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    Global Wealth Report 結果共4筆

  • Taiwan to see net loss of 400 millionaires this year

    Discover how China, the UK, and India lead in millionaire migration, with Taiwan also facing a significant outflow. This report explores the global shifts in wealth, highlighting the countries attracting the world’s affluent and the factors driving these movements.
    2024/07/12 17:06
  • 全球生活最貴城市出爐!新加坡蟬聯冠軍 台北退至第13

    瑞士「寶盛銀行」(Julius Baer)25日公布最新的《2024全球財富及高端生活報告》(Global Wealth and Lifestyle Report),其中新加坡連續第2年奪下冠軍寶座,象徵該國家的政治和經濟穩定、環境利於經商並吸引富豪進駐,至於台北則從去年的第8滑落至第13。
    2024/06/25 12:15
  • TSMC’s dominance fuels Taiwan’s luxury car market surge

    Discover how Taiwan’s burgeoning semiconductor industry has fueled a significant surge in luxury car sales, with Ferrari and other brands seeing substantial growth. TSMC leads the charge, influencing market trends and investor caution in the AI era.
    2024/03/28 17:21
  • Average Taiwanese net worth hits record high: Allianz report

    ranking it 5th worldwide in per capita net financial assets. With an average net worth of NT$4.8 million per Taiwanese citizen, this historic high demonstrates significant economic growth. Explore how the pandemic elevated Taiwan’s wealth and savings rates compared to other nations.
    2023/10/26 17:08
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