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    ������Pay 結果共488筆

  • LINE PAY首興櫃變股王 現在上車來的及嗎?專家這樣說 

    連加網路LINE PAY(7722)昨(26日)首登錄興櫃,一舉成為千金股,盤末以1030元收下,漲幅近196%,成為興櫃股王。法人看好LINE PAY行動支付逐漸取代信用卡,居於領先地位,且主導線上、線下支付,使用者多也是一大優勢,且財報近四年都具獲利與高成長,讓不少投資人看好。
    2024/01/27 14:46
  • LINE Pay soars 195% in market debut, hits NT$1030

    LINE Pay, a mobile payment provider, had a successful over-the-counter market debut in Taipei, with shares soaring 195% from the listing price of NT$348 to a record high of NT$1030. The company’s financial documents reveal a capital of NT$600 million and earnings per share of NT$8.04 in 2022. LINE Pay’s revenue for 2022 reached NT$3.62 billion, demonstrating consistent growth over the past four years. With over 500,000 payment locations and more than 7 million active users out of 12 million customers in Taiwan, LINE Pay predicts that its revenue will increase to NT$4.78 billion in 2023. Notably, nearly half of the population in Taiwan are LINE Pay users. In terms of revenue share in 2023, transaction fee income accounted for 83%, financial promotion collaborations for 12%, and marketing product sales for 5%, according to LINE Pay’s statement.
    2024/01/26 17:23
  • LINE PAY登錄興櫃股價破千狠超台積電 網喊:一人一股參戰

    行動支付LINE Pay今天(26日)正式登錄興櫃,以每股348元價格,股票代號為7722。而開盤飆破630元,截至下午1點,最高來到1030元,吸引大票網友洗版說「狠超台積電」、「Line一天就把GG十年的漲幅漲完」、「開盤、出道就是高點」,更有人大喊要「一人一股參戰」,優於市場預期,成為興櫃股王。
    2024/01/26 13:11
  • Taiwan reinstates 1-year mandatory military service

    Taiwan has reinstated its compulsory military service, starting Jan. 1, 2024. The first batch of conscripts reported for an extensive training program at Chenggong Ling military training camp in Taichung, with improved pay and conditions, marking a significant moment in Taiwan’s defense strategy.
    2024/01/25 16:29
  • Mediation efforts underway to avert EVA Air pilot strikes

    EVA Air faces the threat of strikes as pilots gain the right to strike over pay disputes. The airline’s management and workforce are willing to negotiate further. The strike, planned during the Lunar New Year holiday, may impact long-haul flights to and from the U.S., Canada, and Europe. Mediation efforts by the Taoyuan City government’s labor bureau are set for Wednesday. Negotiation is seen as the key to addressing the raised demands and reaching a consensus.
    2024/01/22 18:00
  • 台灣人離不開LINE!完勝這款昔稱霸APP  用戶:1功能太強

    2024/01/22 14:44
  • EVA Air pilots secure right to strike

    Pilots for Taiwan’s EVA Air, supported by the Pilots Union Taoyuan (TUP), have voted in favor of striking due to ongoing disputes over pay raises. The TUP reported that out of the 910 participating pilots, an overwhelming 900 approved the strike action, with only 10 voting against it. The pilots are demanding a 20% salary adjustment, citing two main grievances – the hiring of foreign pilots amidst a staffing shortage and what they perceive as inadequate salaries and year-end bonuses, especially considering the airline industry’s substantial profits during the pandemic. EVA Air employs a total of 1,400 pilots, with 650 being TUP members. If all union member pilots choose to strike, it could result in half of the passenger and cargo flights being unable to operate during the Lunar New Year holiday. In contrast to the 2019 pilot strike at China Airlines, the TUP has stated that it will announce any confirmed strikes for 2024 at least 24 hours in advance to provide passengers with sufficient time to make necessary preparations.
    2024/01/22 12:14
  • 她靠LINE Pay抓男友開房間 內行一看「這細節」直指是老司機區

