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    Complex 結果共28筆

  • Lai Ching-te assumes office amid cheers and global attention

    Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim assume office as the 16th-term president and vice president of Taiwan amid celebrations and international dignitaries’ presence. President Lai vows to strengthen the nation and navigate complex relations with China, marking a new chapter in Taiwan’s history.
    2024/05/20 17:46
  • Singapore’s prime minister steps down after 20 years

    Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong steps down after 20 years, highlighting ongoing US-China tensions that could last decades. During his tenure, Singapore maintained strong relations with both superpowers, engaging in significant projects with China while emphasizing Singapore’s unique identity despite its Chinese-majority population. Lee’s leadership saw Singapore navigate complex geopolitical landscapes, ensuring stability and regional security through constructive international relations.
    2024/05/15 17:08
  • TAO urges Taiwan not to politicize post-quake aid offers

    Explore the recent urging by China’s Taiwan Affairs Office towards Taiwan to avoid political manipulation and embrace mutual aid, following a magnitude 7.2 earthquake in Hualien County. Despite China’s prompt offer of assistance, Taiwan declined, highlighting the complex cross-strait relations.
    2024/04/10 16:17
  • 轉型電動車陣痛期 美福特裁1400人、瑪莎拉蒂母公司裁3千人

    福特汽車27日宣布,位於密西根州迪爾伯恩(Dearborn)的旗艦生產基地榮格河工廠(Rouge complex),將裁撤1400個工作崗位。其中700人將分配至密西根大道的改裝中心,另外700人則被迫提前退休。
    2024/03/30 17:26
  • Joseph Wu: US abandonment of Ukraine could empower China

    Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu warns of the potential consequences if the United States abandons Ukraine, highlighting the implications for Taiwan’s security amid China’s aggression. Wu emphasizes the interconnectedness of global authoritarian threats and stresses the importance of U.S. support for countries facing such challenges. The story delves into the proposed budget for countering China in the Asia-Pacific region, with a focus on military aid to Taiwan and the ongoing geopolitical dynamics following the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Wu also addresses China’s dissemination of false information in alignment with Russian narratives, underscoring the complex web of international relations at play.
    2024/03/29 14:01
  • Li Cheng discusses U.S.-China tensions, Hong Kong’s future

    Professor Li Cheng offers insights on the complex political landscape involving Beijing, Hong Kong, the U.S., and Taiwan, emphasizing the importance of mutual understanding and the bright future of Hong Kong.
    2024/03/27 18:06
  • Award-winning actress Alyssia Chia shines on ELLE cover

    Golden Horse Award-winning actress Alyssia Chia, known for her breakthrough role in Taiwan’s first-generation family comedy "A Happy Family," graces the cover of lifestyle magazine ELLE. From period dramas like "Flying Dragon in The Sky" to "The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Saber" and "Secret History of Princess Taiping," Chia’s diverse talent shines. Her career took a turning point with the drama "The World Between Us," delving into capital punishment and mental health issues. Off-stage, Chia shares a close bond with her husband, Hsiu Chieh-kai, supporting each other personally and professionally. Chia emphasizes the importance of encouragement and empathy in their relationship, constantly learning and improving together.
    2024/02/07 14:43
  • S. Leo Chiang on Oscar-nominated ’Island in Between’

    Filmmaker S. Leo Chiang discusses his Oscar-nominated documentary "Island in Between," offering a unique perspective on Taiwan’s complex geopolitics. His goal: sparking curiosity about Taiwan among international audiences.
    2024/02/06 17:47
  • Outgoing Tuvalu PM confident in continued Taiwan ties

    Outgoing Prime Minister of Tuvalu, Kausea Natano, expressed confidence that the majority of newly elected parliament members will support diplomatic relations between Tuvalu and Taiwan. Despite failing to regain his position in the recent elections, Natano emphasized his continued support for the relationship between the two countries. He stated that both novice and seasoned politicians, as well as senior MPs, share this sentiment and will likely continue to support the ties with Taiwan. After the elections, the 16 newly-elected members of Parliament will engage in complex negotiations to form different factions, with the faction holding the most members ultimately forming the new government and electing a prime minister.
    2024/02/01 12:27
  • Taiwanese American director’s film nominated for Oscar

