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    champion 結果共21筆

  • Drag queen Nymphia Wind rallies for democracy in Taiwan

    Discover how "RuPaul’s Drag Race" champion Nymphia Wind champions Taiwan’s democracy at the Legislative Yuan, amid debates on reform bills and public protests. Learn about the vibrant advocacy for transparency and accountability in Taiwan’s governance.
    2024/05/21 18:08
  • Taiwan’s president hosts historic meeting with drag queen

    Discover how Nymphia Wind, "RuPaul’s Drag Race" Season 16 champion, made history by performing in drag for Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen, marking a milestone in cultural recognition and LGBTQ+ rights in Taiwan.
    2024/05/15 15:56
  • 首位奧運選手戰死俄烏沙場 烏克蘭兩屆歐錦賽金牌殉職享年30歲

    俄烏戰爭延燒至今,兩國依舊處於戰爭狀態。持續不斷的戰事,不僅讓烏克蘭面臨巨大壓力,也讓該國損失大量年輕勞動力。最新消息指出,曾代表烏克蘭挑戰奧運殿堂、同時還是歐錦賽(European champion)兩屆金牌得主的舉重力士皮列申科(Oleksandr Pielieshenko),被證實在前線殉職死亡,年僅30歲的他,也是俄烏戰場第一位死亡的奧運選手。
    2024/05/07 10:26
  • Taiwan mourns the loss of inspirational lawyer Chen Chun-han

    Renowned human rights lawyer Chen Chun-han, a legislator-at-large from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), passed away at the age of 40 due to complications from a cold. Despite living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), Chen earned law doctorates from National Taiwan University, Harvard University, and the University of Michigan. DPP caucus whip Ker Chien-ming and his office are assisting with the funeral arrangements to ensure Chen’s life ends on a fulfilling note. Chen’s passing has left many in shock and mourning, not only for his political role but also for his exceptional contributions as a champion of life in the face of adversity.
    2024/02/16 16:37
  • Hsieh Su-wei triumphs at Australian Open

    Taiwanese tennis player Hsieh Su-wei and Belgium’s Elise Mertens won the Australian Open women’s doubles championship on Jan. 28. This victory is notable as Hsieh is only the third player in the past 24 years to win both the women’s and mixed doubles titles at the Australian Open. At 38 years and 24 days old, Hsieh is the second-oldest women’s doubles champion in Grand Slam history, just eight days younger than U.S. record holder Lisa Raymond. After an 18-month break due to injury, Hsieh made a triumphant return in 2023, winning the Australian Open, French Open, and Wimbledon. Hsieh and Mertens defeated Lyudmyla Kichenok from Ukraine and Jelena Ostapenko from Latvia in the women’s doubles final with a score of 6-1, 7-5. Hsieh has a total of eight Grand Slam trophies, including seven titles in women’s doubles, but is yet to win a title at the U.S. Open.
    2024/01/29 14:38
  • Hsieh Su-wei clinches Grand Slam mixed doubles title

    Taiwanese tennis champion Hsieh Su-wei clinched her first Grand Slam mixed doubles title at the Australian Open, becoming the first Taiwanese player to reach the championship round in both women’s and mixed doubles. Teaming up with Polish player Jan Zieliński, Hsieh fought hard in a three-set match against American second seed Desirae Krawczyk and Brit Neal Skupski, ultimately prevailing with a score of 6:7, 6:4, 11:9. This historic victory grants Hsieh a prize of AUD $165,000. In addition to her mixed doubles success, Hsieh and her Belgian partner Elise Mertens also advanced to the championship round in women’s doubles. With six Grand Slam women’s doubles trophies already under her belt, Hsieh will vie for her seventh career win on Sunday. The women’s doubles champions will receive AUD$730,000, while the runners-up will be awarded AUD$400,000. Hsieh’s remarkable achievements have left an enduring impact on Taiwanese tennis history.
    2024/01/26 12:57
  • 愛情長跑8年!阿諾史瓦辛格帥兒求婚成功 2大顆鑽戒套牢辣模女友

    好萊塢巨星阿諾史瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)育有5個小孩,其中30歲帥兒派翠克史瓦辛格(Patrick Schwarzenegger)昨(28)日向26歲辣模女友艾比查恩(abby champion)求婚成功,兩人長跑8年的愛情終於開花結果,事後小倆口也發文曬出多張現場甜照,並浪漫喊話:「FOREVER AND EVER(一生一世)。」
    2023/12/28 10:30
  • Tai Tzu-ying clinches 4th BWF title, defeats Carolina Marin

    Taiwan’s badminton star, Tai Tzu-ying, secures her fourth BWF World Tour Finals title by triumphing over former world number one, Carolina Marin of Spain. In a thrilling finale, Tai showcases her resilience and talent, overcoming a deficit in a previous match and staging an incredible comeback victory. Despite losing the first set, Tai’s determination remains unwavering, leading to a 21-14 win in the second game. With a final game score of 21-18, Tai emerges as the champion, etching her name in history. This year’s BWF World Tour Finals also featured a record-setting total prize money of approximately NT$79.43 million.
    2023/12/18 20:56
  • Taipei tops happiness index, Chiayi City close second

