Grality leads the way in innovative tree management solution

記者 Dimtiri Bruyas 報導

2024/03/21 19:15

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Grality, a company at the forefront of environmental management, is transforming how companies and communities handle their tree assets. With innovative technologies, Grality provides comprehensive solutions to manage and enhance the quality of urban green spaces.

Revolutionizing Tree Management


Cedric Van Daele, general manager of Grality, explains the company's mission to assist in managing large numbers of trees, which he describes as a "wonderful asset." Trees play a crucial role in improving quality of life by lowering temperatures in summer, storing carbon dioxide, producing oxygen, and supporting biodiversity. 

However, Van Daele also highlights the challenges associated with maintaining such assets. "It's a costlier set because you need to maintain, plant, prune, secure all this," he said on Thursday (March 21) on the sidelines of the Smart City Summit and Expo (SCSE) in Taiwan.

Grality aims to simplify the complexities involved in tree management. For large-scale projects involving "10, 500,000 trees," as Van Daele puts it, traditional methods can be inefficient and time-consuming. Grality's services allow for better control over costs and quality, ensuring that environmental services are measured automatically. This enables more informed decision-making.

Simplifying With Technology
The company's approach involves using maps, photos, diagnostics, and intervention plans, ensuring that all information is up-to-date and accessible to stakeholders. This level of organization and accessibility is designed to "simplify your life, save a lot of time," he continued.

By providing tools and insights to manage tree assets better, Grality is helping preserve the environment and making it easier for companies and communities to contribute to a greener, more sustainable future.

更新時間:2024/03/21 19:41