    "Island in Between," a documentary by Taiwanese American director S. Leo Chiang, has been nominated for Best Documentary Short Film at the 96th Academy Awards. The film provides an outsider’s perspective on the everyday life of the Kinmen Islands, exploring the complex relationship between Taiwan, Kinmen, and China through the lens of Chiang’s father’s military service memories. Chiang, who was born in Taiwan and raised in the U.S., aims to offer a unique perspective on the Taiwan Strait crisis by sharing the experiences of the people living in the region. The winners of the 96th Academy Awards will be announced on March 10.
    2024/01/24 14:19
  • Jaw Shaw-kong urges China for peace ahead of elections

    Kuomintang (KMT) vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong has called on China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to demonstrate goodwill ahead of Taiwan’s elections. He urged them to refrain from sending military aircraft across the median line of the Taiwan Strait, advocating for peace in the region. Jaw’s plea comes after a Newsweek report revealed that 1,709 Chinese military aircraft entered Taiwan’s air defense identification zone in 2023, representing a 76% increase from the previous year. Although the number decreased to 80 in December, military aircraft continued to intrude in 2024. Jaw specifically named the TAO in his message, asking them to relay it to the PLA. The persistent disruptions by China with military aircraft, ships, and floating balloons have heightened tensions as Taiwan’s final presidential election of 2024 approaches, affecting both the electorate and candidates and reflecting the complex dynamics of cross-strait relations and the election.
    2024/01/07 15:59
  • Hou thanks wife for transforming mansion into social housing

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih expresses gratitude for his wife’s decision to convert her property, Kai-hsuan Mansion (凱旋苑), into a social housing complex or youth dormitory for rent in the future. Hou emphasizes that the property does not belong to him and pledges to withdraw from the presidential race if found involved in illegal funds. With elections approaching, false accusations and insinuations surround him, causing concern for his wife. Jen Mei-ling, his wife, confirms the legal inheritance, construction, and taxation of the mansion, which will be converted into a youth dormitory or social housing complex after the current rental contract expires in June 2026.
    2023/12/28 16:00
  • Taiwan readies aid after Gansu Quake

    Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen and Premier Chen Chien-jen have been alerted and instructed to prepare for emergency relief efforts following a magnitude 5.9 earthquake in Gansu Province, mainland China. The earthquake resulted in the deaths of 105 people and damage to 4,782 homes. Taiwan’s Minister of Interior, Lin Yu-chang, announced that a 160-member search and rescue team, including a structural engineer, doctors, nurses, and search dogs certified in International Search and Rescue Dog Organisation (IRO) rubble search, is ready to provide assistance. Communication has been established with mainland China through the Mainland Affairs Council to coordinate rescue needs. If requested, Taiwan’s National Fire Agency will collaborate with the Disaster Relief Foundation to activate a special charter flight mechanism for humanitarian rescue missions. Additionally, an earthquake in Qinghai Province resulted in the deaths of 13 individuals, bringing the total earthquake death toll in mainland China to 118. Taiwan’s quick mobilization demonstrates its readiness to provide humanitarian assistance despite the complex political relationship with Beijing.
    2023/12/19 16:52
  • TSMC to expand globally, retain roots in Taiwan: Hsiao

    DPP vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim visited the TSMC Museum of Innovation and stated that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) would remain based in Taiwan while expanding into trusted partner countries. Concerns about brain drain and technology outflow have arisen as TSMC expands globally. Hsiao emphasized that the first "T" in TSMC stands for Taiwan and highlighted the importance of strategic placement in partner countries. Drawing on her experience in the United States, Hsiao mentioned her efforts to prevent double taxation agreements, which benefit Taiwan’s talent and industries. Her visit and comments coincide with TSMC’s international strategies being closely scrutinized as it seeks to maintain its competitive edge in a complex geopolitical landscape.
    2023/12/12 13:31
  • Cheryl Yang reflects on personal struggles in new role

    Taiwanese actress Cheryl Yang discusses her role as a single mother in the mini-series "How Well You Love Me" (看看你有多愛我) in an interview with Marie Claire. Yang reflects on her own complex relationship with her mother and how it influenced her portrayal of a single mother in the series. Starting her career in the entertainment industry at 15, Yang’s dedication and sincerity have earned her acclaim in the drama industry. In the series, she plays an internet celebrity and a single mother of fraternal twin daughters. The role resonated with Yang, as she shares her personal journey with her own mother and the conflicts they faced. Through work experiences and maturity, Yang learned to appreciate her mother’s virtues and build a more harmonious relationship. She emphasizes the importance of communication and respect in finding mutual understanding. On set, Yang initially had concerns about the chemistry with her on-screen daughters, but was pleasantly surprised by their exceptional performances, creating a compelling family dynamic in the series.
    2023/12/07 20:56
  • Ko dismisses ’92 consensus’ in Taiwan election bid

