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    MADE 結果共384筆

  • Nvidia CEO surprises students with visit to NTU

    Discover how NVIDIA’s CEO, Jensen Huang, made a surprise visit to National Taiwan University, engaging with students and receiving a warm welcome. Learn about the event’s highlights and reactions.
    2024/05/31 17:19
  • Taiwan’s president hosts historic meeting with drag queen

    Discover how Nymphia Wind, "RuPaul’s Drag Race" Season 16 champion, made history by performing in drag for Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen, marking a milestone in cultural recognition and LGBTQ+ rights in Taiwan.
    2024/05/15 15:56
  • 用陸貨假冒「美國製造」賺高價 美家具商遭重罰1億

    總部位於加州舊金山的家具製造商威廉斯-索諾瑪(Williams-Sonoma),傳出標示造假醜聞,被當地消費者監督團體發現,該公司將中國大陸生產的進口商品,更換貼上虛假的「美國製造」(Made in the USA)標籤,藉此矇騙消費者賺取更高利潤。美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)2020年對該企業提起訴訟,纏訟多年後,威廉斯-索諾瑪同意支付317萬美元(約新台幣1億332萬元)罰款,與聯邦政府達成和解。
    2024/04/30 17:10
  • ’Made in Taiwan’ Heineken beer to hit global markets

    Vice President Lai Ching-te, along with officials and Heineken Taiwan’s Managing Director Wu Chien-fu, launched a NT$13.5 billion investment in Pingtung for a net-zero carbon beer factory aimed at the East Asian market, marking Heineken’s deep-rooted expansion in Taiwan.
    2024/04/26 21:55
  • Taiwan takes step towards international human rights norms

    Taiwan intends to follow the U.S. lead and outlaw the import and export of goods made using forced labor. With a preliminary resolution to alter the "Human Trafficking Prevention Act" by the Ministry of the Interior to establish a legal foundation, the Executive Yuan has called for many inter-ministerial discussions.  Following the amendment’s completion and implementation, the Ministry of Labor will be in charge of identifying goods made using forced labor. Border control will be managed by the Ministry of Finance’s Customs Administration. "Import and export are both prohibited. A representative of the administration stated, "The regulation is bidirectional.
    2024/04/15 14:48
  • Hualien earthquake: Uranus Building demolition continues

    Following a devastating earthquake in Hualien, the ongoing demolition of the Uranus Building draws attention as efforts are made to protect trapped animals, with the demolition expected to conclude within two weeks.
    2024/04/12 16:50
  • Dong Hwa University to rebuild fire-damaged building

    Following the destruction of its physics and engineering building due to an April 3 earthquake, National Tung Hwa University in Hualien announces a reconstruction plan, supported by donations and school funds, aiming for completion by next September. The university emphasizes rapid restoration of the academic environment, collaboration with Tzu Chi University for student support, and has initiated a 24-hour hotline for emotional assistance. Appeals are made for broader disaster relief contributions to help restore Hualien’s natural beauty.
    2024/04/08 17:00
  • Authors unveil essence of Taiwanese cuisine in new cookbook

    Explore the rich flavors and unique identity of Taiwanese cuisine with Clarissa Wei and Ivy in their new cookbook, "Made in Taiwan." This culinary journey offers a fresh perspective on the island’s diverse food culture, distinct from its neighbors.
    2024/04/05 08:00
  • 接棒泰民!SHINee溫流宣布加入新公司 暖心問候:等很久了吧?

