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    FamilyMart 結果共5筆

  • 日本全家超商減塑「塑膠餐具將收費」 1月底開始實施

    2024/01/19 16:00
  • FamilyMart Taiwan sees fresh food sales jump 10% annually

    FamilyMart, a leading convenience store chain in Taiwan, has experienced significant growth in its fresh food sales, with an annual increase of at least 10% over the past three years. In 2022 alone, revenue from fresh foods reached NT$25 billion, accounting for over 30% of the company’s total revenue. Huang Cheng-tien, FamilyMart’s Fresh Foods Operations Manager, considers fresh foods a crucial strategic asset and has launched branded products targeting various market segments and trending categories. The focused brands, such as ’uno pasta’ for Italian pasta and ’minimore’ for desserts, have yielded impressive results, with pasta sales growing by 20% annually and dessert sales in 2022 skyrocketing by over 40%. FamilyMart has also made significant efforts to cater to health-conscious consumers, implementing structural reforms since 2016 that encompass ingredients, equipment, packaging, and processes. These reforms have contributed to the success of products like the tuna onigiri, which saw a 19% sales growth in 2022. Additionally, FamilyMart has collaborated with renowned restaurants and chefs, including Din Tai Fung, resulting in the sale of over 20 million co-branded items. These collaborations aim to create differentiated products by incorporating key ingredients from partners, such as a spicy sauce by Din Tai Fung used in unique offerings like grilled rice balls and fried noodles. In the first half of this year, FamilyMart’s fresh food revenue grew by an impressive 20%. The company’s General Manager, Hsueh Tung-tu, strives to attract more customers by offering unique products, following the motto "What others don’t have, we have; what others have, we excel in."
    2023/12/20 15:32
  • FamilyMart subsidiary boosts salaries by up to 5% in 2024

    Taipei-based subsidiary Family International Gourmet, a part of Taiwan FamilyMart Co., Ltd, has announced plans to increase salaries by 3-5% in 2024. The company will also offer incentive and performance bonuses equivalent to three to eight months of annual pay. Outstanding employees in 2023 could potentially earn annual salaries equivalent to over 20 months, with some store managers already earning millions of dollars per year. The company plans to expand by opening 8-12 new stores annually. In 2024, they aim to hire over 500 regular employees, including 50 potential store managers and over 200 potential supervisors. Starting salaries for new employees will increase from NT$34,000 to NT$36,000, with reserve cadres earning NT$40,000. Employees who pass training assessments can quickly advance to store manager roles, with the opportunity to earn annual salaries exceeding NT$1 million. The company reported impressive revenues of NT$19.92 billion in November, a nearly 30% increase year-on-year. Family International Gourmet is set to debut on the emerging stock market this Thursday as it progresses towards listing on the over-the-counter market.
    2023/12/20 14:51
  • 《山道猴子的一生》悲劇主角是全家店員? 全家打破沉默首發聲

    由「Eric Duan」創作的YouTube影片《山道猴子的一生》,在近期爆紅,因主角設定為超商店員,穿著的制服更神似全家超商,雖然名稱為「Farting Mart」明顯與全家的英文名不同,不過「全家FamilyMart」臉書粉專今天下午也發文回應了。
    2023/08/17 14:59
  • 被超商耽誤的霜淇淋店?全家最夯口味Top10一次看

    這幾支經典口味回歸要注意! 酷夏消暑,連鎖超商席捲現擠霜淇淋風潮,OKmart今年五月起加入戰局推出「香草牛奶霜淇淋」,不定時會員限時嚐鮮價只要19元;7-11在七月份與米其林一星餐廳頌丹樂合作,開賣「泰奶霜淇淋」僅在限定門市販售,道地的泰奶味網友嚐一口後,大讚「有如一秒置身泰國。」
    2023/07/27 13:13
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