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    MayDay 結果共67筆

  • SUHO新歌靈感「來自D.O.求救訊息」! 7月寶島開唱指名嘗2台味

    雖然韓國男團EXO最近面臨各種合約上的紛紛擾擾,但成員的單飛活動仍持續進行,隊長SUHO相隔2年多再推出個人專輯,已在5月31日公開第3張迷你專輯《點線面 (1 to 3)》,還找來Red Velvet主唱Wendy合作。SUHO特別接受台灣媒體訪問,沒想到這次收錄曲的〈Mayday〉,歌名靈感居然是來自隊友D.O.的求救訊息!
    2024/06/12 08:29
  • 消防殉職! 局長再曝5音檔「訊號真的不好」

    2024/06/06 19:21
  • 只聽到一次Mayday!新竹消防局公布音檔 還原2勇消求救現場

    2024/06/06 15:50
  • 殉職警消最後錄音曝光! 昏迷前仍喊Mayday

    2024/06/04 18:30
  • 新竹2殉職勇消「絕望求救音檔」外流 局長澄清:錄到不一定可聽到

    2024/06/04 17:39
  • 竹科晴空匯救災錄音曝光 多次喊「Mayday」

    2024/06/04 14:21
  • 晴空匯5次「MayDay」求救音檔曝!消防局查洩密 楊玲宜嗆:來告 

    2024/06/04 10:25
  • China’s "one China" stance pressures Taiwanese stars

    Discover how China’s political pressure on Taiwanese artists threatens artistic freedom and deepens tensions, as criticized by the Mainland Affairs Council.
    2024/05/28 11:56
  • 沒氣喊「MAYDAY」 殉職消防員裝備沾滿黑油

    2024/05/27 12:26
  • Lai Ching-te comments on Taiwanese artists pressure in China

    Explore how Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te addresses the pressure on Taiwanese artists in China to make political statements, amid CCP influence and cross-strait relations.
    2024/05/27 10:50
  • Energy announces first concerts at Taipei, Kaohsiung arenas

    Discover the iconic boy band Energy’s electrifying comeback with their first-ever concerts in Taipei and Kaohsiung, inspired by a Mayday concert. Tickets go on sale June 2.
    2024/05/24 13:51
  • Mayday concert ends with virtual encore amid storm

    Discover how Taiwanese band Mayday and their fans braved a storm during a concert in Taipei, turning an unexpected weather challenge into a memorable virtual encore.
    2024/05/01 14:24
  • Mayday rumored to rock Beijing with 10-day concert series

    Mayday fans are abuzz as rumors swirl about a possible Beijing concert tour in May. The Taiwanese rock band’s label, B’in Music, advises fans to await official announcements for accurate information. Mayday’s upcoming 25th-anniversary concert in Taiwan at the Kaohsiung National Stadium on March 23 is also highly anticipated.
    2024/03/14 17:21
  • Taiwan’s top 10 concerts of 2023 revealed by big data

    In 2023, Taiwan’s concert scene witnessed a multitude of chart-topping performances, captivating fans with spectacles from renowned artists. The KeyPo big-data engine used by DailyView analyzed online discussions to rank the top 10 concerts of the year. At number 10, rock band Power Station, featuring guests JJ Lin and Accusefive, received positive reviews for their world tour concert "Because of Love." Accusefive, the ninth most discussed band, also garnered favorable reviews for their world tour concerts in Taiwan. Veteran singer Rainie Yang, ranked eighth, touched the hearts of concertgoers at the Taipei Arena. Hebe Tien, in seventh place, returned to the Taipei Arena after three years, inviting guest artists Waa Wei, Deserts Chang, and actor Greg Hsu. Hong Kong superstar Eason Chan, placed at number six, conveyed deep philosophical messages in his concert "Fear and Dreams." Korean soloist Taeyeon, at number five, held a solo concert at the Taipei Arena, performing 24 songs consecutively. Taiwanese star A-Mei, in fourth place, performed in Kaohsiung for 10 consecutive days, earning applause from dedicated fans. British band Coldplay secured third place for their eco-friendly concert in Kaohsiung. Taiwanese band Mayday celebrated their 25th anniversary with surprises and engagement with fans, landing them in second place. However, the top concert of 2023 in Taiwan belonged to K-pop girl group BLACKPINK, whose "Born Pink" tour tickets sold out instantly in Kaohsiung, attracting nearly 90,000 fans. The analysis collected data from various digital platforms from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2023, including Facebook, YouTube, news media, discussion boards, and blogs.
    2024/01/07 11:06
  • China’s tactics to sway Taiwan votes exposed by envoy

    China’s alleged interference in Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election has been highlighted by Taiwan’s Representative to Australia, Douglas Hsu. In an article published in the Australian Financial Review (AFR), Hsu cited instances where China’s Central Propaganda Department ordered Taiwanese band Mayday and South Korean singer Tzuyu to publicly endorse Beijing’s view on Taiwan’s status. The AFR report emphasizes that China has been interfering in Taiwan’s elections since 1996, using tactics such as military exercises, economic threats, and disinformation campaigns. Hsu noted that Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent New Year’s address, asserting the "inevitable historical trend" of reunification, only strengthens Taiwanese people’s desire for self-determination. Hsu expressed confidence in the Taiwanese people’s ability to discern harmful influences and make their own choices. The AFR, a prominent Australian newspaper specializing in international economics, finance, and politics, published the article.
    2024/01/04 14:39
  • Premier Chen backs Mayday amid China’s influence tactics

