
Premier urges calm amid Taiwan fishing vessel detention

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/05 14:11
Last update time:2024/07/05 14:52
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Premier urges calm amid Taiwan fishing vessel detention (TVBS News) Premier urges calm amid Taiwan fishing vessel detention
Premier urges calm amid Taiwan fishing vessel detention (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Premier Cho Jung-tai (卓榮泰) on Friday (July 5) urged the families of the detained crew of the Dah Jihn Maan No. 88 (大進滿88號) fishing vessel to remain calm and advised fishermen to avoid any illegal activities under the current circumstances.

Chinese authorities detained the Taiwanese fishing vessel during operations on the night of July 2. The Chinese Coast Guard seized the vessel and took it to Weitou Harbor in Fujian, where it remained for three days. Premier Cho also called on China to avoid escalating tensions, which could lead to unnecessary conflicts and heightened anxiety.


The premier assured the public that government agencies are closely negotiating to release the detained vessel and fishermen. "We hope to provide an answer to the families soon," he said.

Meanwhile, in response to Ma Ying-jeou Culture and Education Foundation Director Hsiao Hsu-tsen (蕭旭岑), who urged President Lai Ching-te (賴清德) to quickly acknowledge the 1992 Consensus, Premier Cho reiterated Taiwan's stance. "Historically, the Republic of China is a sovereign and independent country. The status quo is that the Republic of China Taiwan and the People's Republic of China are not subordinate to each other," Cho stated.

The situation remains tense, and the public awaits further developments as negotiations continue. Authorities hope for a swift resolution to ease the distress of the affected families.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan fishing# Chinese Coast Guard# Premier Cho# detained fishermen# Taiwan China relations# 1992 Consensus# Fujian harbor# Taiwanese fishing vessel detained# negotiations for detained fishermen Taiwan# Taiwan China sovereignty dispute


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