    抓姦招式無奇不有,一名女網友近期在論壇分享,「女生的第六感真的準」,他的男友聲稱和朋友唱歌且喝到爛醉,但她一滑下男友手機通知中心,就發現他凌晨3時許用Line Pay花新台幣2000元,在台北市汽車旅館消費。貼文引發討論,就不少內行網友指出,該處根本就是「老司機」專區。
    2024/01/10 21:13
  • Taiwan ensures voting rights with election day off

    Taiwan’s election day has been designated as a day off under the Labor Standards Act to protect workers’ voting rights. On January 13th, the 16th Presidential and Vice Presidential elections, as well as the 11th Legislative Yuan elections, will be held. Employers are required to grant a day off with regular pay to workers who have voting rights and are scheduled to work on election day. The day off is a continuous 24-hour period from midnight to noon and cannot be exchanged for another working day. If workers are needed on election day, employers must obtain their agreement and not impede their right to vote.
    2024/01/06 11:23
  • New tax structure aims to ease burden for low-income groups

    The Taiwanese government has optimized the income tax system, allowing certain individuals and families to be exempt from income tax. Single individuals renting housing with a yearly income below NT$626,000 will not have to pay individual income tax when filing next year. Additionally, families with two parents and two young children and an annual income below NT$1.641 million will also be exempt. Approximately 47% or 3.05 million Taiwanese households were exempt from income tax in 2021 due to the optimized scheme, which includes increased deductions. Minister of Finance Chuang Tsui-yun clarified that this exemption is not due to poverty. The deductible amount for single individuals renting outside their home area making less than NT$626,000 could exempt them from taxes. For two-income families renting a house, the deductible amount on income tax could reach NT$1.072 million, while a family of four with two children under six could deduct up to NT$1.641 million. If they live with seniors aged 70 or older, the deductible amount could exceed NT$2 million.
    2024/01/05 18:28
  • 草莓季來了!超商草莓霜淇淋、思樂冰 限時第2杯半價

    草莓季來了!超商7-ELEVEN祭出一系列草莓新商品,霜淇淋推出新口味「草莓開運霜饗」霜淇淋,思樂冰也有新品「紅魔鬼草莓乳酸風味思樂冰」;而1月10日至2月6日霜淇淋每週五六日icash 2.0、icash Pay享第二件半價、1月19日至2月4日每週末五六日,思樂冰全品項大杯第2杯半價,讓民眾嚐鮮。
    2024/01/05 12:38
  • Ministry of Labor: Election day recognized as a holiday

    Taiwan is preparing for its national elections on January 13, which has been declared a "holiday" under the Labor Standards Act. Employers are required to give workers with voting rights a day off and maintain their regular pay. If employers insist on having employees work on election day, they must provide double pay for attendance hours and cannot prevent workers from voting. The elections will determine the 16th President and Vice President of Taiwan, as well as the 11th Legislative Yuan. No additional leave is granted if the voting day falls on a worker’s regular day off. Violations of these regulations may result in fines ranging from NT$20,000 to NT$1 million, in addition to wage compensation. Workers whose rights are compromised can file complaints with the local labor administrative authority.
    2024/01/03 19:44
  • Taiwan elections grapple with poll worker recruitment

    As Taiwan’s 2024 National Elections near, challenges in recruiting sufficient poll workers arise despite salary increases and legal changes. New Taipei City has filled its needs, but workload disparities and concerns over pay equity persist.
    2024/01/02 15:54
  • Apple pay災情! 狂跳「信用卡將到期」無法付款

    今天(1日)有民眾反應,拿出apple pay買東西時,系統卻頻顯示「信用卡即將過期」,但實際檢查明明還要好幾年,當事民眾將事件發上網引起熱烈討論,網友說國泰、永豐、匯豐也都發生類似情況,對此專家解釋,有可能是因為前陣子電信合併,導致舊的資料過期,只要重新輸入信用卡即可恢復。
    2024/01/01 19:49
  • Hsinchu Mayor Ann Kao faces dual legal challenges

