
Low water levels in southern Taiwan spell drought in 2023

Reporter Vivian Hsiao
Release time:2023/01/06 17:24
Last update time:2023/01/06 17:24
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Due to low rainfalls in southern Taiwan in 2022, the Central Weather Bureau has recently estimated that Taiwan may suffer from water shortage again in 2023.

One of the main reasons behind the low water levels is fewer typhoons than in the previous year.


In the past, Taiwan relied on the "plum rain season" in May and typhoons in the fall to fill the nation's reservoirs.

Looking at the Zengwen Reservoir in Tainan City, water levels have fallen below 30%, which is 220 million tons less water than at the same time in 2022.

According to reports, average rainfalls between May and October of 2018 to 2021 were between 2,700 mm and 3,000 mm. However, 2022 saw a severe drop to just 1,488 mm, while the total rainfall recorded that year was just 1,796 mm, marking the lowest in 30 years.

Tainan City is currently working hard to recycle water, but have called on the public to do all they can to preserve water, as another dry spell could be expected in 2023. 

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#water shortage#low rainfall#drought#conserve water


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