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    JOY 結果共74筆

  • 安雅泰勒喬伊《芙莉歐莎》沙漠狂飆車 自爆其實沒駕照!

    傳奇導演喬治米勒(George Miller)執導的新作《芙莉歐莎:瘋狂麥斯傳奇篇章》,今(3)日於雪梨進行與台灣媒體連線記者會,兩位主演安雅泰勒喬伊(Anya Taylor-Joy)、「雷神」克里斯漢斯沃(Chris Hemsworth)與喬治米勒一同現身受訪。在片中有許多飆車場面的安雅泰勒喬伊,更現場自爆自己至今仍沒有汽車駕照。
  • 星巴克x迪士尼第2彈!18款周邊一覽 加碼連3天買1送1

    星巴克與Disney迪士尼再次合作啦!繼去年推出的復古懷舊系列「Relive the Magic Together」,此次迎接初夏推出第2波「A SIP OF JOY」商品系列,以繽紛的多巴胺色系為設計主軸,共有11款可愛的迪士尼咖啡隨行杯+6款質感生活用品,4/16起全門市及線上門市正式限量開賣!
    2024/04/13 11:50
  • Taiwanese star Greg Hsu shares joy at film debut in Japan

    Taiwanese actor Greg Hsu promotes "18×2 Beyond Youthful Days" in Japan, a Taiwanese-Japanese co-production that has captivated audiences in Taiwan. Hsu, alongside director Michihito Fujii and co-star Kaya Kiyohara, expressed his joy and anticipation during a press conference, highlighting the film’s themes of youth and friendship. Hsu’s chemistry with co-star Shunsuke Michieda is praised, with the actor inviting Michieda to visit Taiwan post-premiere. The film is currently screening in Taiwan and is scheduled for release in Japan in May.
    2024/03/28 17:54
  • 2024奧斯卡紅毯造型!影后艾瑪史東飄清新感 影帝胸針有玄機

    第96屆奧斯卡金像獎於台灣時間11日上午盛大舉行,影星們的紅毯造型絕對是奧斯卡的重要亮點之一,現在就來看看從新任影后艾瑪史東、 DIOR全球時尚與美妝品牌大使安雅泰勒喬伊Anya Taylor-Joy、95屆影后楊紫瓊、珍妮佛勞倫斯等人的紅毯造型吧!
    2024/03/11 15:53
  • 19歲出道當女團!女星爆下半身被攻擊 親揭金曲歌王真實面

    蕎洢(Joy)19歲就出道,成為女團Uplive Girls一員,歷經離團單飛後,推出個人的首支單曲〈只想有你〉,她透露因為參加《台灣那麼旺》遇見前輩荒山亮,對方給了她許多專業的建議,告訴她歌聲可以如何做調整,所以單曲完成的第一時間,就立刻和荒山亮分享,得到對方的肯定與誇獎,這真的讓她信心大增。
    2024/03/03 18:46
  • Kaohsiung bids adieu to giant rubber ducks

    The iconic rubber ducks by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman bid farewell to Kaohsiung after a successful exhibition, drawing over 8 million visitors and generating NT$14 billion in tourism revenue. The beloved ducks have been spreading joy and peace globally since 2007, with Taiwan marking another milestone in their journey.
    2024/02/26 11:22
  • 英《VOGUE》主編告別作 40位大咖女星破天荒齊登封面

    英國《VOGUE》雜誌主編恩寧弗(Edward Enninful)辭職,此消息去年震撼整個時尚界。他負責主編《VOGUE》時尚雜誌已經6年多,在他操刀的最後一期雜誌,封面大手筆找來了40位女性巨星,包括好萊塢影星、超級名模以及體育女將等,從娜歐蜜坎貝兒(Naomi Campbell)、安雅泰勒喬伊(Anya Taylor-Joy )到小威廉絲(Serena Williams),超豪華的陣容登上英國《VOGUE》3月刊封面。
    2024/02/09 15:12
  • 打敗蔡依林!林俊傑奪年度單曲冠軍 突爆下一步:調整身心

    「2023 Hit Fm年度百首單曲」今(26)日正式出爐,從1月1日起至14日止,歷經為期2週、近700萬總投票數,從340首歌曲裡選出前100名,其中冠軍單曲為金曲歌王林俊傑(JJ)的〈孤獨娛樂〉,打敗蔡依林、周杰倫及YOASOBI等人,這是他第4度奪下年度百首單曲冠軍,輝煌紀錄令人稱羨。第2名則是大陸歌手張哲瀚〈途〉,第3名為JJ和 Anderson .Paak合作的〈In The Joy〉。
    2024/01/26 11:45
  • 吃到飽餐廳TOP8!冠軍「主打日式」 饗食天堂獲讚CP值高