    Hsinchu Mayor Ann Kao is set to appear in Taipei District Court on Wednesday, December 27, as the defendant in two separate legal matters. In the morning case, Kao is accused of defamation by Tario Ong, a business professor at Western Washington University, who claimed on social media that Kao’s doctoral thesis contained unreferenced data from the Institute for Information Industry. After Kao reported Ong for aggravated defamation and the prosecutor chose not to indict, Ong filed a countersuit. In the afternoon case, Kao is facing charges of fraudulently claiming assistant fees during her time as a legislator. The Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office has charged Kao with fraudulently obtaining NT$460,030 in wages and overtime pay for her assistants, resulting in charges of embezzlement and forgery. The courtroom may face an overflow of observers from the Hsinchu City Government. The cases are ongoing with further developments pending.
    2023/12/27 10:38
  • Government’s selective pay raise draws criticism from union

    The Taiwan Higher Education Union (THEU) has criticized the government for playing a false game with wage increases. While civil servants, including military and education personnel, are set to receive a 4 percent pay increase next year, over 21,000 technical and administrative staff at universities, about 70 percent, remain unsure of their raises. This uncertain group includes employees at private universities. The THEU believes that the government should not leave salaries of non-certified staff to the discretion of universities, as it causes division and lowers morale. Only around 9,000 public employees out of the approximately 31,000 full-time staff members at universities and colleges are certain about their pay rise next year. The THEU is concerned that the hardships of grassroots workers in tertiary education institutions are being overlooked amidst the upcoming presidential elections. They urge that national wage increases should apply to all university staff, with appropriate subsidies provided.
    2023/12/26 21:56
  • KMT’s Hou returns to hometown, shares poverty struggles

    KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih returns to his hometown of Chiayi’s Puzi City to pay respects to his late parents and campaign for votes. He shares his family’s struggles in poverty, highlighting his rise from a grassroots police officer to Director-General of the National Police Agency. Hou emphasizes the importance of unity among citizens, regardless of political affiliation, to enhance the nation’s well-being. He recounts his parents’ generation navigating tough conditions after World War II, with his father working as a butcher to make a living. Hou’s experiences drive him to run for president, aiming for a unified Taiwan that transcends party lines and improves the national welfare of the Republic of China.
    2023/12/22 18:25
  • DPP calls for investigation into Ko’s alleged land misuse

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je is facing allegations of illegal usage of farmland in Hsinchu, which has sparked controversy. Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) spokesman Cho Kuan-ting claimed on Facebook that industrial waste, including bricks, cement, and steel bars, was found during the excavation of the farmland’s parking lot. He called for a legal investigation and urged Hsinchu Mayor Ann Kao to take Ko Wen-je into custody. The Hsinchu City Government confirmed that the farmland, owned by Ko, was not being used for farming and demanded modifications within 30 days. Ko admitted that the farmland had been used as a parking lot for tour buses without proper authorization for the past two years. He pledged to pay the income tax owed and donate the parking lot’s earnings. Ko also sought assistance from TPP legislator-at-large nominee Huang Kuo-chang to handle the issue legally. Cho accused Ko of knowingly violating the law and emphasized that he should take responsibility for the damaged farmland. The allegations against Ko may have implications for his presidential campaign.
    2023/12/22 17:35
  • Nearly half in Taiwan expect pay hikes in 2024, survey shows

    Nearly 46% of Taiwanese people expect a salary increase next year, according to a survey by Cathay Financial Holding Co. The survey also found that about 60% of respondents anticipate year-end bonuses ranging from one to three months’ salary, while 8.3% expect bonuses to exceed three months. However, 47.6% of those surveyed expect monthly wages to remain constant. The survey also revealed a conservative estimate for Taiwan’s 2024 economic growth, with an average expectation of 2.52%, contrasting with the more bullish 3.35% forecast by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics. Respondents predict an average inflation rate of 2.21%, with 55% believing it will exceed 2%, higher than the directorate’s projection of 1.64% for 2024. The survey was conducted from Dec. 1-7 and gathered 13,379 valid responses through email questionnaires.
    2023/12/20 19:13
  • Taiwanese optimism on year-end bonuses sises, survey shows

