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    Global Views-Commonwealth Publishing Group 結果共11筆

  • Taiwan’s tech industry faces AI bubble risk, says expert

    At COMPUTEX 2024, amid industry celebration, Chien Lee-feng, former Google Taiwan head, cautioned against an impending AI bubble. His warnings highlighted the risks of Taiwan’s passive tech innovation and dependency on AI giants like NVIDIA.
    2024/07/17 17:51
  • Charles Liang discusses Supermicro’s journey to tech success

    Explore how Charles Liang, founder of Supermicro, has driven his company to prominence in the AI technology sphere, particularly through innovations like liquid cooling. Discover his deep ties to Taiwan and how these influence his business strategies and investments.
    2024/07/10 16:55
  • Why Taiwanese firms now focus on employee experience

    Explore how the global shift from a buyer’s to a seller’s market is impacting recruitment strategies, with companies like TSMC and MediaTek emphasizing employee experience to tackle labor shortages and enhance corporate culture.
    2024/07/03 19:04
  • NEVs drive China’s automotive industry to new global heights

    Explore how China’s automotive industry, with a focus on New Energy Vehicles (NEVs), is becoming a central economic force, surpassing traditional sectors and setting global sales records, significantly impacting both local and international markets.
    2024/06/14 18:23
  • Over 7M Taiwanese face poverty, illness, and fraud risks

    Over 7 million Taiwanese aged 30-50, known as the "Three Precautions Generation," face significant risks of poverty, illness, and fraud as they prepare for retirement. Financial safety nets and vigilance against scams are essential to secure their future.
    2024/05/22 18:03
  • Reflections on USR: A liability or an asset?

    Explore how Taiwan’s universities are grappling with the demands and benefits of the University Social Responsibility program amid financial and recruitment challenges.
    2024/05/16 17:25
  • Taiwan strategizes amid looming Trump-Biden election battle

    Explore the potential repercussions of the Biden vs. Trump rematch in the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, focusing on global dynamics, Taiwan’s strategic positioning, and the contrasting policies of both candidates.
    2024/05/08 17:11
  • Beigang Wude Temple goes beyond cultural IP

    In a move that heralds the fusion of tradition with cutting-edge technology, the Beigang Wude Temple in Yunlin has become a beacon of digital transformation within the realm of traditional temples. The temple has broken new ground by integrating CRM (Customer Relationship Management) for customer management and embracing the latest in AI innovations. With more than 8 million annual visitors, it exemplifies how sacred spaces can offer continuous spiritual engagement through online prayers and lamp lighting, accessible around the clock.
    2024/02/26 18:33
  • What’s next for Lai Ching-te, the minority president?

    Explore the challenges facing Lai Ching-te’s administration with a minority in Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan. Experts weigh in on strategies for effective governance, drawing lessons from past leaders and considering the coalition government as a pathway to overcoming legislative gridlock.
    2024/02/13 08:00
  • How does CMC maintain 20% of ’3-child families’ among staff?

    Explore how China Motor Corporation (CMC) has seamlessly blended family values into its corporate ethos, significantly surpassing the national average with a workforce that boasts an impressive number of "three-child families." Discover CMC’s unique childcare solutions and initiatives that foster a nurturing environment for employees and their families.
    2024/01/30 09:40
  • Geothermal nations offer a roadmap for Taiwan’s energy woes

    Explore how Taiwan is positioned in the global geothermal energy landscape. Professor Song Sheng-rong categorizes leading nations and advocates for robust policies to unlock Taiwan’s vast underground potential, aiming to elevate the island into a sustainable energy powerhouse.
    2024/01/22 18:28
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