和解飯選韓國瑜愛店!9道菜曝光 新菜「Do Re Mi」上桌
明年度中央政府總預算被藍白黨團聯手擋下的僵局,朝野「和解飯」今(11)日中午上菜!這場餐敘的地點選在立法院長韓國瑜的愛店「點水樓」,共計9道菜,菜單內容也曝光,其中一道是今年秋天新菜「DO RE MI」,是將蟹膏、蟹肉、蝦仁依照特定比例調配而成,宛若音階而得名,相當特別。
2024/10/11 13:37
Kaohsiung’s Chen Chi-mai tops major city mayors: survey
CommonWealth Magazine’s 2024 survey ranks Pingtung County Magistrate Chou Chun-mi as the most improved leader. Agricultural counties dominate top spots. Economic and environmental issues are key.
2024/09/30 22:00
根據《朝鮮日報》報導,韓國執政黨「國民力量」議員金美愛(Kim Mi-ae)19日引述健康保險公團的資料指出,去年利用韓國健保接受治療的外國人大約有418萬5439人,健保給付額高達1兆7206億韓元(新台幣約382億元),而中國人在韓人數和金額都是最大宗,佔61.1%,相當於255萬中國人,表示韓國去年花費1兆1809億韓元(新台幣約260億元)用於治療中國人。
2024/09/21 17:46
快訊/俄國Mi-8直升機起飛後失聯 載22人死傷不明
2024/08/31 16:29
曾陷婚姻危機!鄭秀文許志安現身日本街頭 兩人「1舉動」超甜蜜
天后鄭秀文(Sammi),剛於上月完成13場《You & Mi 鄭秀文世界巡迴演唱會》後,完成個唱不足一星期,最近有網民在小紅書分享了在日本偶遇鄭秀文和...
2024/08/05 08:31
曾患「憂鬱症」!鄭秀文9度入圍終奪后 用自身經歷鼓勵粉絲追夢
天后鄭秀文( Sammi )紅館演唱會《You &Mi鄭秀文世界巡迴演唱會2023》( Rescheduled )最後一場昨晚( 28日)舉行,Jeffrey、24味、好青年荼毒室、JB、Matt Force等兩組嘉賓出場後,Sammi唱出《Creo En Mi》、《致我們的夢想》,此時Jeffrey竟再度登場合唱,更大展舞技,與Kalai唱《信者得愛》時,Sammi走近四面觀眾,掀起全晚高潮!
2024/07/29 09:45
天后鄭秀文(Sammi)紅館演唱會《You & Mi 鄭秀文世界巡迴演唱會2023》(Rescheduled)尾場今晚(28日)舉行,老公許志安一如以往擔任嘉賓,以鋼琴伴奏並合唱《世紀末煙花》,唱歌前Sammi說:「學懂『珍惜』兩個字就足夠。」
2024/07/29 08:55
《麼麼茶》CP合體!任賢齊突襲鄭秀文演唱會 一開口狂被吐槽
香港天后鄭秀文(Sammi)近期在香港紅館舉辦「You & Mi」世界巡迴演唱會,每場演出都有不同驚喜,除首場有老公許志安擔任嘉賓,日前任賢齊也現身VIP區欣賞演出,2人曾在24年前合作電影《夏日的麼麼茶》,任賢齊在演唱會上驚喜獻唱電影主題曲〈浪花一朵朵〉,讓大批粉絲陷入回憶殺。
2024/07/18 06:45
疑收LV、BV等名牌包與百萬資金 韓裔前CIA專家遭控當韓國間諜
曾在美國中央情報局(CIA)和白宮國家安全會議(NSC)任職的亞裔女性外交專家蘇米(Sue Mi Terry),傳出被指控收取南韓政府奢侈品、現金和其他貴重禮物,並擔任該國在美的間諜,協助韓方提前獲取內部情資。目前蘇米已經被強制「休假」並進行調查,而她本人則透過律師嚴正否認指控,並強調自己是現任南韓政府的批評者,怎可能收取賄賂當間諜。
2024/07/17 09:21
鄭秀文港開唱!駕機器人霸氣開場 見「新郎」羞喊:像待嫁新娘
鄭秀文(Sammi)一連13場《You & Mi世界巡迴演唱會—香港站》昨晚(12日)開唱,蘇永康、許鞍華、潘嘉德、鍾楚紅、甘比等都有捧場。
2024/07/13 09:02
Taiwan to provide fresh milk to over 1.3 million students
Taiwan’s Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Education are teaming up to provide fresh milk to over 1.3 million elementary students, addressing challenges and supporting local dairy farmers ahead of tariff changes.
