新,預告推出與日本Autec合作開發全新外觀套件,搭菱格紋飾板以及暗紅色內裝搭配的Tiida J車型,開出74.5萬元預售價格,讓Tiida能夠以更新穎的面容在國產掀背市場再引起討論。
    2021/07/02 23:21
  • 疫情期推新機!紅米5G手機7千有找 線上商城搶先賣

    疫情期,手機品牌陸續推新機,販售方式也不同,包括realme narzo 30A,6/17限定線上販售,還有紅米Note 10S 5G,則是24日線上開賣,25日實體通路才賣,另外蘋果舊機換新機,價格都有微幅上漲。
    2021/06/24 18:09
  • 通膨蠢動!晶片缺貨潮擴及手機 終端產品恐喊漲?

    去年第四季開始,全球車用晶片出現缺貨潮,如今這股現象又延燒到手機、甚至是其他終端產品,三星高層在股東會上悲觀預期,受到晶片短缺影響,今年下半年恐怕無法發表最新的Galaxy Note旗艦機款,外媒甚至預期,由於三星OLED面板產能受阻,很可能間接衝擊蘋果iPhone產品線,最差的情況甚至會造成手機停產。
    2021/04/10 23:08
  • 大改Nissan Note現身 日系都會掀背改採e-Power單一動力

    2020/11/25 00:17
  • 小米今年無新機官網僅1款! 3C達人:審驗有關

    民眾最近跑遍通訊行買小米手機,竟然都買不到,業者不是說缺貨不然就是問要不要換別家廠牌,來到官方實體店鋪竟然也只剩一款,台灣小米回應,目前紅米Note 8T在各通路都正常銷售,但3C達人表示可能和之前大陸手機出現中國台灣有關係。
    2020/09/14 20:09
  • 三星Note 10旗艦 Wi-Fi 6認證搶頭香

    三星宣布,Galaxy Note 10系列被Wi-Fi聯盟列為首款獲得最新通訊技術Wi-Fi 6認證的智慧型手機。
    2019/09/18 11:20
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