    A survey by Cathay Financial Holdings reveals that Taiwanese are increasingly optimistic about year-end bonuses and economic prospects. 59.3% of respondents expect bonuses ranging from one to three months’ salary, surpassing last year’s 55%. Furthermore, 8.3% anticipate bonuses exceeding three months’ pay, reflecting an improvement in attitudes towards Taiwan’s economy. The Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics predicts a 3.35% economic growth in 2024 with an inflation rate of 1.64%, but the public is more cautious, expecting a 2.52% growth and a 2.21% inflation rate. The optimism index for the local stock market has also improved. Additionally, 45.9% of Taiwanese anticipate salary increases, a 13.2 percentage point increase from 2022, while those expecting a steady monthly income dropped by 10.9 percentage points to 47.6%. Only 32.4% believe their year-end bonus will be less than one month’s salary, a decrease of 5.6 percentage points from the previous year.
    2023/12/20 17:28
  • FamilyMart subsidiary boosts salaries by up to 5% in 2024

    Taipei-based subsidiary Family International Gourmet, a part of Taiwan FamilyMart Co., Ltd, has announced plans to increase salaries by 3-5% in 2024. The company will also offer incentive and performance bonuses equivalent to three to eight months of annual pay. Outstanding employees in 2023 could potentially earn annual salaries equivalent to over 20 months, with some store managers already earning millions of dollars per year. The company plans to expand by opening 8-12 new stores annually. In 2024, they aim to hire over 500 regular employees, including 50 potential store managers and over 200 potential supervisors. Starting salaries for new employees will increase from NT$34,000 to NT$36,000, with reserve cadres earning NT$40,000. Employees who pass training assessments can quickly advance to store manager roles, with the opportunity to earn annual salaries exceeding NT$1 million. The company reported impressive revenues of NT$19.92 billion in November, a nearly 30% increase year-on-year. Family International Gourmet is set to debut on the emerging stock market this Thursday as it progresses towards listing on the over-the-counter market.
    2023/12/20 14:51
  • EVA Air rebuts union’s claims, stresses rigorous selection

    EVA Air addresses accusations from the Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP) regarding pilot turnover and flight safety. The airline clarifies that only 50 national pilots have retired or left in 2023, contradicting TUP’s claim of 100 pilots leaving annually. EVA Air strongly denies the union’s allegations, emphasizing its rigorous selection process and commitment to fair pay. The airline urges the union to cease inappropriate behavior.
    2023/12/19 21:47
  • Over 4M people earn less than NT$43K monthly in Taiwan: data

    Discover the latest insights from Taiwan’s job market, including the widening income gap, low salary increase expectations for 2024, and varying pay trends across industries.
    2023/12/19 18:05
  • EVA Air pilots consider strike over bonus, pay issues

    The Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP) has announced that EVA Air pilots will hold a strike vote in response to the airline’s handling of end-of-year bonuses and salary raises. The TUP claims that EVA Air’s cost-cutting measures and talent loss have resulted in frequent safety incidents. The union plans to hold a press conference in front of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) to voice their demands. EVA Air has been accused of aggressively reducing costs, leading to a significant loss of national pilots and the hiring of foreign pilots through illegal brokers. The TUP believes the MOTC should take responsibility and has set a deadline for EVA Air to improve the situation, suggesting that flight rights be reduced if conditions are not met.
    2023/12/18 20:24
  • 慶祝耶誕節!超商限時4天優惠 霜淇淋、思樂冰買1送1

    聖誕節快到了!超商7-ELEVEN 即日起推出「國際精品聖誕購物節」,指定商品任選第2件6折,Bourbon指定品項同價位加10元多1件;另外,7-ELEVEN霜淇淋和思樂冰於也推出買1送1優惠,12月22日起連續至12月25日,憑icash 2.0、icash PAY 就可享霜淇淋、大杯思樂冰買1送1。
    2023/12/18 13:49
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