    Taipei City has been crowned the champion of happiness in Taiwan, according to the "2023 County and City Happiness Index Survey" conducted by the Economic Daily News and Cathay Life Insurance. Chiayi City secured the runner-up position, followed closely by Taichung City, Hsinchu City, and Taitung County. Taichung City also received the "Most Improved Award" for achieving the highest government satisfaction rating in Taiwan. The survey, which questioned over 15,260 Taiwanese aged 20 and up, was conducted from Aug. 24 to Oct. 16, 2023.
    2023/12/02 15:10
  • Taipei 101 Run Up marathon attracts over 3,500 athletes

    The Taipei 101 Run Up marathon returned after a three-year hiatus, attracting over 3,500 athletes from around the world. The challenging event featured a 91-floor ascent, with 2,046 steps and a vertical height of 390 meters.
    2023/10/14 20:49
  • President Tsai visits Taiwanese-run store in New York

    President Tsai Ing-wen made the most of the last day of  her stopover in New York by visiting a Taiwanese-run general store and meeting with Masterchef Junior champion Liya Chu on Thursday (March 30).
    2023/04/01 08:58
  • Kaohsiung mayor promotes Taiwan produce in fluent Japanese

    The mayor of Kaohsiung City, Chen Chi-mai, made an appearance at the opening of the highly anticipated FOODEX JAPAN 2023 event on Tuesday (March 7) to champion Taiwanese produce. 
    2023/03/10 18:58
  • CTBC Brothers win 9th CPBL Taiwan Series title

    The CTBC Brothers won the 33rd season of the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) Taiwan Series title for the second consecutive year on Wednesday (Nov. 9).
    2022/11/10 18:04
  • Human rights activists join Oslo Freedom Forum in Taipei

    Activists from around the world spoke at the Oslo Freedom Forum in Taipei on Thursday (Nov. 3). This is Taiwan’s third time hosting the event. This year’s theme "Champion of Change," is to celebrate human rights activists and their causes.
    2022/11/03 21:13
  • 《原子》蔡承祐、金雲合體秀球技 舊傷纏身「之前比賽還會痛」

    「Champion Star星光籃球對抗賽」將在10月15日於台北小巨蛋舉行,由錢薇娟、鄭志龍分掌黑鷹與白鯊兩隊,隸屬黑鷹的選手張庭瑚、蔡承祐、金雲日前出席記者會,透露各自現在身上都有帶傷,但已積極投入訓練,張庭瑚笑說大家都很怕錢薇娟,「錢姐一發聲,大家都馬上出現!」。
    2022/09/29 12:24
  • 影帝成「滅絕營洛基」拳擊戲直接來 試鏡場景曝光!演員全逃跑

    描述波蘭拳王奮戰「滅絕集中營」的勵志電影《大獲拳勝》(The Champion Of Auschwitz),日前舉辦試片,知名民歌手鄭怡日前也受邀觀賞《大獲拳勝》,她在看完後大受感動,認為電影體現了「即使人生遇到絕望,也要堅持不放棄」的生命信念,並在臉書大推該片,強調「只要你有一絲信念, 都有機會起死回生」。
    2022/08/14 17:56
  • 波蘭輕量級拳王遭納粹囚禁 替集中營出賽竟大勝德重量級拳王 

    由波蘭男星彼得葛洛瓦茲基(Piotr Gtowacki)主演的電影《大獲拳勝》(The Champion Of Auschwitz),為演出波蘭冠軍拳王「泰迪」皮特爾茲科夫斯基(Tadeusz Pietrzykowski)在集中營的人生,彼得葛洛瓦茲基透過整整一年的魔鬼訓練,包括瘦身16公斤及拳擊重訓,成就了這個波蘭影史最堅強感人的角色。
    2022/08/04 19:28
  • 走入真實世界!電競玩家參加賽車 逆轉勝擊潰F1車手

    義大利知名電競賽車手博尼托(Enzo Bonito),為了測驗在真實世界的車技,19日參加世界車王爭霸賽(Race of Champion),在賽道上與巴西職業F1賽車手迪格拉西(Lucas di Grassi)競速,雖第一圈落後1.7秒,仍在第2圈展現高水準表現,奇蹟般逆轉勝,驚豔全場觀眾!
    2019/01/22 18:06
  • BMW重機下殺3.5折! 好市多又見「殺爆品」網暴動

    2018/11/05 14:16
  • 好市多又現「瘋搶神物」!佛心價一出貨就被掃光

    2018/10/29 12:15
  • 韓Live音樂節目遇大雨 女團表演慘摔6次

    27日晚間韓國音樂節目《Show Champion》,在蔚山做現場LIVE演出,結果竟遇上大雨,但偶像們仍敬業演出,造成整場都有持續摔倒的慘況,像是新團宇宙少女出場就慘摔6次,最後冠軍VIXX更在台上淋雨頒獎跳安可曲,讓粉絲相當不捨。
    2016/04/29 12:56
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