    《Social Lab社群實驗室》本次透過《OpView社群口碑資料庫》追蹤近三個月內「吃到飽餐廳」話題的網路聲量表現,帶您了解網友熱議的TOP8吃到飽餐廳排行。
    2023/12/30 11:35
  • Lau, Leung spark holiday frenzy with sweet Christmas photo

    Hong Kong actress Carina Lau and actor Tony Leung delighted fans with a heartwarming Christmas photo on social media. The picture, shared on Weibo, showed Lau giving Leung a kiss on the cheek in front of a Christmas tree. Married for 15 years, the couple appeared happy and in good spirits. Lau also took the opportunity to send a heartfelt holiday greeting to her followers and tagged Leung’s fan club in the post. Fans expressed their joy and showered the couple with compliments and well wishes in the comments section, making it a charming and personal Christmas gift.
    2023/12/26 17:54
  • Kaohsiung landmarks to light up in yellow

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai announced that the Kaohsiung Music Center and the Eye of Gangshan will be illuminated with therapeutic yellow lights every evening from 6 p.m. to midnight, starting on December 25, 2023, until January 26, 2024. Speculation has arisen online about the return of the yellow rubber duck exhibition to Kaohsiung, as "yellow circles" have been spotted around the city. The giant floating duck was initially displayed in 2013 and drew approximately 3.9 million visitors in a single month, boosting the city’s economy by generating nearly NT$1 billion in business opportunities. Mayor Chen has not confirmed the duck’s return but expressed the municipal team’s commitment to bringing progress and joy to the citizens.
    2023/12/26 11:17
  • U.S. language expert shares holiday joy at Kaohsiung school

    U.S. Department of State English language specialist Maureen Rooney visited Heti Elementary School in Kaohsiung to introduce American holiday traditions to students through an interactive English language program. Rooney’s effortless English and expressive body language helped the children overcome their anxiety about fully English-taught lessons. The course, rich with audiovisual aids, guided students through the historical context of Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations, enhancing their understanding of cultural nuances. Using the festive tune "12 Days of Christmas," Rooney stimulated thoughtful discussions among students about the meaning of gifts and encouraged heartfelt English expressions of gratitude and well wishes for their families. HTPS Principal Tu Chang-lin expressed gratitude for the American Institute in Taiwan’s collaboration with U.S. officials in advancing bilingual education at the school, highlighting the value of such cultural learning opportunities to enrich the students’ English proficiency.
    2023/12/20 21:30
  • Actress Karena Ng marries tycoon’s son Brian Sze

    Hong Kong actress Karena Ng happily reveals her marriage to businessman Brian Sze, the third son of billionaire Ivis Sze Wing, after a four-year relationship. The couple officially went public in 2022 and announced their engagement on April 20, 2023. They express their joy and anticipation for their official wedding next year. Ng and Sze shared enchanting wedding photos on Weibo, showcasing moments like cutting a cake and sharing a romantic kiss. The couple is currently preparing for a European celebration in August 2024.
    2023/12/20 20:07
  • 安雅寵粉自拍「卻不會用安卓手機」2度失敗! 粉絲超殘念

    巴西聖保羅動漫遊戲展覽會11月30日至12月3日登場,電影《芙莉歐莎:瘋狂麥斯傳奇篇章》主演安雅泰勒喬伊(Anya Taylor-Joy)出席現場活動時與粉絲親切互動,作風親民的安雅也在場邊拿起粉絲手機與他們合照,但途中發生一段小插曲,安雅似乎不習慣使用安卓型號的手機,連續嘗試2次都沒能成功,讓安雅氣得爆出「F」開頭的粗口,無奈向粉絲道歉。
    2023/12/08 17:57
  • Yao Yao celebrates sister Apple Huang’s nuptials

    Entertainer Apple Huang, known for her appearance on "Blackie’s Teenage Club," recently revealed that she officially married dentist Carter Jaw a year ago. Her sister, Yuri Huang (also known as "Yao Yao"), expressed her excitement and congratulations on social media. Apple, who is 39 years old, also announced that she is expecting her first child through a series of maternity photos. The news has brought joy to Yao Yao and has been met with warm wishes from friends and fans in the entertainment industry. The public has also shared in the excitement surrounding Apple’s marriage and pregnancy.
    2023/12/08 17:11
  • Taiwanese star Apple Huang reveals wedding and baby joy

    Taiwanese actress Apple Huang announces her marriage and pregnancy news, sharing seven wedding photos on Facebook. She expresses joy and gratitude for the love she and her dentist boyfriend, Carter Jaw, share as they enter the next stage of their lives. The photos feature Apple and her husband holding an ultrasound image, symbolizing the newest addition to their family. Fans shower Apple with congratulations and well-wishes on social media.
    2023/12/07 21:03
  • 白宮慶耶誕季變童話國度 第一夫人親揭新裝:讓訪客重拾童趣

