
Taipei court holds detention hearing for ex-mayor Ko Wen-je

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/05 14:04
Last update time:2024/09/05 14:28
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Taipei court holds detention hearing for ex-mayor Ko Wen-je (TVBS News) Taipei court holds detention hearing for ex-mayor Ko Wen-je
Taipei court holds detention hearing for ex-mayor Ko Wen-je (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Taipei District Court (TPD, 台北地院) launched a new detention hearing for former Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) at 2 p.m. on Thursday (Sept. 5). 

The court had earlier instructed prosecutors not to introduce new evidence regarding the Core Pacific City case to avoid ambushing the defense, a directive that both parties accepted.


The TPD launched a hearing at 9:30 a.m. earlier that day to address procedural matters.

The morning session focused on procedural matters, including the presentation of new evidence and review procedures. The court spent about 30 minutes on these issues before deciding to hold the formal detention hearing in the afternoon.

The TPD explained that the High Court's (高等法院) annulment of the original ruling reinstated Ko's status as being arrested by the prosecutor and petitioned for detention.

Ko remained in a holding room before the afternoon hearing. The court also informed court officers to escort Ko between the courtroom and the holding room without restraints unless he resisted.

During the morning session, the judge emphasized the need for fair treatment of prosecutors, defendants, and their defense attorneys.

The judge stated that prosecutors could not present new evidence during the remand proceedings to prevent the defense from being caught off guard. The court would not consider any new evidence if presented.

Prosecutors had investigated Ko for the Core Pacific City redevelopment case and initially requested his detention, but the TPD had released him without bail. A day earlier, after the prosecutors appealed, the High Court remanded the case for further proceedings.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei Mayor# Ko Wen-je# Taipei District Court# detention hearing# Core Pacific City# legal proceedings# court decision# Taipei court procedural matters# Ko Wen-je detention case# Core Pacific City redevelopment investigation


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