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    Bright 結果共53筆

  • 泰版《當男人戀愛時》開紅盤 影評人讚女主角如《天若有情》吳倩蓮

  • 《當男人戀愛時》翻拍泰國版! 揭露殘酷現實「泰版邱澤」曝光

    2024/05/24 12:13
  • Reflections on USR: A liability or an asset?

    Explore how Taiwan’s universities are grappling with the demands and benefits of the University Social Responsibility program amid financial and recruitment challenges.
    2024/05/16 17:25
  • 《步步驚心》拍泰版! 鮮肉Win被問昔搭檔Bright戀情「這樣回」

    2024/04/24 12:51
  • 泰版道明寺爆熱戀硬糖少女!街頭牽手全被拍 網怒翻「辱華舊帳」

    2024/04/22 15:03
  • Li Cheng discusses U.S.-China tensions, Hong Kong’s future

    Professor Li Cheng offers insights on the complex political landscape involving Beijing, Hong Kong, the U.S., and Taiwan, emphasizing the importance of mutual understanding and the bright future of Hong Kong.
    2024/03/27 18:06
  • 看出內在性格!「11種」色彩心理學穿搭 年後加薪穿這色

    服裝,是不少人用來評斷陌生人的第一條件,因此許多人在求職、面試時,會遇到許多選擇困難,對此,外國網站《Bright Side》整理了11個常見的服裝顏色,不同的服裝材質與顏色,都會幫助民眾向周圍的人,傳達出不一樣的感覺及氣場。
    2024/02/11 10:51
  • Son Ye-jin’s star power boosts golf brand

    Beloved Korean actress Son Ye-jin extends her endorsement contract with golf brand PIRETTI through 2024, captivating audiences worldwide. Despite reducing public appearances and film projects after marriage and childbirth, Son’s allure remains undiminished, fostering brand loyalty. Her personal passion for golf is showcased on social media, where her golf attire, including polo shirts, pleated skirts, calf-length white socks, and sneakers, garners widespread attention. Son’s popularity soared in Asia after her role in the Korean drama "Crash Landing on You," boosting PIRETTI’s product sales. With her enduring charm and influence, Son’s star continues to shine bright as she balances her personal and professional life.
    2024/02/07 17:46
  • ’Living’ shines bright on Taiwan drama charts

    Discover the top-ranking Taiwanese dramas of 2023 at the Golden Bell Awards. "Oxcart Trails," a Hokkien period drama showcasing early rural life in Taiwan, takes the lead, while "Port of Lies" explores indigenous issues and secures second place. Wu Kang-ren’s "Living," a deep dive into family relationships, claims third. Wu, winner of the 60th Golden Horse Best Actor award, reflects on his dedication to acting and his successful film "Abang Adik." Don’t miss these acclaimed series that captivated viewers and critics alike.
    2023/12/18 21:24
  • Taipei 101 to ignite 16,000 fireworks for New Year show

    Taipei 101 announces its New Year’s Eve fireworks show for 2024, featuring a 300-second spectacle with 16,000 fireworks. For the first time, the event will incorporate Japanese color fireworks, adding to the visual array. The theme for this year’s show is "Colorful World," symbolizing Taiwan’s vibrant society and hopeful future. The iconic skyscraper will forgo its giant display screen and T-pad light net, as well as the 60-second countdown animation and lead-in video from the previous year. The collaboration with Japanese pyrotechnic manufacturers highlights the friendly relations between Taiwan and Japan, with Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan expecting tourist numbers to reach 6 million by mid-December. The international exposure from the fireworks is expected to significantly boost Taiwan’s visibility on the global travel map. Taipei 101’s Facebook page is also hosting a message-collection campaign, offering participants a chance to become part of the event’s narrative.
    2023/12/12 13:37
  • Foxtron marks milestone with record n7 EV model pre-orders

    Foxtron, a joint venture of Yulon Motor’s Luxgen Motor, has received over 9,100 pre-orders for its n7 electric vehicle (EV), making a significant impact on Taiwan’s domestic EV industry. Deliveries of the highly anticipated n7 model are set to begin in mid-January next year and be completed by the end of June. The n7’s pre-order numbers, achieved in just two days, equal three years of total EV sales in Taiwan, signaling a bright future for the EV market. Foxconn CEO Young Liu, leading the electric transformation of the trillion-dollar corporation, sees the increasing global competition in the EV sector as beneficial for Foxconn and its business models. Platformization, modularization, and standardization are key strategies for achieving cost control and timely product launches, which are at the core of Foxconn and Foxtron. The n7 model, benefiting from the shared platform provided by Foxtron, enjoys a competitive edge in cost, aligning with Foxconn’s global EV aspirations. The success of Foxtron’s n7 could potentially usher in a new era for Taiwan’s presence in the international EV landscape as the demand for sustainable transport continues to grow.
    2023/11/22 20:38
  • Bright green reflective stripes improve student road safety