    Taiwan People’s Party candidate Ko Wen-je distinguishes himself in the Taiwan presidential race, emphasizing his lack of political burden and absence of constraints from the "1992 Consensus." Ko aligns with President Tsai Ing-wen’s peaceful solutions stance, advocating for dignity in peace. He highlights the importance of an "implied guarantee" for genuine deterrence and references the U.S.’s position on Taiwan’s independence and dialogue. Ko pledges to neither lean towards independence nor accept forceful unification if elected. Positioned as a moderate candidate, he seeks a balanced approach to Taiwan’s complex cross-strait and international relations, appealing to voters who prioritize stability and peace.
    2023/12/06 20:29
  • Tsai Ing-wen endorses Lai-Hsiao ticket for Taiwan’s future

    President Tsai Ing-wen has endorsed DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te and his running mate Hsiao Bi-khim, calling them "Taiwan’s best choice." Tsai praised Hsiao’s resilience and highlighted their shared grassroots-level political representation and legislative experiences. She expressed confidence in their ability to navigate Taiwan through complex international relations, while upholding democracy and freedom. Tsai believes that Lai and Hsiao can propel Taiwan onto the international stage and continue its democratic journey. The endorsement comes at a critical juncture as Taiwan prepares for the high-stakes presidential election.
    2023/11/22 19:54
  • NBA/終生無冠又如何?安東尼受訪直言聯盟冠軍文化已變

    NBA球星「甜瓜」安東尼(Carmelo Anthony)在聯盟征戰19季後,於今年5月宣布退休,許多球迷認為安東尼沒拿過總冠軍是生涯一大遺憾,但他最近接受外媒《Complex Sports》專訪時並不這麼認為,甚至反問「難道沒贏過冠軍就不值得被肯定?」
    2023/11/10 11:21
  • Scholars weigh in on global semiconductor security

    Explore the complex dynamics surrounding the semiconductor industry as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) expands to the U.S. Scholars Larry Diamond and Orville Schell discuss the implications in their book "Silicon Triangle: The United States, Taiwan, China, and Global Semiconductor Security," examining U.S., Taiwan, and China relations, as well as upcoming Taiwanese elections.
    2023/11/01 19:08
  • Prof. Skoric explores tech’s role in democracy at CTeC Asia

    Professor Marko Skoric from the City University of Hong Kong delves into the complex relationship between emerging technologies and democracy at the CTeC Asia event. He warns against blaming technology solely for democratic challenges and emphasizes the role of leadership and wealth distribution.
    2023/10/22 00:45
  • NBA/盼四披紫金戰袍!魔獸稱「湖人像前女友」:有特殊感情連結

    再度捲入桃色風波,身陷「男以承獸」流言的冠軍中鋒「魔獸」霍華德(Dwight Howard),在於台灣職籃溝通續約事宜的同時,也仍在尋求重返NBA的機會。而霍華德日前一段採中也提及自己在聯盟中的潛在下家,自認勇士、熱火,或是老東家湖人、老鷹都有可能;另外霍華德也坦承有意重披紫金戰袍,更形容湖人與他之間的情感連結「如同前女友」般特殊。
    2023/07/23 15:08
  • Public amenities area comes at cost of smaller apartments

    People enjoy living in apartment complexes that offer nice amenities. However, in Taiwan, the larger the public amenities area, the smaller the apartment unit due to the ratio of public amenities being calculated by dividing the area of public amenities by the total area of the building.
    2023/05/11 13:38
  • Apartment complex dwellers face electricity fee hikes

    Residents of apartment complexes in Taiwan are bracing for a double whammy of rising electricity bills and management fees following the recent electricity price hikes by Taiwan Power Co. (Taipower) in April.
    2023/04/18 10:23
  • John Bolton: Taiwan to escape diplomatic isolation

    The complex relationship between Taiwan, the United States, and China has been the subject of ongoing media coverage in recent weeks, prompting many to speculate about the future course of action for each country.
    2023/02/14 19:47
  • 稱俄生產飛彈數量是美國3倍 普欽:俄必將在烏克蘭勝出

    俄羅斯總統普欽(Vladimir Putin)今天表示,俄羅斯強大的軍事工業複合體(military-industrial complex)加速生產,是俄羅斯將在烏克蘭勝出的主因之一。
    2023/01/19 11:18
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