Taoyuan FuturePeak Expo unites 100 youth startups

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2023/11/30 22:05
Taoyuan FuturePeak Expo unites 100 youth startups (TVBS News)

TAOYUAN (TVBS News) — The 2023 Taoyuan FuturePeak Expo, which took place on Nov. 21, successfully united 100 youth startup teams from seven cities and counties in the region — Keelung City, Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taoyuan City, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, and Miaoli County — and showcased their innovative prowess.

This year's exhibition also pooled resources from 20 domestic and international incubation centers, venture capitalist firms, and accelerators to curate a collection of programs and host "Startup Lectures" and an "International Forum" aimed at fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.


Taoyuan Mayor Simon Chang highlighted the significance of the expo's name, "Taoyuan FuturePeak," expressing his aspiration for the participating youth startups to become Taiwan's future pinnacles of success.

Mayor Chang emphasized the importance of cross-municipality collaboration, as well as international connections, to propel Taiwanese youth startups onto the global stage. He has affirmed his hopes for the continuation of this year's successful format into the future.

Chang also highlighted the challenges faced by youth startups, such as financing, networking, and brand exposure. In response to these obstacles, the city government is providing an interest subsidy on loans, along with cross-regional and international exchange activities, to support these emerging teams.

Hou Jia-Ling, Director of the Youth Affairs Department, underscored that the expo was a joint initiative among the Hutoushan Innovation Hub, Taoyuan Aerotropolis Company, the Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency (ASVDA), National Central University, and Shinkong Synthetic Fibers Corporation.

In addition to the 120 startup booths, Hou mentioned that the event featured notable industry veterans sharing insights on the latest entrepreneurial perspectives and industry trends, facilitating regional and international connections.

The "Startup Lectures" segment boasted speakers such as Johnny Yu, the Managing Director of Mosaic Venture Lab; Nice Cheng, Partner at AppWorks Accelerator; and Paul Lee, CEO of ASVDA.

Meanwhile, the "International Forum" lent its stage to industry giants like Wufu Chen, Chairman of Acorn Campus Taiwan; Gary Wang, CEO and founder of Taiwan Acceleration Plus (TAcc+); and Vincent Wang, Chairman of Sunsino Venture Group, who imparted experiences from Silicon Valley and broader global perspectives.

This significant event marks a developmental milestone for local youth startups, providing them with invaluable exposure, insights, and opportunities to expand their horizons and potentially cement their role in shaping Taiwan's innovative future.



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更新時間:2023/11/30 22:05