
Hou thanks wife for transforming mansion into social housing

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/12/28 16:00
Last update time:2023/12/28 19:07
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Hou thanks wife for transforming mansion into social housing (TVBS News) Hou thanks wife for transforming mansion into social housing
Hou thanks wife for transforming mansion into social housing (TVBS News)

CHIAYI (TVBS News) — KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih expressed gratitude on Thursday (Dec. 27) for his wife's plan to convert her property, Kai-hsuan Mansion (凱旋苑), into a future social housing complex or youth dormitory for rent.

Hou emphasized, "This property is not mine," and vowed to withdraw from the presidential race if found involved in illegal funds. With elections approaching, Hou acknowledged false accusations and thanked his concerned wife for her decision.


Jen Mei-ling, his wife, clarified the mansion's legal inheritance and future plans for a youth dormitory or housing complex after the current rental contract expires in June 2026.

National Elections

Taiwan Affairs

#KMT presidential candidate# social housing complex# youth dormitory# illegal funds# false accusations# presidential race# leasing management institution# conversion of property into social housing# integrity of KMT presidential candidate# false accusation


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