
Taiwan unveils list of 1,000 pedestrian accident hotspots

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/09/15 22:00
Last update time:2023/09/15 22:05
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Taiwan unveils list of 1,000 pedestrian accident hotspots (TVBS News) Taiwan unveils list of 1,000 pedestrian accident hotspots
Taiwan unveils list of 1,000 pedestrian accident hotspots (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) unveiled a list of 1,000 pedestrian accident hotspots on Friday (Sept. 15), urging local city and county governments to submit improvement plans and seek financial assistance by the end of November and complete at least 600 improvements by next year.

Statistics from the first six months of 2023 show a declining trend in pedestrian fatalities and injuries, particularly between April and June, when the number of pedestrian fatalities significantly dropped.


To further enhance pedestrian safety, the MOTC conducted an inventory of high-frequency accident locations and areas with concentrated pedestrian activities. These areas include public transportation hubs and school surroundings, serving as the basis for local governments to formulate improvement plans.

Among the 1,000 priority locations identified, 400 are in major municipalities, 300 in other urban centers, and 300 in areas with concentrated pedestrian activities. The list of these locations has been made available on the official website of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.

Local governments will assess and confirm the inclusion of these locations in their improvement plans and may propose additional sites. They must submit these plans and apply for financial assistance by the end of November 2023, with approvals expected by the end of December 2023, ensuring that at least 600 improvements are completed by 2024.

It's worth noting that central government funding for local transportation engineering improvements is wider than the 1000 locations identified by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Other improvement locations can also apply for assistance through programs like the "Sustainable Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Plan."

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#MOTC#pedestrian accidents#safety improvements#pedestrian fatalities#public transportation#safety plan#Pedestrian Safety Improvement Plans in Taiwan#Declining Pedestrian Fatalities Statistics#MOTC’s Efforts to Enhance Pedestrian Safety


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