
Taiwan worries as younger generation embraces NEET lifestyle

Reporter Vivian Hsiao
Release time:2022/11/09 16:49
Last update time:2022/11/17 20:17
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Following quiet quitting, the NEET lifestyle is on the rise in Taiwan. The acronym stands for "not in education, employment or training." 

As the younger generation enters society, they are no longer content with what they view as traditional working environments. They are more attracted to part-time work or self-employment, resulting in many businesses facing labor shortage issues. 


Experts on the labor market point out that traditional corporate cultures may require employees to be at their desks all day. However, younger people in Taiwan are not satisfied with those conditions. 

Therefore, experts suggest changing corporate regulations to welcome new blood and transform with the times. Still, the rise of NEETs may lead to detrimental consequences in the future for Taiwan's society.

With non-employment rates among young people on the rise in all parts of Asia, NEET lifestyles could spell long-term trouble for Taiwan society, and beyond.

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#Taiwan#NEET#working environments#younger generation#lifestyle


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