2024/07/03 17:18
天后脫了!超兇「激裸上身」大解放 一轉身網驚呆了
51歲樂壇天后鄭秀文(Sammi)最近積極為了下個月舉行的《You & Mi 鄭秀文世界巡迴演唱會香港站》進行彩排,她在過去這幾個月不斷在社交媒體分享她去健身房鍛鍊身體,以及學唱歌改善聲音運動技巧和積極排舞,可以看出她為了這次演唱會拚盡全力去做好事前準備,報答一直以來支持的歌迷。Sammi昨(5日)在IG透露從國外回香港,完成工作後便趁空閒去刮痧,更上傳照片跟粉絲分享。
2024/06/06 09:41
澳奇葩女出大招!「雙腿開開」吹直笛 全場狂喊OMG
才華有很多種,每個人都有自己獨有的長處,近日一名來自澳洲的女子麥基夫(Beatrice McKeefe)就前往德國參加了一檔選秀節目,大秀超狂「才華」,她不僅倒立、雙腿開開,甚至將直笛插入下體吹奏起「Do Re Mi」。現場的觀眾被女子的「才華」嚇得驚呼連連,狂喊OMG。
2024/01/30 22:35
DPP’s Lai promises High Speed Rail, expressways for Pingtung
Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) Presidential candidate, announced at a rally in Pingtung his plans to construct a Taiwan High-Speed Rail line and two expressways in the area. Lai aims to balance Taiwan’s national development projects and bring more support and assistance to Pingtung, transforming it into a "beautiful new homeland." His promises include extending the high-speed rail to Chaozhou Township, reducing travel time from Taipei to less than two hours. Lai also intends to attract high-tech industries, introduce agricultural technology, and enhance the export competitiveness of local farm produce. Additionally, he plans to uplift tourism service quality in Pingtung, transforming Kenting into a destination similar to Bali and developing Dapeng Bay into a Hawaii-like getaway. Lai emphasized Pingtung’s importance in the implementation of the New Southbound Policy, highlighting its potential contribution to Taiwan’s development in collaboration with other southern counties and cities. He credited his past contributions to Pingtung’s development, such as the Pingtung Veterans General Hospital, to the efforts of former Pingtung County Commissioner Pan Men-an, current commissioner Chou Chun-mi, and legislators. Lai seeks local residents’ support to make Pingtung glorious again.
2023/12/22 11:00
Pingtung opens Taiwan’s first dedicated drug analysis lab
Pingtung County Government has inaugurated Taiwan’s first dedicated Drug Analysis Laboratory, a pioneering move to combat drug crimes more efficiently. The lab, costing NT$15 million, aims to reduce the turnaround time for drug analysis, which used to take one to two months when samples had to be sent to laboratories in other counties. Pingtung County Commissioner Chou Chun-mi emphasized the urgent need for the specialized lab due to the increasing variety and complexity of illicit drugs. Chou also highlighted the traditional approach to drug testing being too time-consuming and stressed the importance of efficiency in curbing the drug problem. In addition to the Drug Analysis Laboratory, Pingtung County has already established a Drug Testing Laboratory for urine tests in 2021. The new lab, certified by the Food and Drug Administration in December, marks a significant milestone in Taiwan’s anti-drug initiatives.
2023/12/18 21:31
KMT’s Hou Yu-ih pledges major fraud crackdown in Taiwan
Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and his running mate, Jaw Shaw-kong, have pledged to crack down on Taiwan’s rampant fraud industry. If elected, they plan to conduct a sweeping operation against fraud groups in their first year, aiming to reduce fraud cases to a third of the current number in the second year and cutting them by half in the third year. Hou, drawing on his past anti-fraud experience, criticizes the current government for its investment in a national anti-fraud team that has seen an increase in fraud cases and arrests. He advocates for stronger surveillance by the National Communications Commission (NCC) in telecom facilities and emphasizes the need for cooperation with mainland China. Hou aims to leverage the Organized Crime Prevention Act to produce tangible results in the fight against fraud by the fourth year of his presidency.
2023/12/07 16:56
Tragic factory blaze: 5 dead, 5 missing and 98 injured
Factory explosion in Pingtung leaves 5 dead, 5 missing, and 98 injured. Ongoing investigation into the cause. Pingtung government collaborates with Export Processing Zone Administration on compensation.
2023/09/23 14:08
400+ affected by food poisoning at Vietnamese food stand
Media reported a severe outbreak of food poisoning caused by consuming Vietnamese baguettes from "A-chen Banm Mi Vietnam" in Zhongli District, Taoyuan.
2023/08/07 19:50
原訂7月展開巡迴演唱會的「樂壇天后」鄭秀文,因在5月初確診新冠,至今聲帶仍未完全恢復,因此忍痛宣布一共13場的「You & Mi 鄭秀文世界巡迴演唱會香港站 2023」延期,亦透過錄音形式向粉絲交代事情原委、及做出這個決定的最大考量,在錄音中數度哽咽的她也於4日再度發聲,談及這段時間以來自己心境、生活上的轉變。
2023/07/06 07:53
搶票時間曝!鄭秀文7月紅館開唱 宣傳照「開高衩」粉絲嗨翻
天后鄭秀文(Sammi)即將於7月在香港紅館舉行8場演唱會《AXA 安盛呈獻You & Mi 鄭秀文世界巡迴演唱會香港站 2023》,日期為7月14~16、18~19、21~23日,而票價分別為HK$1080、HK$680和HK$380(約新台幣4225元、2660元、1486元)。下週一(8日)早上10時起東亞銀行信用卡優先訂票,搶票熱潮一觸即發。日前Sammi演唱會海報曝光,天后氣場逼人,連本人都表示滿意。
2023/05/04 21:59
天后好事成雙! 鄭秀文剛鍍金封影后 宣布7月紅館開唱
香港天后鄭秀文10度角逐金像獎,今年終於如願以償,打敗張艾嘉、毛舜筠等強敵,以《流水落花》成功奪下影后寶座,她在台上領獎時忍不住落淚,最後還唱一小段「等到花兒也謝了」,令人十分感動,她好事成雙,昨(18)晚宣布好消息,7月將於紅磡體育館舉辦演唱會《You & Mi 鄭秀文世界巡迴演唱會香港站2023」。
2023/04/19 09:48
視障歌手被嗆教壞小孩 他揭創作催淚內幕:向父親懺悔
2022/12/30 10:42
狼人殺女神開車到網美景點 颱風天竟「突然爆破燒毀」太驚悚
2022/10/27 11:29
台東6.8強震才是主震! 美國發布「海嘯威脅」
2022/09/18 16:13
一路進擊!烏軍陸續收回失土 諷俄軍狼狽撤離
2022/05/15 14:05