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    Maersk 結果共11筆

  • Evergreen, Yang Ming hold off to resume Red Sea route

    Taiwanese shipping companies Evergreen Marine Corp. and Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp. have chosen not to resume their Red Sea route following Maersk’s decision to do so. Maersk reinstated the route due to the "Red Sea crisis" caused by increased violence from Yemen’s Houthi rebels. The deployment of the multinational naval task forces under the U.S.-led Operation Prosperity Guardian (OPG) has allowed maritime trade to pass through the Red Sea/Gulf of Aden and resume using the Suez Canal. However, Maersk warns that the overall risk in the region has not been eliminated. The decision has led to concerns about container prices and resulted in a decline in Evergreen and Yang Ming’s stock prices. Freight rates for European and American shipping liners saw a significant increase after Maersk’s announcement.
    2023/12/26 18:31
  • 馬士基擬恢復紅海航線 貨櫃三雄暫不跟進

    丹麥航運巨商馬士基(Maersk)宣布準備恢復在紅海(Red Sea)和亞丁灣(Gulf of Aden)的航運業務,但包含長榮、陽明及萬海等國內貨櫃航商表示,仍將維持暫停通行紅海的做法。
    2023/12/26 12:06
  • 航運股擱淺!陽明亮燈跌停 萬海跌9%、長榮跌7%

    2023/12/25 15:51
  • Evergreen halts Red Sea shipping amid Houthi threats

    Evergreen Marine Corp, a Taiwanese shipping company, has temporarily suspended its shipping services through the Red Sea due to security threats posed by Houthi militants. This decision comes after a series of attacks on commercial ships by the Yemen-based group, which has escalated tensions in the region. Evergreen joins other global shipping giants, including Orient Overseas Container Line, CMA CGM, Maersk Group, Hapag-Lloyd, and Mediterranean Shipping Company, in halting passage through the Red Sea. The attacks by the Houthis, aimed at blocking ships en route to Israel, have led to the interception of drones and missiles by the U.S. Navy, British Navy, and French Navy. In response to the exacerbating security situation, Evergreen has rerouted its ships from Asia to the Mediterranean and the U.S. East Coast to avoid the Red Sea. British Petroleum (BP) has also suspended its oil transit through the Red Sea due to increased risks.
    2023/12/19 10:06
  • 不滿貨輪被胡賽組織飛彈炸 「航海王」暫停紅海航運繞道非洲

    被外界暱稱為「航海王」的馬士基集團(Maersk),因為旗下一艘在香港註冊的馬士基直布羅陀號貨輪(Maersk Gibraltar),在從阿曼前往沙烏地阿拉伯途中,遭到葉門胡賽組織(Houthi movement)飛彈攻擊,讓公司在保護貨物和船員安全前提下,即日起全面停止紅海地區的航運,寧願繞道非洲好望角,也要確保人員和貨物安全。專家與商會擔心,馬士基此例一開,勢必還有更多航運公司跟進,短期內海運價格有可能上漲,貨運時間也將因為繞道而延誤。
    2023/12/16 10:33
  • Maersk layoffs send shipping stocks tumbling

    Global shipping leader Maersk’s decision to cut its workforce by 10,000 has caused a downturn in shipping stocks on November 6th. Within the first ten minutes of trading, Evergreen Marine (2603) dropped 4% to NT$107.5, while Yang Ming Marine Transport (2609) and Wan Hai Lines (2615) also experienced turbulence with declines of over 2%. Following Maersk’s announcement, the company’s stock price fell more than 18%. The shipping industry is currently facing numerous challenges, including sluggish cargo demand, falling freight rates, rising energy costs, inflation, and geopolitical tensions. Maersk CEO Vincent Clerc described these challenges as the "new normal." Insiders have noted that the shipping market is not as robust as it has been in recent years, leading to uncertainty and a "supply-demand imbalance" in the coming year.
    2023/11/06 20:06
  • 航海王時代落幕?營收暴跌近5成 馬士基宣佈將裁1萬人

    2023/11/04 09:48
  • 長賜輪擱淺案丹麥航商提告求償 長榮:責任由船東承擔

    外媒報導,丹麥航商馬士基(Maersk)近期針對長榮海運旗下長賜輪(EVER GIVEN)在埃及蘇伊士運河擱淺一事提告並求償。對此,長榮表示,長賜輪為長榮依論時傭船合約所租賃的船舶,該艘租船擱淺案所衍生的相關責任,應由船東承擔。
    2023/02/13 22:56
  • 全球海運龍頭:關稅對美衝擊遠大於全球

    全球最大貨櫃海運業者馬士基集團(A.P. Moeller Maersk A/S)執行長史庫(Soren Skou)表示,全球貿易戰升溫,美國自己受的傷會是其他國家的好幾倍。
    2018/08/20 11:16
  • 馬士基IT系統恢復 貨櫃船運市場平靜

    全球最大貨櫃船公司丹麥馬士基(MAERSK) 6月底IT系統遭駭後,至今已大部分恢復功能。航運人士表示,目前整體市場恢復平靜,上週從亞洲赴歐洲、地中海、美洲等航線運價僅小跌。
    2017/07/19 10:02
  • 馬士基被駭 航運界:貨主轉艙效應再觀察

    2017/06/29 10:29
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