    Popular Taiwanese band Mayday received encouragement from Executive Yuan Premier Chen Chien-jen to continue giving strength, despite pressure from China to endorse the "One China" stance. Chen criticized China’s use of false information to attack the world. Mayday is feeling pressure from the Chinese government ahead of the presidential election. Chen praised Mayday for their creative contributions under Taiwan’s culture of freedom, democracy, diversity, and openness. Legislator-at-large candidate Puma Shen of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) also highlighted China’s interference in nations worldwide, including luring artists to develop in China and gradually dictating their speech. Shen explained that these tactics typically last from three to six years, causing victims to fall prey to China’s united front tactics.
    2023/12/30 15:47
  • China allegedly pressures Mayday before Taiwan vote

    Chinese authorities are allegedly pressuring Taiwanese rock band Mayday to make pro-China statements ahead of Taiwan’s major election in January 2024, according to foreign media reports. China’s National Radio and Television Administration has reportedly asked Mayday to endorse Beijing’s claim that "Taiwan is part of China" and align with China’s media propaganda on Taiwan. The aim is believed to be influencing the votes of young people in Taiwan. Mayday’s management company, B’in Music, has not responded to inquiries, and higher authorities from the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council have also not commented on the matter.
    2023/12/28 16:48
  • Mayday wraps up tour in Paris, quashes lip-sync rumors

    Mayday, the Taiwanese rock band, concluded their "I Really Want to See You" concert series with a final show in Paris. The concert, which aimed to dispel lip-syncing rumors, received global accolades for its authenticity. Lead vocalist Ashin emotionally shared his sentiments about the band’s journey, while guitarist Stone thanked fans for their support. Bassist Masa attempted to greet Parisian fans in French, eliciting laughter when his pronunciation was off. Monster, another guitarist, expressed appreciation for fans and encouraged their enthusiasm despite the chilly weather. Guan You shared an amusing anecdote about not being recognized in Paris without his glasses. Highlighting the evening, Ashin delivered powerful vocals, exclaiming his reliance on his throat for 24 years. Mayday’s commitment to live performances resonated deeply with their international fan base.
    2023/12/08 17:23
  • Mayday’s Ashin refutes lip-sync claims, fans show support

    Mayday’s lead vocalist, Ashin, addresses lip-syncing allegations by Chinese bloggers in a heartfelt message to fans. Despite the lack of scientific verification, the popular Taiwanese band has faced significant scrutiny. Ashin assures fans of their dedication and expresses gratitude for their unwavering support.
    2023/12/07 16:32
  • 機長發「Mayday!」求救 澳航靠單引擎驚險降雪梨

    2023/01/18 18:37
  • 五月天跨年突爆喜訊!合體周杰倫「神曲有望催生」粉暴動

    五月天在昨(31)日「好好好想見到你 Mayday Fly to 2022」演唱會上與4萬名歌迷迎接2022年,為體恤不能前來的粉絲,特地開放線上特別版「寵粉」,嘉賓竟是「天王好友」周杰倫,這也是繼2021年1月1日後,「周五」組合再度於週五合體。
    2022/01/01 19:22
  • 久違了!五月天高雄開唱 「神秘嘉賓」現身引全場暴動

    五月天「好好好想見到你」Mayday Fly to 2022 高雄跨年版演唱會自12月25日開跑,經過千天的等待,再次重回熟悉的場地與高雄歌迷見面,成員怪獸也和歌迷分享剛升格為人父的喜悅,當螢幕放上女兒的影片時,全場瞬間歡聲雷動,被滿滿幸福感包圍。
    2021/12/26 18:53
  • 五月天開唱20萬張票被秒殺 公司15字回應加場可能

    天團五月天將於年底在高雄舉辦[好好好想見到你] Mayday Fly to 2021 演唱會,今(27)日一早開始售票,4場共20萬張門票,10分鐘內完售,許多沒搶到票的粉絲引領期盼能夠加場。對此,五月天所屬唱片公司相信音樂回應:「目前還沒有這個計劃,謝謝大家支持。」
    2021/11/27 15:53
  • 五迷不哭!五月天演唱會又延期 阿信:等我一次唱爆

    亞洲天團五月天演唱會「好好好想見到你 Mayday Fly to 2021 台中場」年初就因為疫情影響而延期到年底,沒想到今(30)晚宣布,由於場地使用時間與中華職棒賽事強碰,決定2度延期至明(2022)年1月15、16、21、22、23日。對此,五月天主唱阿信也向粉絲喊話,「等我一次唱爆一年份的等待!」
    2021/09/30 20:15
  • 7小時「鳥擊」6航班 桃機關跑道CI153「等到沒油」喊Mayday

    2021/04/29 22:33
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