
Taiwan’s premier gears up for Constitutional Court hearings

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/05 14:00
Last update time:2024/07/05 14:48
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Taiwan’s premier gears up for Constitutional Court hearings (TVBS News) Taiwan’s premier gears up for Constitutional Court hearings
Taiwan’s premier gears up for Constitutional Court hearings (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Premier Cho Jung-tai (卓榮泰) announced Friday (July 5) that preparations for the Constitutional Court (憲法法庭) hearings to be held on July 10 are actively underway. The Legislative Yuan is expected to discuss matters related to the assignment of litigation agents at today's caucus meeting, and many are concerned about the representatives the Executive Yuan will send.

The Legislative Yuan recently passed the Law Governing the Legislative Yuan's Power (立法院職權行使法) and Criminal Code (刑法) amendments, which took effect in late June. However, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislative Yuan caucus (民進黨立法院黨團), Presidential Office (總統府), Executive Yuan (行政院), and Control Yuan (監察院) have all petitioned the Constitutional Court for an interpretation.


The court will hold hearings next Wednesday, and the public eagerly awaits the announcement of representatives from various government bodies.

Premier Cho addressed the conflict arising from the Legislative Yuan's Internal Administration Committee's review of the Public Officials Election and Recall Act (選罷法). He remarked that he would respect the Legislative Yuan's proceedings and urged all parties to engage in rational dialogue and democratic communication.

Regarding Kuomintang (KMT, 國民黨) Legislator Chen Hsueh-sheng's (陳雪生) proposed Offshore Islands Development Act (離島建設條例), Cho warned of the significant impact on public infrastructure projects, including airports, ports, and bridges. He emphasized the national security concerns and called on legislators to prioritize the country's interests and security in their deliberations.

Given the high stakes involved, the upcoming Constitutional Court hearings will likely draw significant attention. Citizens and observers are encouraged to stay informed as these developments unfold.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei news#Constitutional Court#Legislative Yuan#DPP#KMT#Taiwan politics#public infrastructure#Constitutional Court hearings July#Democratic Progressive Party caucus#Offshore Islands Development Act impact


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