    隨著時序進入冬天,美國白宮(White House)已迫不及待換上新裝,迎接12月到來的耶誕節;美國第一夫人吉兒(Jill Biden)表示,今年以「魔力、奇蹟與歡樂」(Magic, Wonder, and Joy)為主題,設計元素包含糖果屋、演奏中的小騎兵、芭蕾舞者、致敬殉國軍人等,盼未來一個月到來的約10萬名訪客都能重拾赤子之心,徜徉在童話國度中。
    2023/11/28 14:22
  • Dinosaur-themed race brings joy to Kaohsiung

    Explore the unique and playful dinosaur-themed race held at Kaohsiung National Stadium, where sprinter Yeh Shou-Po emerged victorious among nearly 150 costumed participants, adding a whimsical twist to athletic competitions in Taiwan.
    2023/11/25 16:27
  • 圍爐注意!消基會查業者超收訂金 喜來登、饗A Joy都上榜

    年關將近,現在春節圍爐餐廳訂位早已如火如荼展開,大飯店的餐廳更是一位難求,不少餐廳更要求消費者要預付訂金。不過消基會抽查卻發現,有6成的業者超收定金,當中包括知名飯店喜來登、寒舍艾美、饗A Joy等業者,甚至有3成的業者「不論取消訂位期日遠近均不退還定金」。
    2023/11/23 11:58
  • Retired shopper becomes local legend for claw machine skills

    Discover the heartwarming story of Chen Jung-che, a 76-year-old retired office clerk in Taipei, who has gained fame for his unique hobby of playing claw machines. Chen has spent NT$30,000 in the past three months, winning an impressive 1,450 dolls and even scoring the latest smartphone model. As part of the Chiayi City Government’s anti-aging program, Chen’s dedication to claw machine games not only enhances his concentration and dexterity but also serves a charitable cause. All the dolls he wins are donated to social welfare institutions, including orphanages, bringing joy to children in need. This activity has been recognized as more than just entertainment but also as a therapeutic exercise for seniors, stimulating their eyes, hands, feet, and brains. With just a few coins, this initiative proves that aging can be combated, providing a joyful and purposeful pastime for Taiwan’s senior residents.
    2023/11/22 19:50
  • IG女神消失2個月!爆骨折慘摔「撐拐杖畫面外流」 最新病況曝

    2023/11/17 12:01
  • Yu Tian becomes a grandfather, shares joy and tears

    Entertainer Yu Tian welcomes his granddaughter with a mix of joy and remembrance. Amidst celebrating the new arrival, he reflects on the loss of his daughter, Yu Yuan-chi, and makes a grand gesture with a traditional red envelope.
    2023/11/14 17:31
  • 2023最爛韓劇出爐!金世正、李俊昊都上榜 金順玉狗血劇情失效

    2023年接近尾聲,許多排行榜也陸續出爐,韓國娛樂媒體《JOY NEWS 24》為了紀念創立19週年,也向200位娛樂圈的從業人員進行調查,針對連續劇、電影、演員跟歌手做了評選,而「最爛韓劇」也出爐,今年狗血韓劇遭狂批,金世正、李俊昊等人主演的戲劇也都上榜。
    2023/11/08 11:24
  • 「最頂吃到飽」沒人搶? 預約見空位原因曝:訂了又取消

    號稱「台灣最頂吃到飽餐廳」的「饗A Joy」坐落於台北101的86樓,一客要價4000多元,儘管價位不親民,但開幕後還是吸引大批民眾搶著預約。不過近日有網友發現,其訂位系統有一堆空位,相當好奇「是不是過氣了」?
    2023/11/04 17:15
  • 樂敦持續傳遞「看見的美好」 打造超巨繪本 帶孩子打擊近視大魔王

    有鑑於全球近視和高度近視的人數正以驚人的速度飆升,世界衛生組織(WHO)將每年10月的第二個星期四訂定為「世界視覺日」(World Sight Day),期望喚起人們對視力健康的關注。身為護眼領導品牌的「樂敦」,100多年來始終致力於傳遞護眼健康,面對全球孩童備受威脅的視力危機,更是肩負起視力保健的責任。自2022年至今,樂敦製藥集團亞洲各國家共同發起「『看見』的美好(Joy of Seeing)」計畫,為世界上的人們帶來「看得見的健康」和「看得見的快樂」,並為此願景展開一連串的行動,從醫療專業人才培育、免費提供水晶體治療白內障,到幼兒預防近視、視力維護的宣導,全人類的眼睛健康都是樂敦努力守護的目標。
    2023/10/13 09:43
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