
Launch Technologies offers NT$300K to firefighters’ families

Reporter Isabel Wang
Release time:2023/09/27 18:08
Last update time:2023/09/27 18:08
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Launch Technologies, a prominent technology company, has extended its condolences and offered monetary support to the families of four firefighters who tragically lost their lives in a devastating factory explosion in Pingtung.

The chairman of Launch Technologies, Liu An-hao, expressed his heartfelt condolences to the grieving families affected by the Pingtung factory fire. The company has pledged to provide NT$300,000 in condolence money to support the victims' family members during this difficult time.


Lai Chun-ju, the father of one of the fallen firefighters, Lai Chun-ju, shared his gratitude, stating, "Since my son's duty as a firefighter is to save lives, honestly, I don't blame anyone for what happened today. Maybe it's what it's meant to be."

While acknowledging the tragic loss, Lai also emphasized the importance of safety regulations in preventing such incidents, saying, "This incident might not have happened if the factory had followed the regulations. Maybe every factory, not just yours, would pay more attention to safety measures in the future."

Chairman Liu An-hao assured the community, saying, "We will do everything we can to help with the follow-up matters."

Taiwan Affairs

#Launch Technologies#Pingtung factory explosion#firefighters#condolence money#Liu An-hao#safety measures#support#tragedy#Pingtung#technology company


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