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    Computex 2024 結果共36筆

  • AI未來產值有望破8千億 黃仁勳:人形機器人將成主流

    輝達執行長黃仁勳即將在6月2日參與台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX 2024),發表演講,分享人工智慧時代如何帶動全球新工業革命的發展,為COMPUTEX揭開序幕。針對AI未來的應用,其實黃仁勳在今年3月的輝達GTC大會展示過,他預言,新一代AI晶片Blackwell B200 GPU,讓具備生成式AI功能得人形機器人,更聰明、反應更快,他認為人形機器人時代即將到來,而未來產值也有望突破八千億台幣。
    2024/05/29 10:20
  • 聚焦AI PC!COMPUTEX 6大亮點曝光 台北101將點燈揭序幕

    COMPUTEX 2024 還沒開始就先轟動,今年主題聚焦AI PC 應用,貿協公布演講名單,全球九大科技巨頭包括AMD董事長蘇姿丰、輝達執行長黃仁勳等都將出席。貿協今(28)日在展前搶先舉辦一場解密茶會,率先曝光今年COMPUTEX的六大亮點。
    2024/05/28 16:46
  • 老片也能變4K!三星顯示器「AI加持」 早鳥送小7商品卡

    三星電子今(27)宣布推出2024年奧德賽Odyssey OLED、智慧聯網顯示器Smart Monitor和創作者系列ViewFinity新產品,強調導入AI技術,達到把低畫質影片以高畫質呈現的AI影像升頻,以及在吵雜環境下將影劇對話聲音放大的AI智慧抗噪。此外,6月30日前購買Odyssey OLED、Smart Monitor、ViewFinity指定機型再送7-11商品卡。
    2024/05/27 19:24
  • COMPUTEX to usher in AI PC era with top industry leaders

    Discover the future of AI and computing at COMPUTEX 2024 in Taipei from June 4-7. Keynotes by Nvidia, AMD, Intel, and Qualcomm CEOs will highlight AI advancements and the dawn of the AI PC era.
    2024/05/27 14:43
  • COMPUTEX展最強卡司! 「AI四大天王」齊登台重量級演講

    2024年台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX 2024)將在6月登場,這次最強卡司都被找來了,除了輝達執行長黃仁勳之外,超微(AMD)董事長暨執行長蘇姿丰、英特爾執行長Pat Gelsinger也確定會出席發表主題演講,加上高通執行長Cristiano Amon,本屆COMPUTEX邀來AI四大天王,堪稱全場最大亮點。
    2024/05/27 11:00
  • AI PC是什麼?跟傳統電腦不同在哪一次看懂

    台北時間5月21日凌晨,微軟一年一度的開發者大會Microsoft Build 2024在美國西雅圖登場,微軟在會中宣布聯手3大晶片廠、6大電腦業者,共組「Copilot+ PC」生態圈。
    2024/05/26 09:56
  • Computex 2024: Navigating the next wave of AI innovation

    Computex is set to return with a bang this year as Taiwan’s PC manufacturing powerhouses such as Asus, Gigabyte, MSI, and Foxconn look to ride this new generative AI wave.
    2024/04/08 19:49
  • Lisa Su to unveil AI’s future at COMPUTEX opening keynote

    Lisa Su, AMD Chairman and CEO, will deliver the opening keynote speech at COMPUTEX 2024 in Taipei, focusing on "High-Performance Computing Towards the AI Era." Explore how AMD and partners are advancing AI and high-performance computing. Join the industry at COMPUTEX 2024 from June 4 to 7 to connect and co-create the future of computing.
    2024/03/26 17:52
  • Nvidia CEO hopes to be Taiwan’s top ambassador

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang declares ambition to be Taiwan’s best ambassador in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and emphasizes Taiwan’s pivotal role in the new industrial revolution. Huang plans to visit Taiwan to share his views and promote its global significance at the 2024 Computex event, where he will give a keynote speech alongside other industry leaders.
    2024/03/25 15:00
  • AI heads unite: NVIDIA, AMD, Intel CEOs to attend Computex

    The 2024 Computex Taipei promises an AI feast with top industry leaders like Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger set to deliver a keynote speech. Expect insights on the AI PC era and the theme "Connecting AI" as NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang and AMD CEO Lisa Su join Gelsinger at this global event. Explore six themes and 4,500 stalls at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center from June 4 to 7.
    2024/03/08 18:21
  • AMD, Qualcomm set the stage for AI PC showdown at COMPUTEX

    COMPUTEX 2024 in Taipei has become the focal point for the tech industry, with AMD and Qualcomm leading the charge in the emerging AI PC market. Keynotes by Dr. Lisa Su and Christian Amon highlight the event’s significance in shaping the future of computing.
    2024/02/27 21:20
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