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    Assembly 結果共60筆

  • Taiwan tops Asia in human freedom, ranks 12th globally

    The Cato Institute and the Fraser Institute have co-published the 2023 Human Freedom Index, revealing that Switzerland maintains its position as the country with the highest levels of human freedom. Taiwan, on the other hand, ranks 12th globally and claims the top spot for human freedom in Asia. The report highlights that the COVID-19 pandemic has generally led to a decline in human freedom, particularly in areas such as the rule of law, action, speech, assembly, association, and trade. Taiwan performs well in individual freedom, securing the 12th spot with a score of 8.98 out of 10, and ranks 11th in economic freedom with a score of 7.79, resulting in an overall score of 8.56. The Human Freedom Index is a comprehensive assessment of personal, civil, and economic freedoms worldwide, based on data from 2021 encompassing 165 jurisdictions.
    2023/12/20 19:18
  • Taiwan in talks with Estonia to establish Rep. office

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has confirmed ongoing discussions for the establishment of a representative office in Estonia. While the move is significant for strengthening ties between the two nations, a shared consensus has not yet been reached. MOFA expressed gratitude towards the Estonian Government for engaging in continued negotiations and displaying an open approach. They emphasized the shared values of freedom and democracy that unite Taiwan and Estonia. Estonia’s government has reportedly agreed to allow Taiwan to establish an economic or cultural representative office in Tallinn under the name ’Taipei.’ MOFA stated that they will respond to foreign media reports of Taiwan’s Foreign Minister visiting Estonia at an appropriate time. The ministry highlighted the stable development of the bilateral relationship, citing the Estonian health minister’s support for Taiwan at this year’s World Health Assembly. Estonia is seen as a valued partner with common principles, highlighting the potential for deepening ties in future diplomatic endeavors.
    2023/11/04 12:33
  • 聯合國加薩停火投票結果曝!美國為首14國「挺以」投反對票

    以巴衝突發展至今尚未見到緩解趨勢,「聯合國大會」(UN General Assembly)27日針對「以色列、巴勒斯坦是否應基於人道主義停火」進行投票,最終結果為120國贊成、14國反對,還有另外45國棄權,不少國家為表達對以色列的支持而投下反對及棄權票。
    2023/10/30 09:54
  • TVBS News participates in ENEX’s 30th general assembly

    The European News Exchange (ENEX) network hosted its 30th General Assembly at the RTL headquarters in Luxembourg on Oct. 12 and Oct. 13, where international media gathered to share their knowledge and experience in the field. Speaking at the opening of the international event, Adrien Wells, managing director of ENEX, expressed his enthusiasm for this milestone General assembly, stressing how "ENEX has become a globally respected and powerful agency over the past 30 years." 
    2023/10/13 13:01
  • Experts: MVC flu vaccine is comparable to other brands

    The Taiwan FactCheck Center has clarified that MVC’s quadrivalent influenza vaccine is produced by the reputable South Korean pharmaceutical firm GC Biopharma, which has WHO qualification and is marketed in multiple countries. Additionally, the FactCheck Center noted that MVC’s method of vaccine production is not unprecedented, as other domestic manufacturers have also imported foreign vaccine stock solutions for local assembly.
    2023/10/02 14:31
  • Paraguay supports Taiwan’s inclusion at 78th UN assembly

    Paraguay, Taiwan’s sole diplomatically in South America, expresses support for Taiwan’s inclusion in the United Nations system during the 78th United Nations General Assembly.
    2023/09/21 19:09
  • 聯合國大會/如何確保未來和平?波蘭總統:擊敗俄國是唯一辦法

    第78屆「聯合國大會」(United Nations General Assembly)19日在美國紐約舉行,身為烏克蘭鄰居和忠實盟友的波蘭總統杜達(Andrzej Duda)受訪時強調「只有打敗俄羅斯才能保證未來的和平」,並表示「不只是對烏克蘭,對美國來說也是如此」。
    2023/09/20 15:15
  • 聯合國大會/伊朗控美煽動俄烏戰爭 以色列抗議被趕出場

    第78屆「聯合國大會」(United Nations General Assembly)19日在美國紐約(New York)舉行,伊朗總統莱希(Ebrahim Raisi)發表演講時,痛批美國為削弱歐洲煽動俄烏戰爭,堅稱支持烏克蘭和平,重申襲擊烏克蘭的伊朗製無人機皆為戰爭前出售;同時要美國別老是插手他國事務,西方的時代已結束。
    2023/09/20 14:42
  • 聯合國大會/巴拉圭總統貝尼亞:支持台灣加入聯合國體系

    第78屆「聯合國大會」(United Nations General Assembly)19日在美國紐約舉行,我國在南美洲的唯一邦交國巴拉圭在會中發言時表態「支持台灣加入聯合國體系」,聯合國副秘書長先前也曾表示「每個人都很重要,不論是台灣或其他地方」。
    2023/09/20 10:34
  • 邪惡不可信任!澤倫斯基登聯大籲:世界須團結阻止俄羅斯

    烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskyy)18日飛抵美國紐約,並於19日在「聯合國大會」(United Nations General Assembly)上發表慷慨激昂的演說,期間他提到「邪惡是無法被信任的」,更敦促「世界需要團結起來,結束俄羅斯對烏克蘭的侵略」。
    2023/09/20 09:53
  • 親赴聯合國大會!澤倫斯基怒批「為何俄國仍有一席之地」

    烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskyy)18日飛抵美國紐約、準備參加「聯合國大會」(United Nations General Assembly),面對媒體訪時他向聯合國提出質疑、直言「為何俄羅斯至今仍佔有一席之地?」,
    2023/09/19 16:32
  • 布林肯會晤韓正 兩人談及美中關係對全球重要性

