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    income tax 結果共13筆

  • National Taxation Bureau extends hours for tax season finale

    Discover the extended service hours for tax filings in Taipei from May 27-31, aimed at aiding taxpayers before the deadline. Learn about the rise in digital filings and how to avoid tax scams.
    2024/05/27 11:55
  • 30% of Taiwan residents yet to file taxes, bureau reports

    Discover how Taiwan’s National Taxation Bureau is simplifying tax filings with mobile options and a chance to win NT$200,000. Deadline is May 31, with 71% already filed.
    2024/05/22 17:40
  • New tax structure aims to ease burden for low-income groups

    The Taiwanese government has optimized the income tax system, allowing certain individuals and families to be exempt from income tax. Single individuals renting housing with a yearly income below NT$626,000 will not have to pay individual income tax when filing next year. Additionally, families with two parents and two young children and an annual income below NT$1.641 million will also be exempt. Approximately 47% or 3.05 million Taiwanese households were exempt from income tax in 2021 due to the optimized scheme, which includes increased deductions. Minister of Finance Chuang Tsui-yun clarified that this exemption is not due to poverty. The deductible amount for single individuals renting outside their home area making less than NT$626,000 could exempt them from taxes. For two-income families renting a house, the deductible amount on income tax could reach NT$1.072 million, while a family of four with two children under six could deduct up to NT$1.641 million. If they live with seniors aged 70 or older, the deductible amount could exceed NT$2 million.
    2024/01/05 18:28
  • President Tsai stresses Taiwan’s economic significance

    President Tsai Ing-wen asserts that Taiwan is globally significant economically and does not rely on China as a conduit to the world. Tsai emphasizes the importance of Taichung in the upcoming elections, stating that over 50 percent of presidential and vice presidential votes will come from the city. She acknowledges that inadequate infrastructure has hindered economic growth during her presidency, leading to an investment of NT$4 trillion in public infrastructure. Tsai also highlights her significant investments in social welfare, including elderly care aids, subsidies for children, and income tax exemptions for 47 percent of the Taiwanese population. She urges support for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te in the 2024 election to continue her approach of incorporating economics, defense, and democracy to protect Taiwan.
    2023/12/30 20:50
  • Tax benefits for disabled, long-term care rise in Taiwan

    In 2021, approximately 664,000 Taiwanese taxpayers received disability deductions and 354,000 received long-term care deductions from their individual income tax, in accordance with the rules of the "Income Tax Act." The total deductions for disability and long-term care amounted to NT$137.4 billion and NT$42.5 billion, respectively. Since 2014, the number of households benefiting from disability deductions has exceeded 600,000, reaching 635,000 in 2021. The income tax reform in 2018 increased the disability deduction to NT$200,000, resulting in a rise from NT$89.1 billion in 2017 to NT$135.2 billion, with subsequent years remaining around NT$138 billion. Starting from 2019, individuals could deduct up to NT$120,000 for long-term care. By 2021, a total of NT$42.5 billion was deducted, benefiting 330,000 households, which accounted for 5.1% of all reporting households. Over the past five years, the number of individuals benefiting from disability deductions ranged from 664,000 to 698,000, representing 55.2% to 59.6% of all disabled Taiwanese. The number of individuals benefiting from long-term care deductions has been increasing annually for the past three years, with 336,000, 350,000, and 354,000 people, respectively. The beneficiaries of the long-term care 2.0 service also experienced an increase, from 389,000 in 2019 to 554,000 in 2021, indicating an improvement in the capabilities of the long-term care service.
    2023/12/26 21:34
  • DPP calls for investigation into Ko’s alleged land misuse

