
Devastating destruction on Orchid Island after Typhoon Koinu

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/10/06 15:13
Last update time:2023/10/06 21:20
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Devastating destruction on Orchid Island after Typhoon Koinu (TVBS News) Devastating destruction on Orchid Island after Typhoon Koinu
Devastating destruction on Orchid Island after Typhoon Koinu (TVBS News)

ORCHID ISLAND (TVBS News) — Typhoon Koinu has left around 2,400 households on Orchid Island without power, Chiu Hsiang-yun, chief of the Taitung Branch of Taipower, said on Friday (Oct. 6).

Widespread power outages and severely damaged infrastructure remain after the typhoon's departure, while communication infrastructure has also been affected, with the island's water, electricity, and telecommunications systems virtually non-operational. 


Additional personnel from Taipower and CPC Corporation, Taiwan, were airlifted today to the disaster-stricken island. However, further equipment will need to be shipped in by sea.

Meanwhile, Taipower trucks laden with other items rolled into Taitung Fugang Port this morning. Once the equipment is in place, Taipower expects widespread power restoration within 48 hours.

Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau personnel will also be airlifted to Orchid Island to assist with relief efforts. 

The island has suffered the brunt of the typhoon force, with 5% of the electric poles broken. The island's main Kaiyuan Fishing Harbor is also blocked with ship wreckage and other debris, currently prohibiting the entry of ships.

As of this morning, 1,322 households were still without power, prompting Taipower to deploy an additional 20 personnel to help restore local power.

Taiwan Affairs

#Typhoon Koinu#Orchid Island#power outages#damaged infrastructure#Taipower#communication infrastructure#water#electricity


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