
National Taxation Bureau extends hours for tax season finale

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/27 11:55
Last update time:2024/05/27 11:55
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National Taxation Bureau extends hours for tax season finale (TVBS News) National Taxation Bureau extends hours for tax season finale
National Taxation Bureau extends hours for tax season finale (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The National Taxation Bureau announced extended service hours from noon to 7 p.m., starting Monday (May 27) through Friday (May 31), to accommodate the final rush of individual income tax filings. This move aims to assist taxpayers in meeting the deadline, as over 5.53 million households have already filed their taxes, representing about 83% of last year's total submissions.

The Ministry of Finance has observed a significant shift towards digital tax filing, with nearly 4.69 million of the completed filings done online. Notably, over 1.82 million households opted for mobile tax filing, underscoring the growing preference for digital convenience.


The ministry encourages those who have yet to file to take advantage of mobile filing options to expedite their tax settlements.

Beware of Tax Scams
In light of the increased online activity, the Fiscal Information Agency of the Ministry of Finance issued a warning about potential tax refund scams. Taxpayers are advised to be vigilant against suspicious emails or messages claiming to be from tax authorities. Opening unknown links or providing personal information can lead to financial fraud. The agency further advises contacting the anti-fraud hotline at 165 or verifying with tax authorities upon receiving dubious communications.

As the tax season draws to a close, taxpayers are reminded to file promptly while remaining cautious of online scams. The extended hours by the National Taxation Bureau and the push for mobile filing aim to streamline the process, ensuring a smoother tax season for all involved.

Taiwan Affairs

#tax filing# income tax# digital tax filing# mobile tax filing# tax scams# tax deadline# tax refunds# extended tax service hours# avoiding tax scams online# National Taxation Bureau extended hours


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