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    C��� 結果共3,086筆

  • Taiwan’s weather swings: From heatwave to plum rains

    Taiwan faces a scorching day with temperatures up to 36°C, particularly in its southern and southeastern areas, as forecasted by the Central Weather Administration. Foehn winds are anticipated in Taitung County, prompting a heat advisory with a yellow warning for Tainan, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, and Taitung counties. A weather shift is expected to bring brief showers or thunderstorms, especially in the central and northern regions, with heavier rainfall predicted for the northeastern and Greater Taipei’s mountainous areas. Meteorologist Lin Te-en highlights an expected above-average rainfall for May, aligning with the plum rain season, potentially easing Taiwan’s water scarcity concerns yet raising flooding risks.
  • Taiwan sweats under severe heatwave, CWA issues warnings

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s weather: a heatwave with temperatures soaring up to 34°C, high-temperature warnings in four counties, and the potential for foehn winds in Taitung. Amidst the heat, expect scattered showers and brief thunderstorms across various regions. However, a shift is on the horizon for Labor Day, with a passing front bringing unstable weather, possible heavy rainfall, and a cool down in northern Taiwan. Stay updated on these changing conditions.
  • 英醫用「感染血漿」害3萬人染C肝、愛滋 倖存者等40年調查將出爐

  • 徐暐翔首登Legacy脫了 唱一半「嗨到跳下台」歌迷嗨翻

    歌手徐暐翔昨(26)日在台北Legacy舉辦「到月球的寧靜海走一走」演唱會,為了感謝歌迷,他除開放點歌,更脫衣展現苦練的健身成果,甚至跳下台近距離互動,讓全場驚呼連連。圈內人緣好的他,驚喜收到徐若瑄、林宥嘉的祝賀花籃,音樂製作人張簡君偉、Jerry C.也都到場支持。
    2024/04/27 15:00
  • 高海寧華麗現身品牌活動!超高人氣「擠下視后」站C位

    2024/04/27 12:33
  • 熱到難以呼吸!泰國發「極端高溫警報」 體感恐飆破52度C

    2024/04/26 21:55
  • Foxconn’s climate goals approved by SBTi

    Foxconn Technology Group achieves a significant milestone in environmental sustainability by receiving approval from the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) for its net-zero emissions goal, making it a leader in Taiwan’s high-tech hardware industry. This commitment aligns with the Paris Agreement, aiming to limit global warming to 1.5˚C by reducing greenhouse gas emissions across its value chain by 2050.
    2024/04/24 17:54
  • 美「空中霸王」運輸機墜毀 殘骸狂燒2人生死未卜 

    美國軍方旗下有著「空中霸王」(Skymaster)之稱的運輸機「道格拉斯C-54」(Douglas C-54)驚傳23日在阿拉斯加州(Alaska)墜毀,機上2人目前生死不明,曝光的現場畫面可以見到飛機殘骸被熊熊火光包圍,同時大量黑煙冒出,相關單位已著手調查。
    2024/04/24 12:11
  • 捷報!「亞洲貓王」唐嘉鴻連摘3金、丁華恬遞補 前進巴黎奧運

    2024/04/22 09:37
  • 伊朗空襲以色列空軍基地多處受損? 以軍:僅跑道受輕傷

    伊朗透過突襲方式,向以色列發射數百枚飛彈與無人機,但在該國完整的防空機制保護下,9成以上攻擊都被攔截,並未實質威脅以國當地。外媒曾引述內部消息報導,稱以色列的內瓦蒂姆空軍基地(Nevatim base)受到伊朗攻擊,包含機場跑道、C-130運輸機和多個儲存設施出現損壞。以色列空軍16日對外釋出相關影像畫面,強調基地內只有跑道出現小範圍坑洞、少部份設施有輕微損傷,並不影響基地正常運作。
    2024/04/16 15:10
  • Neipu, Pingtung hits record high of 37.1°C: CWA

    Temperatures soar above 36°C in southern Taiwan, with Neipu, Pingtung reaching 37.1°C. CWA issues yellow alerts for Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Pingtung as the island experiences high temperatures and heat throughout the day.
    2024/04/15 18:04
  • 工地C型鋼墜機捷軌道 桃市府勒令停工罰27萬

    2024/04/15 13:19
  • Sunny weather with brief showers expected in Taiwan

    Taipei weather forecast: Mostly sunny with brief showers, low clouds and fog in Kingmen and Matzu. Weak front brings humidity, sporadic rainfall in Hualien, Taitung, and Greater Taipei. Highs of 30-34°C, up to 36°C in southern mountains. Travelers cautioned due to aftershocks and landslide risk.
    2024/04/15 12:36
  • 痛到驚醒!「維生素C」降低痛風機率 1水果含量超高快速補充

    2024/04/14 11:59
  • 機捷現閃光冒煙斷電12分!附近建案「C型鋼」掉落軌道 市府令停工開罰

    2024/04/13 20:58
  • 青椒長大變甜椒!維生素C也變多 「2類族群」要慎食

    2024/04/12 22:52
  • 61歲梁朝偉滿頭白髮堅持「不染」!專家曝吃對食物還有救

    2024/04/12 16:17
  • Taiwan temperatures soar as northeast monsoon weakens

    Temperatures rise across Taiwan as northeast monsoon weakens, with highs of 31°C in the north and 34°C in the south. Brief showers expected in the east and southeast, while other regions remain mostly sunny. Unstable weather and thunderstorms possible as a front approaches on Saturday.
    2024/04/11 14:26
  • Northeast monsoon brings temperature drop to northern Taiwan

    Unstable weather expected in Taiwan on April 9 due to northeast monsoon and shifting South China rain cloud area. Cooler temperatures in the north, with lows of 17-19°C, while central and southern regions could see highs up to 30°C. Sporadic showers likely in northern, eastern, and mountainous areas. Strong winds and waves expected in coastal regions.
    2024/04/09 10:39
  • 火鍋名店無預警宣布結束營業!7千萬裝潢泡湯 老饕:太難過了

    2024/04/08 14:27
  • Unstable weather persists in Taiwan with showers, storms

    Scattered showers and thunderstorms across Taiwan on April 8 due to unstable weather. Temperatures range from 19-23°C. Brief heavy rain and strong winds possible in central and southern mountains. Weather to stabilize from April 10-14 but air quality may worsen in western regions.
    2024/04/08 10:45
  • 不能取代藥物!保健品小心「6大食用地雷」 吃錯反傷身

    2024/04/07 15:13
  • 金正恩攜愛女視察傘兵 上級求表現「不顧強風」釀多人墜地重傷

    2024/04/04 16:13
  • 快訊/花蓮強震災情慘!南高屏特搜隊、搜救犬集結出動救災

    2024/04/03 09:37
  • 統一發票12名千萬幸運兒曝光 去農會僅花31元買巧克力就中

    2024/04/02 17:04
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