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    MODA 結果共8筆

  • Digital Minister unveils plan to combat fraud and scams

    Digital Minister Audrey Tang announced on Friday (April 12) that the Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA) plans to launch an act that punishes frauds and scams in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior next week. Furthermore, to discuss AI-related concerns, MODA is organizing an online meeting next week with major players in the business, including Meta, Google, Microsoft, and Open AI.
    2024/04/12 17:41
  • Air gun attack reported shatters peace at MODA building

    The Ministry of Digital Affairs in Taipei was reportedly shot at, leading to a police investigation. The incident occurred following controversy over overseas inspections and spending, with MODA defending its budget allocation practices.
    2024/03/28 11:15
  • Taiwan eyes digital innovation in healthcare assessments

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) in Taiwan is planning to promote digitalization in healthcare, with a focus on incorporating digital development into healthcare quality metrics. This initiative aligns with national policy directives and aims to support the national plan for digital policy. The successful pilot of virtual National Health Insurance (NHI) cards during the COVID-19 pandemic was highlighted as part of the broader commitment to digitalization. The MOHW, with support from the Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA), is providing technological budget support for the cloud-based transition of health insurance systems at grassroots clinics. The goals of Taiwan’s digitalization healthcare system include reducing manpower on the medical end, improving healthcare quality, and increasing convenience for patients. The future strategy of the MOHW will combine financial subsidies with policy mandates, starting with medical centers. The plan is to encourage the integration of digital development into healthcare quality assessment, with the aim of fostering innovation, reducing labor costs, and enhancing healthcare quality.
    2023/12/19 15:11
  • NBA/湖人客場之旅「突遇槍擊」!球館驚傳巨響 全隊遭緊急撤離

    在詹姆斯(LeBron James)繳出全場最高35分、5籃板、9助攻外帶3抄截的帶領下,台灣時間18日作客波特蘭的紫金大軍以107比95的最終比分帶走勝利,然而今(19)日也有消息傳出,其實在比賽開始前,拓荒者主場的摩達中心(Moda Center)突發槍擊事件,一名男性因不明原因朝女子開槍,隨後將自己關在球館外廁所中,湖人隊也被緊急安置,所幸事件無人受傷。
    2023/11/19 14:02
  • MODA faces criticism as one-year mark approaches

    On Thursday (Aug. 24), Taipei City councilor Li Yan-xiu criticized the Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA) of the Executive Yuan for lacking policy direction and effectiveness as it is approaches its one-year anniversary on Aug. 27.
    2023/08/24 14:01
  • MODA investigates alleged Eslite bookstore data leak

    The Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA) initiated an administrative investigation on Tuesday into the alleged customer data leak at Eslite bookstore amid concerns about its connection to suspected Chinese propagandists. The probe, conducted with the expertise of IT specialists, aims to shed light on an incident that has sparked national attention.
    2023/05/16 16:29
  • 少女心爆棚! Passo特仕版推10種可愛車色

    日本因為地形及稅制等原因,當地民眾非常偏好都會小車,而Toyota Passo也是其中一款相當受歡迎的小車之一,Toyota今年更進一步瞄準女性買家,推出Passo MODA Charm特仕版車型,並提供「粉紅」搭配「白色」的雙重配色,且配備也以女性車主角度出發,加入受到女生青睞的駕駛座電動加熱功能,以及方便都市用車的360度環景影像輔助系統;無論是前輪驅動或四輪驅動車型,售價折合新台幣分別只要44.8萬元、49.6萬元,是一部入手門檻不高的可愛都會小車。
    2020/10/28 17:22
  • 工作人員薪水少!她曝高以翔「廉售手機」暖舉:永遠男神

    藝人高以翔上月27日錄製浙江衛視《追我吧》節目時猝死,享年35歲,當天不幸消息傳出後,一名曾和高以翔工作數次的網紅「Molly Moda 茉莉」,在臉書上發文悼念。她提到9年前高以翔已有很高知名度,待人卻相當和善客氣,得知薪水不多的她要買手機,竟將自己才剛入手1周的黑莓機,低價出讓給對方。
    2019/12/10 08:36
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