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    Eye Love You 結果共3筆

  • 29公分最萌身高差!二階堂富美跨國愛上蔡鍾協 語言不通更甜了

    農曆過年連假到來,friDay影音冬季檔日劇也全數開播,除了獨占的《Great Gift》、《因為你把心給了我》各有好評,由演技派女星二階堂富美與韓國男星蔡鍾協所共譜的奇幻愛情故事《Eye Love You》,日前為慶祝官方IG追蹤突破20萬人,上傳了一張愛心照片,由於兩人身高相差29公分,被粉絲大讚最萌身高差、兩個人都可愛到爆炸。
    2024/02/07 15:52
  • Sam Lee, NICKTHEREAL shine at New Taipei Christmas concert

    The Superstar Christmas Concert in New Taipei concluded with captivating performances by Taiwanese singer Sam Lee and actor-singer Nick Chou (NICKTHEREAL). The event featured an impressive lineup of renowned singers and bands, delighting fans who filled the venue. Chou’s rendition of his hit song "Handsome to Break Up" ignited the crowd, while Sam Lee, known as the "Taiwanese Prince of Love Songs," mesmerized the audience with his performances of "The Night Sky Under Your Eye" and "Absolute Infatuation." The atmosphere was enhanced by the audience, who created a starry night effect using their cellphone flashlights. Another standout moment was singer and rapper OSN’s rendition of his classic song "Without You," which prompted a massive sing-along among fans. The two-day concert at New Taipei Fun Christmas City set a festive tone for the upcoming Christmas season, with fans eagerly cheering for their favorite artists.
    2023/12/11 21:05
  • 日韓異國戀!韓星竟出演「日劇男主」 日媒曝原因:切割傑尼斯

    過去曾是模特兒的南韓男演員蔡鍾協,有著186公分的高挑身材,被網友譽為「犬系小鮮肉」,也出演過《無法抗拒的他》、《無人島的DIVA》等,多部膾炙人口的作品。近期蔡鍾協將擔任日劇《Eye Love You》的男主角,和女星二階堂富美同台飆戲,消息一出,讓許多粉絲相當驚喜。
    2023/11/11 09:19
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