    韓國男團SHINee成員泰民日前正式宣布加入Big Planet Made娛樂(以下BPM娛樂),也陸續公開許多官方新照片。隊長溫流今(3)天接棒公布,已經與新成立的經紀公司「GRIFFIN娛樂」簽約,他也特地在Instagram上發文:「等了很久吧?謝謝!」
    2024/04/03 13:06
  • China warns Taiwan of consequences under DPP’s current path

    The story discusses recent statements from officials of China’s Taiwan Affairs Office and the Executive Yuan of Taiwan regarding rising cross-strait tensions, rumors of a "war tax," and accusations against the Democratic Progressive Party. Clarifications were made regarding the alleged plans for a war tax and the nature of military exercises for national security.
    2024/03/27 15:50
  • Vice President Lai Ching-te explores AI and 5G with Quanta

    Vice President and President-elect Lai Ching-te’s visit to Quanta headquarters in Taipei to discuss AI and 5G applications with Chairman Barry Lam, as part of his ongoing industry exchange tour. The meeting highlighted Taiwan’s ICT industry success and Quanta’s pivotal role in seizing AI opportunities, reflecting critical decisions made by Lai during his tenure as premier.
    2024/03/26 16:14
  • Taiwan halts sales of Japanese red yeast rice products

    Taiwan’s Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan announces the removal of products made with red yeast rice from Japan due to adverse reactions. Kobayashi Pharmaceutical’s recall follows reports of acute kidney failure, with one reported death under investigation.
    2024/03/26 13:55
  • New Taipei’s online memorial hits record users

    Discover how New Taipei City’s online memorial service system has seen a significant surge in users ahead of the Qingming Festival. Learn about the system’s evolution since its launch in 2013 and the recent enhancements made by the New Taipei City Civil Affairs Bureau. Explore the unique features of this digital platform and how it complements traditional grave visitations during this solemn period.
    2024/03/26 11:05
  • New Taipei deputy mayor Liu undecided on election candidacy

    New Taipei City Deputy Mayor Liu Ho-jan remains noncommittal on potential 2026 election candidacy, focusing on current municipal duties. Liu’s career trajectory from science teacher to deputy mayor discussed in interview with journalist Huang Wei-han. Liu refrains from commenting on potential rivals and emphasizes importance of grassroots discussions in all 29 districts. No decisions made yet on future political plans.
    2024/03/25 12:52
  • 賴清德走訪無人機國家隊 驚見馬達Made in China!業者:會改MIT

    準總統賴清德22日走訪「無人機國家隊」取經,但其中一家企業展出與英國和土耳其合作開發的無人機,它的螺旋槳馬達上印有「Made in China」字樣。業者解釋,外國合作商期待利用台灣量能都改成MIT,但這畫面一度著實尷尬!
    2024/03/22 19:23
  • 「無人機為何用陸製馬達?」 陳建仁嗆藍委別作秀:問這沒意思

    副總統賴清德今(22)日到嘉義參訪無人機國家隊,然而現場展出的一台無人機竟被發現使用的動力馬達是「MADE IN CHINA」。對此,國民黨立委今日在立院質詢時,詢問行政院長陳建仁此事,陳建仁回說,這無需大驚小怪,接著還反批葉元之,「問這個沒有意思,不需要在這裡跟你作秀」,葉元之再度回擊,沒做好才會被酸,如果還是這樣無所謂的態度,未來就是兩岸一起發展軍事產業了。
    2024/03/22 17:57
  • 尷尬!賴清德視察無人機國家隊 零件竟出現「MADE IN CHINA」

    政府為了拚國防自主,正傾盡全力發展無人機國家隊,準總統賴清德今(22)日來到嘉義亞洲無人機AI創新應用研發中心參訪,然而會場中有一台無人機,被在場眼尖媒體發現所使用的動力馬達是「MADE IN CHINA」,也讓外界產生了疑問。對此,緯航太董事長羅正方趕緊澄清,展覽的無人機是目前與英國及土耳其兩國合作的「豺狼無人機」由於該無人機在土耳其仍屬於發展階段,因此使用到部分的中國零件。
    2024/03/22 15:05
  • Accusefive concert draws 40K fans, boosts Yilan tourism

    Experience the electrifying concert that made history in Yilan as Accusefive’s ’Around the New World’ tour drew over 40,000 fans, boosting local tourism and setting records. Witness the spectacle of 8,000 fireworks and the band’s unforgettable performances, including their chart-topping hits.
    2024/03/18 13:50
  • VP-elect Hsiao Bi-khim’s US trip: Personal, not political

    Learn about the clarification made by the DPP regarding Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim’s upcoming personal trip to the U.S., emphasizing it is not for diplomatic purposes but for personal matters such as house moving and visiting friends. Speculations suggesting involvement in diplomatic affairs ahead of the inauguration on May 20 are refuted. Compare the trip to President-Elect Lai Ching-te’s visit to the U.S. before his inauguration four years ago, highlighting the differences in purpose and official engagements.
    2024/03/11 18:14
  • SM離職日?李壽根也走人「改簽BPM娛樂」 2公司恩怨一次看!

