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    Britain 結果共7筆

  • 288萬一夜蒸發!英國女子自行車隊「單車遭竊」 結局超暖心

    女子環英自由車賽(Tour of Britain Women)本週舉行第二站賽程,卻突然傳出令人震驚的消息,參賽的Lifeplus-Wahoo車隊在車隊住宿的飯店內,竟被竊賊偷走全部14輛價值高達7萬英鎊(約288萬台幣)的頂級Ribble Endurance SLR單車。
    2024/06/09 09:11
  • TPP cautiously backs KMT’s contempt of legislature bill

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) caucus whip Huang Kuo-Chang cautiously supports Kuomintang’s proposed law to criminalize contempt of the legislative body, emphasizing the need for further discussion. The KMT’s legislation aims to penalize false statements by executive officials, drawing opposition from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). While aligned with the TPP’s oversight goals, Huang raises concerns about the law’s wording and its compatibility with Taiwan’s constitution. He references similar regulations in the U.S., Germany, and Britain but stresses the importance of thorough deliberation on the proposed law’s specifics.
    2024/03/05 18:08
  • Taiwan, UK sign historic ETP, strengthening diplomatic ties

    Taiwan and the UK have signed a historic Enhanced Trade Partnership (ETP), marking the first trade agreement of its kind between Taiwan and a European country. The agreement covers digital trade, investment, renewable energy, and net-zero carbon emissions. Future discussions may include trade facilitation, anti-corruption initiatives, and service industry management. Taiwan is the first country in the Indo-Pacific region to sign an ETP deal with the UK. The agreement is seen as a symbol of enhanced Taiwan-UK relations and could serve as a model for other nations. The deal is particularly significant considering the UK’s entrance into the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), which may have implications for Taiwan’s prospective membership.
    2023/11/09 09:55
  • Taiwan businesses ponder feasibility of 4-day workweek

    After a successful trial of a four-day workweek in Britain last year, which saw participation from 61 companies with positive results, businesses in Taiwan are also considering implementing this practice for their employees. 
    2023/03/06 20:03
  • 把臉黏在馬路!英國環保團體示威 警花7500萬台幣移「路障」

    近期激進環保團體「隔熱英國」(Insulate Britain)越來越誇張,他們發起了一系列的抗議活動,還會「把臉黏在地上」,妨礙交通造成大堵塞。根據最新數據顯示,警方光是花在監管或移除這些「障礙」的費用就高達近200萬英鎊(約台幣7500萬元),為了阻止他們破壞道路交通,警方必須無數次動員,讓英國政府非常頭痛。
    2021/11/05 15:37
  • 英氣候示威人士把臉「黏」在馬路上 民眾怒:到底在幹嘛

    聯合國第26屆氣候大會將於11月在英國召開,當地激進環保組織「隔熱英國」(Insulate Britain)連日來在倫敦街頭發動堵路抗議,嚴重影響民眾日常通行,現場衝突也愈發嚴重。25日當天,數名示威人士在交通高峰期,再度出現在倫敦街頭,這次甚至使用膠水把自己「黏在馬路上」,以防止被警察拖離,也讓趕著上班的民眾氣得大吼「到底在幹嘛?」
    2021/10/26 13:23
  • 英國2艘軍艦常態部署印太地區 美海軍推文支持

    根據英國皇家海軍的公開資訊,巡邏艦「塔馬號」及「史佩號」本月底將前往印太地區展開常態性部署,以強化與此區域的連結並推動「全球化英國」(Global Britain)。目前巡邏艦正在朴茨茅斯港進行整備維護。
    2021/08/06 09:35
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