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    chief executive officer 結果共2筆

  • TSMC CEO C.C. Wei nominated as next chair

    The Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has announced that its current CEO, C.C. Wei, is set to be nominated as the next chairman in the June 2024 board election. This comes after the current chairman, Mark Liu, revealed that he will not seek re-nomination and plans to retire after next year’s shareholder meeting. Liu, who joined TSMC in 1993, became chairman in June 2018 following the retirement of company founder Morris Chang. He expressed his desire to continue making a difference in the semiconductor industry using his decades of experience while also spending more time with his family. Despite varied opinions on Liu’s retirement, there is a consensus that TSMC’s stable corporate governance is unlikely to be affected in terms of operations and stock performance.
    2023/12/20 10:45
  • 年薪11億的CEO竟然開這款車? 網嘆:樸實無華且枯燥最佳寫照

    作為企業中最重要的人物,對內對外都代表公司的CEO(Chief Executive Officer),必須負責公司決策、發號施令,並承擔一切成敗後果,堪稱是勞苦功高且責任重大,一般來說都領有相當高的年薪,有多高呢?!這就不好說了,幾千萬、甚至破億都有,端看企業規模與營運狀況。
    2021/08/31 14:23
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