Fans voice for Wu Bai: Sing-along concerts stir viral buzz

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2023/12/08 17:31
Fans voice for Wu Bai: Sing-along concerts stir viral buzz (Courtesy of StreetVoice)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwanese netizens are celebrating the timeless appeal of rock icon Wu Bai, known for his "silent mic" technique at concerts amid heated online debates about live singing versus lip-syncing.

At his performances, Wu Bai's fans take the lead or provide backing vocals, fostering a unique collaborative environment that goes beyond the standard artist-audience interaction.


This practice has sparked humorous online commentary, with fans jokingly saying, "Spent NT$1,500 on a ticket, sang worth NT$1,000, but Wu Bai remained silent." This light-hearted remark highlights their admiration for his unconventional approach to live music.

In a notable instance, Wu Bai's request for silence during a concert, "Please be quiet and listen to me," prompted the audience to spontaneously sing his song 'Suddenly In Myself' (突然的自我), particularly the line, "Hearing you say, the sun rises and falls."

This event exemplifies the strong bond between Wu Bai and his fans, showcasing their collective appreciation of his music and stage presence.

更新時間:2023/12/08 17:31