
Prosecutors to appeal former Taipei mayor’s release

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/03 16:24
Last update time:2024/09/03 17:28
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Prosecutors to appeal former Taipei mayor’s release (TVBS News) Prosecutors to appeal former Taipei mayor’s release
Prosecutors to appeal former Taipei mayor

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Taiwan Taipei District Prosecutors Office (北檢) is reportedly planning to file an appeal regarding the Taipei District Court's decision to release former Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) without bail on Tuesday (Sept. 3).

A day earlier, the Taipei District Court ruled to release Ko without bail in connection with the Core Pacific City project (京華城案). Prosecutors had sought to detain Ko and former Taipei Deputy Mayor Pong Cheng-sheng (彭振聲) over allegations of bribery and corruption.


On Aug. 30, prosecutors launched searches and interviews, suspecting Ko and Pong of violating the "Anti-Corruption Act" (貪汙治罪條例). The court detained Pong but released Ko without bail.

The controversy centers on the Urban Planning Committee's Sept. 9, 2021, decision to increase the floor area ratio for the Core Pacific City development project by 20%, from 560% to 672%.

The court noted that Ko did not attend the committee meeting and lacked relevant expertise. Ko claimed he relied on the committee's professional judgment and Pong's opinions, which the court found credible.

The court stated that current evidence did not meet the threshold of a "high probability of crime." It found no substantial evidence that Ko was aware of or directed the committee's potentially illegal decision. The court concluded that prosecutors failed to demonstrate sufficient grounds for Ko's detention.

Prosecutors will now challenge this decision, seeking to overturn the court's ruling and detain Ko. The legal battle over the Core Pacific City project continues to unfold, with significant implications for Taipei's urban planning and governance.


Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei Mayor# Core Pacific City# bribery and corruption# Anti-Corruption Act# urban planning# Taipei District Court# Taipei prosecutors# Ko Wen-je released without bail# Taipei urban development controversy# appeal against court decision Taipei


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