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    higher education institutions 結果共5筆

  • Taiwan’s MOE ends independent university admissions in 2024

    Stay informed about Taiwan’s Ministry of Education’s recent revision of the ’Regulations for the Individual Recruitment of Universities’ impacting university admissions. Learn about the changes affecting private high schools and exceptions for religious, artistic, and athletic sectors. Discover how this update will impact institutions like CTBC Business School, Kainan University, and Huafan University.
    2024/03/06 18:19
  • Government’s selective pay raise draws criticism from union

    The Taiwan Higher Education Union (THEU) has criticized the government for playing a false game with wage increases. While civil servants, including military and education personnel, are set to receive a 4 percent pay increase next year, over 21,000 technical and administrative staff at universities, about 70 percent, remain unsure of their raises. This uncertain group includes employees at private universities. The THEU believes that the government should not leave salaries of non-certified staff to the discretion of universities, as it causes division and lowers morale. Only around 9,000 public employees out of the approximately 31,000 full-time staff members at universities and colleges are certain about their pay rise next year. The THEU is concerned that the hardships of grassroots workers in tertiary education institutions are being overlooked amidst the upcoming presidential elections. They urge that national wage increases should apply to all university staff, with appropriate subsidies provided.
    2023/12/26 21:56
  • MOE: 1,345 students to transfer amid school closures

    The Ministry of Education (MOE) has announced that 1,345 students from six schools in Taiwan will be required to transfer to other institutions due to the act Governing the Closure of Private Educational Institutions at Senior Secondary or Higher Level. The act, passed last year, gives schools a two-year period to improve, and if they fail to meet the standards, they face orders to stop recruiting students and cease operations. Chung Chou University of Science and Technology and Taiwan Shoufu University have already closed this July, with 310 students transferred to other institutions. Mingdao University, Tatung Institute of Commerce and Technology, Tung Fang Design Institute, and TransWorld University are scheduled to close in July 2024. The MOE plans to conduct briefings on student distribution and placement a semester before the termination of these institutions to ensure a smooth transition. The affected students will be given priority to continue their studies at schools in the same or neighboring counties, and the MOE will assist affected faculty members and staff in finding new employment opportunities. Currently, there are no other private universities or colleges listed for specialized guidance by the MOE.
    2023/12/15 17:21
  • KMT’s Jaw decries campus access inequity for campaign

    Jaw Shau-kong, the Kuomintang (KMT) vice-presidential candidate, criticized the lack of access to university campuses for his campaign activities, claiming that this privilege was given to the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) before his candidacy. He was previously invited to speak at National Tsing Hua University, National Chiao Tung University, and Chinese Culture University, but these engagements were later canceled by the universities. Jaw believes that nurturing university students’ interest in democracy is important and plans to speak at various higher education institutions, aiming to facilitate exchanges with students from at least five schools. His first campus speech will take place at his alma mater, Taichung First Senior High School. KMT presidential nominee Hou Yu-ih and DPP rival Lai Ching-te have also engaged with the student electorate, participating in youth forums and delivering speeches at various universities. People First Party presidential candidate Ko Wen-je has also been invited to speak at universities, highlighting the trend of presidential and vice-presidential hopefuls engaging with students across Taiwan.
    2023/12/09 16:14
  • MOE to raise university professor academic research grants

    The Ministry of Education (MOE) in Taiwan will increase monthly academic research grants for professors, associate professors, and assistant professors at public universities starting next year. This move aims to address low wages for academic talent in Taiwan. The Executive Yuan has committed to investing NT$33.29 billion over the next five years to support this initiative. The research grants for teaching staff at public universities will increase by NT$6,000 to NT$9,000 per month. Additionally, the Ministry will invest an additional NT$860 million to encourage private universities to raise their faculty salaries, bridging the salary gap between public and private institutions. The efforts also include the introduction of new doctoral scholarships and subsidies for part-time teaching assistant positions for doctorate students. The MOE’s Department of Higher Education Director-General, Chu Chun-chang, stated that if private universities can increase academic research funding by 15%, the MOE will cover 70% of the cost. Furthermore, starting next year, the "flexible pay" system for outstanding teachers will be expanded, with increased subsidies.
    2023/11/06 16:20
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