
Ian Easton reveals CCP’s true intentions in new book

Reporter Huang-Chi Ho
Release time:2023/06/17 16:19
Last update time:2023/06/17 16:49
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Renowned China expert Ian Easton reveals CCP's true intentions in his highly anticipated book, "The Final Struggle: Inside China's Global Strategy," during an insightful interview with TVBS. 

As tensions escalate in cross-strait relations, Easton's research, based on a meticulous examination of internal CCP documents and analysis of Xi Jinping's speeches, uncovers the CCP's aim to reshape the global narrative and achieve global dominance.


Easton, senior director at the Project 2049 Institute, sheds light on the shift in US policy, moving from strategic ambiguity to strategic clarity in Cross-Strait relations. While acknowledging the potential for increased coercion by the CCP, Easton argues that the risks associated with strategic clarity are justifiable. Given the excessive costs involved, the heightened tensions resulting from this shift effectively reduce the likelihood of military conflict.

With a strong belief in the power of solidarity, Easton urges democracies to support Taiwan and stand together in the face of potential threats. He emphasizes the resilience of the Taiwanese people, stating, "If we're a good partner to Taiwan, and other democracies support Taiwan, the people of Taiwan can fight just like the people of Ukraine can fight."

More importantly, Easton underscores the value and fragility of democracy, emphasizing the imperative for democracies to safeguard their core principles. Understanding the threats posed by the CCP and collectively devising effective strategies to deter them are crucial steps in preserving the principles of the free world.

The Taiwan Briefing

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