    Discover how Yilan-Longtan Elementary School enhances student safety with a creative solution. Waterproof bag covers with bright green reflective stripes improve visibility on the streets. Learn more about this innovative approach.
    2023/10/24 10:33
  • Roundest moon in a decade for Mid-Autumn Festival

    The Taipei Astronomical Museum announces that the 2023 Mid-Autumn Festival will feature the roundest moon in a decade, with peak brightness at 5:57 p.m. This rare occurrence offers you a chance to witness a 100% full and bright moon, a phenomenon that happens only about one in three times on the same day as the festival.
    2023/09/28 20:07
  • 泰版道明寺爆吸毒、家暴!同居女友「帶女粉多人運動」 經紀公司怒了

    2023/09/15 11:15
  • 《模犯生》查農被當眾示愛!他露骨喊:怕酒精讓我做出想做的事

    2023/09/09 14:52
  • 章廣辰偕泰男神Bright拍廣告!秀肌肉線條

    2023/08/11 23:34
  • 帥翻!章廣辰曬「超邪惡人魚線」加碼放送胸肌 惹女粉狂噴鼻血

    新生代男星章廣辰因出演熱門影集《華燈初上》中的年輕刑警「阿達」備受關注,甚至入圍金鐘獎,而近日他參與TVBS實境節目《光開門就很忙了》,將幽默的私下面呈現在觀眾面前。章廣辰近日與受邀拍攝美國時尚品牌Calvin Klein(CK)的廣告,與泰國男神瓦奇拉維特奇瓦雷(Bright Vachirawit)、日本混血超模Maryel Uchida同框,讓好身材見客。
    2023/08/11 16:49
  • 女星親哥赴美被30人輪揍! 「打亞洲人日」遭歧視她好心疼

    女星曲艾玲除了活動主持、開留學補習班,又斜槓當起YouTuber,開頻道節目《Chu’s Bright Future》,邀請各領域來賓,暢談親子教養與教育問題。最新一集,曲艾玲找來讀史丹佛學士、哈佛碩士的親哥哥Peter上節目,討論美國華人父親,和台灣父親的教育觀差異。
    2023/07/27 17:33
  • Taiwan’s youth see bright future in real estate investment

    Young adults in Taipei City who aspire to purchase a home often require meticulous budget planning and sometimes rely on support from family members.
    2023/05/07 16:45
  • 泰版F4道歉了!荒唐行徑傳回泰國 經紀公司認錯「溝通有誤」

    「泰版F4」因《流星花園》紅遍亞洲,今(5)在台北國際會議中心辦見面會,昨(4)抵台受訪時卻做出一連串荒唐舉動,包含遲到1小時、臭臉、邊吃餅乾邊拍照、事後卻要求刪除,令現場媒體十分傻眼,報導一出引起論戰還傳回泰國,翻拍該劇的GMM TV在IG發表聲明道歉,解釋Bright是因為工作人員溝通有誤,不知道訪問已開始才會吃餅乾。
    2023/02/05 20:55
  • 泰版F4受訪耍大牌!「遲到+臭臉」惹議 粉絲護航:很正常

    2023/02/05 14:00
  • 見面會不到24小時!泰國F4凌晨衝東區 「夜店極樂」全外流

    2023/02/05 10:44
  • 煮菜前要注意!「5種食材」不用清洗 這項竟都洗錯了

    食物如何清洗最正確?為了給家人準備營養且健康、有衛生的一餐,許多民眾買菜回家後的第一件事就是將食材清洗乾淨,但其實有些食材並不需要清洗,外媒《Bright Side》就列舉出5種不用清洗的食材。
    2023/01/27 05:30
  • 鹿特丹影展揭曉入圍名單 驚見金馬獎「討論度超高」神片

    第52屆鹿特丹影展(International Film Festival Rotterdam)19日公佈入圍名單,榮獲本屆金馬獎最佳新導演等三項大獎提名的電影《海鷗來過的房間》,一舉飛進「未來之光」(Bright Future)單元。該片是澳門新銳導演孔慶輝的首部電影,他在本屆金馬獎入圍最佳新導演獎,與《黑的教育》導演柯震東,一起進到評審最終討論的名單內,孔慶輝得知消息後興奮地說:「感覺(鹿特丹)距離我很遙遠,能入選真的很開心,有得到聖誕禮物的感覺。」
    2022/12/21 23:43
  • 泰版「當男人戀愛時」飄台味「消失的情人節」日本翻拍

    2022/11/26 20:36
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