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    Climate Prediction 結果共5筆

  • Experts predict La Niña onset, warn of closer typhoons

    Discover how the shift from El Niño to La Niña will impact Taiwan and the Western Pacific’s weather, with insights from Dr. Lin De-en and the U.S. Climate Prediction Center. Expect changes in typhoon activity, rainfall, and temperatures.
    2024/05/29 12:05
  • La Niña likely to shape Taiwan’s climate in 2024

    Lin Te-en predicts a high chance of La Niña in 2024, potentially affecting Taiwan’s weather with fewer typhoons, altered rainfall patterns, and cooler temperatures, based on a U.S. study.
    2024/04/22 15:26
  • Taiwan’s Reservoirs dip below 50% amid dry weather forecast

    Experts warn of declining reservoir levels in Taiwan due to reduced rainfall this winter and spring. Lin Te-en, an atmospheric sciences expert, predicts the dry trend will persist into April, emphasizing the need for heightened water conservation efforts. Key reservoirs across the island are experiencing storage rates below 50%, signaling a looming water shortage. With the U.S. NCEP’s Climate Forecast System projecting continued low rainfall, public awareness and conservation are crucial to mitigate the crisis.
    2024/03/14 13:50
  • Lai Ching-te defends ’2025 Non-Nuclear Homeland’

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te defended his party’s energy policy against criticisms from the Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) on Tuesday (Dec. 26), reiterating that the ’2025 Non-Nuclear Homeland’ is not forcible termination. The plan, launched by President Tsai Ing-wen, is not meant to abruptly end the operation of existing nuclear power plants. The Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant’s No. 2 Reactor will cease operations by 2025 in accordance with the law. Lai praised Tsai’s initiative in developing the renewable energy industry and questioned the stance of KMT’s presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and TPP’s presidential candidate Ko Wen-je on nuclear power. Lai also cast doubts on the candidates’ proposals to resurrect the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant, questioning the disregard of the referendum’s legal effects. He announced plans to invest NT$900 billion by 2030 in motivating corporate investment for the goal of ’carbon neutrality by 2050.’ Lai emphasized the importance of aligning with international standards, establishing carbon trading systems, promoting green electricity, reducing carbon emissions from the Taiwan Power Company, and addressing climate change’s impact on industrial development. He dismissed concerns about future green energy supply sufficiency, citing the Taiwan Power Company’s prediction of an electricity demand increase to 7 million kilowatts by 2030, with supply surpassing 9 million kilowatts. Lai predicted an end to power shortages and the advent of a diverse green energy era.
    2023/12/26 19:35
  • 致災性氣候恐到來!美預報冬季「反聖嬰」機率高達87%

    全球極端氣候越來越頻繁,美國氣候預報中心(Climate Prediction Center,CPC)於14日指出,這個冬季會有87%的機率出現「反聖嬰現象」(La Niña),這很有可能會導致美國加州與南美洲出現嚴重乾旱,美國及日本部分地區冬季會出現嚴寒。
    2021/10/15 14:01
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