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je is facing allegations of illegal usage of farmland in Hsinchu, which has sparked controversy. Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) spokesman Cho Kuan-ting claimed on Facebook that industrial waste, including bricks, cement, and steel bars, was found during the excavation of the farmland’s parking lot. He called for a legal investigation and urged Hsinchu Mayor Ann Kao to take Ko Wen-je into custody. The Hsinchu City Government confirmed that the farmland, owned by Ko, was not being used for farming and demanded modifications within 30 days. Ko admitted that the farmland had been used as a parking lot for tour buses without proper authorization for the past two years. He pledged to pay the income tax owed and donate the parking lot’s earnings. Ko also sought assistance from TPP legislator-at-large nominee Huang Kuo-chang to handle the issue legally. Cho accused Ko of knowingly violating the law and emphasized that he should take responsibility for the damaged farmland. The allegations against Ko may have implications for his presidential campaign.
    2023/12/22 17:35
  • Ko Wen-je illegally rented farmland: Hsinchu requires action

    The Hsinchu City Government has confirmed that a farmland owned by Taiwan People’s Party presidential candidate Ko Wen-je in Hsinchu has been rented out as a parking lot for tour buses. The government has given a 30-day deadline for improvements to be made. Ko has stated that he has contacted other landlords and businesses for car relocation and hopes the land can be restored to its original condition. An inspection has revealed that the farmland is being partially used for non-agricultural purposes. The authorities are demanding correction and restoration for agricultural use within 30 days, with potential fines ranging from NT$60,000 to NT$300,000 if not complied with. The Hsinchu City Government is also investigating whether income tax has been paid on the rent collected from the land.
    2023/12/21 15:04
  • NPP legislator criticizes Lai over rental subsidies

    NPP legislator Chiu Hsien-chih criticized DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te over rental subsidies, suggesting that some landlords prefer reducing rents rather than allowing tenants to apply for subsidies. During a forum, Lai proposed that landlords offering rental subsidies receive reductions in taxes and funds for home maintenance and administrative fees. Chiu argued that some landlords would rather lower rental rates than enable tenants to apply for subsidies, as it could lead to them paying more income tax. Chiu also highlighted that the government expanded the rental subsidy amount to NT$300 billion last year, aiming to support 500,000 households, but only 278,000 households received assistance, achieving an implementation rate of 55.74%.
    2023/11/19 16:33
  • Salary hikes and bonuses expected at First Commercial Bank

    First Commercial Bank announces a net income of NTD$192 billion for the first ten months of 2023, close to its total 2022 profits, and plans generous employee bonuses and pay raises. Bank Sinopac also reveals plans for significant salary increases and food subsidies.
    2023/11/13 20:24
  • Tax exemption limit faces backlash as overseas travel soars

    Taiwan experiences a surge in travel as global restrictions ease, leading to a phenomenon known as "vacation vengeance." The Ministry of Finance reports that approximately 8.42 million passengers traveled in the first nine months of 2023. However, strict tax exemption regulations have caused public frustration as returning residents face customs inspections for exceeding the purchase limit. The current tax exemption limit is NTD$20,000, but citizens argue it is insufficient. The Ministry of Finance is considering raising the limit to NTD$30,000 to NTD$40,000. The regulations governing duty-free privileges for inbound personal luggage have remained unchanged for over three decades. The Ministry of Finance is discussing potential changes to address the rising cost of overseas goods and the country’s gross national income compared to Japan and South Korea.
    2023/11/13 20:03
  • TSIA Chair urges government to prepare for AI revolution

    Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association Chair Cliff Hou has made four key suggestions to the government in a proposal, emphasizing the need to prepare for significant changes in the global semiconductor industry due to the rise of AI.
    2023/10/27 20:03
  • Taiwan’s excess tax revenue unable to reduce national debts

    The Ministry of Finance (MOF) estimates that Taiwan will see an excess tax revenue of NT$450 billion this year.
    2022/12/26 18:43
  • 報稅學英文! 你今年所得稅deduct了多少?

    【多益學習誌】報稅月已開跑,不少民眾都表示今年的報稅手續快速流暢,而且對於政府減稅也很有感!一向支持減稅的前美國眾議員Ron Paul就曾提過:The best income tax rate would be 0%,意思就是「最棒的所得稅稅率是0%」。雖然這願望不可能發生,但我們還是可以透過報稅季,學會一些金融情境的相關單字!
    2019/05/08 21:01
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