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    online personality 結果共2筆

  • DPP candidate champions disability rights amid talk show row

    Human rights lawyer Chen Chun-han, a legislative-at-large candidate for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), responds to a controversy involving the online talk show "The Night Night Show with Hello." Chen appreciates the show’s apology for allowing mainland China media personality Wang Zhian to mimic disabled individuals, which was seen as a dig at the DPP and indirectly at Chen. Despite thinking the apology came late, Chen commends Hello and his production team for planning a special segment to discuss the issues faced by disabled and rare disease patients in Taiwan. Chen emphasizes that the core of the criticism lies in whether society can tolerate discrimination against the disabled and respect their right to political participation. He states that this is a human rights issue that transcends ideological and party lines. Chen also mentions that voters needn’t feel obligated to vote for the DPP in 2028, highlighting Taiwan’s democratic freedom and the importance of supporting any political party based on personal beliefs. However, he adds that if Hello and his team find the DPP under Lai Ching-te’s leadership satisfactory within the next four years and genuinely wish to support it, they would be welcomed.
    2024/01/30 17:51
  • Taiwanese YouTuber shares English name embarrassment

    Taiwanese internet celebrity Hsiao Wu, known for his popular YouTube channel with over a million followers, recently opened up about his discomfort with his English name "Jimmy" in an Instagram story. During a conversation with his English tutor, Wu shared his embarrassment when asked about his English name, stating that he finds it cool when others are called Jimmy. The influencer revealed that he recently hired an English tutor to improve his language skills and shared a screenshot of their chat, where the tutor asked about his English name. Wu expressed feeling ashamed when he confessed to being called "Jimmy."
    2023/12/07 20:49
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