
Pingtung factory blaze: 1 firefighter dead, dozens injured

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/09/22 22:30
Last update time:2023/10/04 15:08
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Pingtung factory blaze: 1 firefighter dead, dozens injured (TVBS News) Pingtung factory blaze: 1 firefighter dead, dozens injured
Pingtung factory blaze: 1 firefighter dead, dozens injured (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A devastating fire erupted at Pingtung Technology Industrial Park on Friday (Sept. 22), leaving a trail of casualties, and rescue efforts are still underway. The incident occurred at a factory within the industrial park, resulting in fatalities and injuries. The exact number of casualties is yet to be confirmed as the situation remains fluid.

The Ministry of the Interior swiftly mobilized resources in response to the emergency. Minister of the Interior Lin Yu-chang canceled his public events for tomorrow and immediately traveled to Pingtung to assess the disaster's situation. He also expressed his condolences and offered support to the injured and affected members of the public.


The fire and subsequent explosion, which occurred around 5 p.m. at a golf equipment manufacturing facility within the industrial park, resulted in the tragic loss of one firefighter's life. Initial estimates indicate 82 individuals have been transported to hospitals for medical treatment. However, the precise count of casualties is pending confirmation as ongoing rescue operations continue at the scene.

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