
Taiwan clarifies nurse bonuses not part of wages

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/08/21 13:33
Last update time:2024/08/21 17:58
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Nurse bonuses exempt from part of wages (TVBS News) Taiwan clarifies nurse bonuses not part of wages
Nurse bonuses exempt from part of wages (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Ministry of Labor ( MOL, 勞動部) clarified on Wednesday (Aug. 21) that the bonuses issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW, 衛生福利部) to hospital nurses for night shifts and retention efforts will not be considered part of their wages. This clarification addresses the growing concerns among hospitals regarding the classification of these bonuses.

The MOHW has allocated a budget to provide night shift and other nursing incentives as part of its initiative to enhance inpatient care capacity under the National Health Insurance program. However, some hospitals questioned whether these bonuses should be included in labor insurance or pension contributions, prompting them to seek guidance from the MOL.


Huang Wei-chen (黃維琛), director of the Department of Labor Standards and Equal Employment, explained that under the Labor Standards Act (勞基法), the definition of wages depends on whether they are a consideration for labor services and if they constitute compensation for work performed.

Huang explained that the MOHW requires hospitals to document and transfer the bonuses to nurses, prohibiting arbitrary use by hospitals. Since the government, not the employer, issues the bonuses, they do not fall under the wage category.

Consequently, these bonuses will not be included in the scope of labor insurance, employment insurance, or labor pension contributions, according to a related media report.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei news# nurse bonuses# Ministry of Labor# MOHW# labor insurance# night shift incentives# healthcare Taiwan# hospital nurse retention# Taiwan National Health Insurance program# labor pension contributions in Taiwan


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