    美國國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)今天在聯合國大會(United Nations General Assembly)場邊會晤中國國家副主席韓正,兩人都談到美中關係對於全球的重要性。
    2023/09/19 10:11
  • 時隔9個月再訪美! 澤倫斯基下周赴白宮見拜登

    烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskyy)預計將於下周在「聯合國大會」(United Nations General Assembly)期間訪問美國,更將前往白宮和國會山莊。前一次澤倫斯基訪美是在2022年12月,不過如今美國國內對持續援助烏克蘭的分歧越來越大。
    2023/09/15 09:50
  • Hou Yu-ih advocates for FTA with Japan, strong defense

    Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih will return from Japan on Wednesday afternoon (Aug. 2). Earlier today, he met with Japanese media giants NHK and The Asahi Shimbun.
    2023/08/02 14:35
  • Foxconn to invest US$250M in Vietnam beyond iPhone assembly

    Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., also known as Foxconn, announced plans on Tuesday (July 4) to invest approximately US$250 million in setting up two new component factories in northern Vietnam. One of the factories will specialize in producing components for electric vehicles (EVs), signaling Hon Hai’s continued diversification into the EV industry.
    2023/07/04 11:03
  • Taiwan to send team to Geneva for WHA despite exclusion

    Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu and Health Minister Hsueh Jui-yuan announced on Thursday (May 18) the government’s plans to send a delegation to Geneva for the annual World Health Assembly (WHA) despite not receiving an invitation. 
    2023/05/19 17:12
  • Taiwan companies create hi-tech drones for Defense Ministry

    From military reconnaissance to agricultural exploration, the technicians from the national-level UAV production and assembly line do their best to customize the drones and UAVs according to specifications from the Ministry of National Defense.
    2022/10/25 20:11
  • 俄軍再射飛彈 烏克蘭40個城鎮遭受襲擊

    聯合國大會(UN General Assembly)13日剛剛通過譴責決議,認定俄羅斯在烏東4地推行的「加盟公投」並不合法,讓莫斯科代表極為不滿。《路透》(Reuters)報導,繼日前多次向烏克蘭發射飛彈,俄羅斯稍早再次發動襲擊,烏克蘭官方證實、有超過40個城市與鄉鎮遭到飛彈攻擊,首都基輔(Kyiv)甚至能看見伊朗製的武裝無人機盤旋,面對敵人來襲、烏克蘭軍隊也不甘示弱,隨即針對俄羅斯25處目標進行襲擊。
    2022/10/13 16:26
  • 聯大譴責俄非法吞併烏克蘭領土 「戰略盟友」中國投棄權票

    聯合國大會(UN General Assembly)今天以壓倒性票數通過決議,譴責俄羅斯非法吞併烏克蘭部分領土,而俄國的戰略盟友中國則投下棄權票。
    2022/10/13 08:49
  • 晤布林肯 王毅:台灣是大陸最核心利益「美不應插手」

    藉由聯合國大會(United Nations General Assembly)的契機,美國國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)與大陸外長王毅在紐約再次會面,雙方對台海和平穩定與台灣相關議題,進行討論和意見交換。王毅除了提及中美兩國關係遭遇重大衝擊,希望對方能記取歷史教訓,讓雙方恢復正常交往外,也再次對布林肯表達對台立場。《新華社》報導指出,王毅表示、台灣問題是中國核心利益中的核心,美國不應該插手、或甚至公開聲稱要協防台灣,「台灣問題是中國內政,以什麼方式解決美方無權干預。」
    2022/09/24 10:13
  • 法國執政黨失多數 政府發言人:暫無解散國會計畫

    法國總統馬克洪的執政聯盟昨天在國會下議院選舉第二輪投票喪失絕對多數,法國政府發言人葛瑞格華今天說,解散下議院國民議會(National Assembly)「並非目前討論議題」。
    2022/06/20 17:57
  • 紐約議會調查報告證實 前州長涉性騷擾、低報新冠死亡數

    美國紐約州前州長古莫(Andrew Cuomo)今年8月因深陷性騷擾醜聞黯然下台,儘管古莫矢口否認犯行,不過紐約州眾議會(New York State Assembly)最新調查報告顯示,已掌握「關鍵性證據」,可證實古莫任職期間,確實對下屬有過性騷擾的行為,同時在他濫用公共資源,出版個人回憶錄以及低報新冠死亡人數上都有新證據。  
    2021/11/23 17:18
  • 拜登面臨困境?卡車司機只花4千元參選 竟擊敗政壇大佬

    美國一名58歲卡車司機愛德華(Edward Durr),日前投入紐澤西議會(New Jersey General Assembly)選舉,竟只花費153美金(約新台幣4200元)的競選經費,成功擊敗連任20年的政壇大佬史蒂芬(Stephen Sweeney),小人物有望勝選的消息一出,掀起美國政壇一陣譁然,也讓身為對手的民主黨相當震驚。
    2021/11/06 15:26
  • 印度墨西哥挪威愛爾蘭進安理會 非洲席次待決

    聯合國大會(UN General Assembly)今天表決,選出2021年和2022年安全理事會(Security Council)4席非常任理事國,仍留一席非洲區非常任理事國等待第2輪表決。
    2020/06/18 11:30
  • 聯合國改選5席非常任理事國 歐非兩洲競爭激烈

    聯合國大會(UN General Assembly)17日將投票,改選2021年至2022年安全理事會(Security Council)的5席非常任理事國,西方和非洲國家的席次競爭激烈。
    2020/06/17 18:04
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