    韓國SM娛樂今(5)天一口氣傳出SHINee成員溫流、泰民都在結束這一輪合約後離開公司,不過其實今天稍早也傳出隸屬於SM娛樂集團的知名主持人李壽根也將離開,今天似乎成了藝人們的離職日,而且新公司也跟泰民一樣,都是Big Planet Made娛樂,這間公司與SM娛樂的「糾葛」也不少。
    2024/03/05 14:51
  • Phoebe Huang’s ex Christopher Downs denies abuse

    Canadian actor Christopher Downs denies allegations of domestic violence made by his ex-wife Phoebe Huang. The couple’s public legal dispute unfolds as Downs presents evidence to counter the accusations.
    2024/02/21 17:47
  • Premier: China’s stance key to full Taiwan tour group access

    Taiwan’s Premier Chen Chien-jen announced that travel to mainland China is possible for pre-arranged tour groups before May 31, pending China’s cooperation. The decision, made in response to a query from Kuomintang caucus whip Fu Kun-chi at the Legislative Yuan, was explained as a temporary measure due to China’s failure to reciprocate group tourism efforts. Chen highlighted that the possibility of lifting the ban hinges on China’s willingness, emphasizing that existing tour groups can still travel before the end of May.
    2024/02/20 18:52
  • Honduras’ unsettled US$440 million debt to Taiwan

    Honduras owes Taiwan approximately US$440 million (NT$13.8 billion) in debt, which has accumulated over several years and remains unpaid even after severing diplomatic ties with Taiwan in favor of China. The decision to end over eight decades of relations with Taiwan and establish diplomatic ties with China was made on March 25, 2023. The current president of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, did not borrow any additional funds from Taiwan, with the last loan of US$300 million being acquired by her predecessor, Juan Orlando Hernández, in 2019. These funds were primarily used for housing reconstruction, school facilities, and nutritional lunches. Honduras hoped that establishing diplomatic relations with Beijing would result in greater economic support and loans from the Chinese government. However, the country’s white shrimp exports were affected following the diplomatic break with Taiwan. As a result, Honduras has turned to China for similar tariff preferences.
    2024/02/16 14:33
  • Palau president unveils China’s bid to buy diplomatic change

    Palau President Surangel Whipps Jr. revealed in a letter to U.S. senators that China had tried to convince Palau to sever diplomatic ties with Taiwan in exchange for hotel bookings. The letter, made public by Cleo Paskal of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, detailed China’s proposal to fill Palau’s hotels and operate a call center at an annual cost of US$20 million. Whipps Jr. warned that without immediate approval for COFA aid, pro-China factions in Palau could threaten its diplomatic relationship with Taiwan.
    2024/02/16 11:11
  • Vietnamese agency faces fine amid travel payment dispute

    Taipei-based WinnER International Travel Co. has ceased services for a Taiwanese tourist group visiting Phu Quoc Island in Vietnam during the Lunar New Year. The company has retained the group’s deposit and continued to charge fees, citing a violation of contract rules by Mega International Travel Service, which had not made the agreed payment. WinnER International signed a contract with Mega International on September 12, 2023, and received a deposit of NT$700,000 on January 18, 2024. The dispute arose when the two sides could not agree on the service price, leading to WinnER International sending a notice to stop providing service on January 31, which went unanswered. As a result, WinnER International asked each passenger to pay an additional US$720 to continue the journey. The Kien Giang Provincial Tourism Administration has deemed WinnER International’s actions a violation of regulations and will penalize the company for not adhering to travel contract regulations.
    2024/02/16 11:08
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